More Code Words For Racism

It never ceases to amaze me that people who belong to a group that is voting for the black guy at a greater than 90% clip will call others racist when many of them are only voting for him because of his color. These people (racist code) have been playing race cards for months and they have been talking about “code” words that mean something racist. Now two idiot Congressmen are playing the race card with regard to Sarah Palin.

Gregory Meeks and Ed Towns of New York are saying that Palin’s assertion that Obama is not one of us was racist code. I think she made it clear that he is not like us as in true American Patriots because he pals around with terrorists. But leave it to the race baiting poverty pimps to inject race into an issue. These lunkheads also said that [McCain/Palin] “they” (?racist code) know they can’t win on the issues so they resort to race and fear. Is that so?

Good, then it is fair to say that the blacks supporting Obama have no way to defend him and his association with terrorists and radicals so they resort to playing the race card. These jackasses don’t need to play games with these “code” words, they can just come out and play the race card. I told you months ago that the entire Obama campaign would be based on being the victim of racism. We have seen it in the news stories and we have seen it from Obama himself. Everything is about race.

I think that since black people are voting for Obama at a greater than 90% rate they are racists. I also believe that Obama is a terrible person who has questionable friendships and that he is a Communist. I do not agree with any position he holds and I think he will be a disaster if white people are shamed into voting for him because of some guilt trip about the past. I don’t care what color he is, I don’t like his policies.

For you white folks who are guilt tripping and thinking about voting for Obama, vote for him if you agree with him not because someone will accuse you of being a racist. But, you have every right not to vote for him because he is black. It makes you no different than those who will vote for him just because he is.

New York Observer

Big Dog

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12 Responses to “More Code Words For Racism”

  1. ThinkingMeat says:

    Questions to ask the wingnuts screeching “Ayers! Ayers!”…

       1. Who was David Ifshin?
       2. For what act during the Vietnam War era is he best known?
       3. Which current candidate for President later befriended Ifshin, and delivered a videotaped eulogy at Ifshin……

  2. Adam says:

    Without evidence, with only your own twisted logic, you state that black voters are only voting for Obama because he’s black and white voters are only voting because we’re guilt tripped into voting for the black candidate. Give me a break.

    It’s no surprise you think Democrats and liberals are stupid, but for you to have this heart to heart with Obama supporters and with African Americans about their poor choice for president just makes me want to puke.

    There’s an entire world out there of people who don’t share your views on things (thank God) and it’s not because we’re stupid or laced with guilt. Give it up. Your arguments on this matter have no logic, no basis in fact, and they smell like the orifice you pulled all this from…

  3. kim spinney says:


    This is incredible. the words “Thank God” from the words of someone who thinks it’s OK, and even celebrates the right for a women to kill her baby. Maybe they (either they are stupid or ignorant) don’t know that babies, at the point of conception, are given a soul by God. These hypocrites! They think it’s OK to say bombing women and civilians, yet say nothing about the killing of over 4,000 innocent daily in the U.S. alone.

  4. Big Dog says:

    Adam, I have read story after story with people quoted as saying they are voting for him because he is black. Jackson has called it a redemptive campaign (as in relieving white guilt). Many black celebrities have said they will vote for him because he is black. You hear it and read it time and again. Just because you are unable to comprehend does not mean that it is not true.

    You still deny the FACT that media and democrats are saying if you do not vote for him you are a racist. The so called studies that claim racism is the reason he is opposed by some as if people cannot disagree with his policies.

    Puke if you must while you can still afford food to regurgitate. Your profession will be one hit really hard by the high interest rates and recession his tax cuts will cause.

    Make a bet with you though. I bet, if Obama is elected, there will not be a universal health care bill passed in his first term.

    Further, he will say he needs a second term to get it through.

    I also bet you that he will not cut taxes for 95% of Americans (that is a lie anyway). In fact, I bet he raises taxes on the middle class.

    I also bet you that we will not be completely out of Iraq by the end of his first term.

    I wager a dinner for each bet, winner’s choice of where.

    As for the arguments, they have reason to them. You are unable to see any of it because you suffer from liberalism. The same disease that allows you to make claims about Bush and the Saudi family but fail to see the problem with Ayers. The one that allows you to ignore the hatred of Wright and the significance of Obama being there for 20 years. The disease that allows you libs to say Bush was a druggie butt Obama is good to go after all his abuse.

    You can’t see things for what they are because you live in liberal land. When thing go bad you will say that we need more taxes and more money to solve it when that never solves the problem. If Obama were a white man Hillary would have won and most blacks would have voted for her so don’t give me any crap.

    Learn to think.

  5. Big Dog says:

    You libs are so tuned in to racism that all I have to do is fart or criticize The One and you all scream racism.

    Folks, stock up on ammo…

  6. Lewtee says:

    First, I would like to say that the McCain/Palin ticket is one of the weakest tickets I have seen during my lifetime (29). Bush had no experience, but at least he had Cheaney and he was the son of a president. McCain is not impressive with his rhethoric or ideas. And imagine if Obama had a running mate with the expereince of Sarah Palin.

    Blacks vote 90% Democratic anyway. Now I will say that Obama is encouraging first time black voters that are voting b/c he is black(mixed really).

    With the state of economy, the war debacle, Hilary would be up by at least 20 points. There is not any reason someone voting for Hilary should not be voting for Obama, unless they are uncomfortable voting for a person of color, or unless they are trying to get Hilary in 2012.

    GOP banks on using racial overtunes to win a percentage of voters.
    Doesn’t mean if you vote REP that you are racist, it just means their is a percentage of voters that vote for the GOP b/c their policies tend not to support minorities. It only takes a small percentage of the population in swing states to make a difference.

    And religious people who supposively care about abortion, but support wars and the death penalty, are against universal health care, or social welfare, make absolutely no sense to me.

    Save an unborn baby, but have no empathy once that baby is alive, stop fooling yourself, and think.

  7. Herold says:

    Listen, you racist bastard (I usually don’t use the word racist but this situation warrants you being called a racist) your perception that 90% of African-Americans are solely voting for Obama because he’s black has no basis. I’m a 29 year old African-American male who’s currently working on a DBA @ the University of Miami and I affiliate with many different people from different cultures and have a much broader perspective than many Americans. I believe Obama is able and willing to change the course of this country for all people. I believe his economic policies are far better for the country current state. I also believe it is a right to have health coverage for all Americans and the days of people dying in hospitals because their insurances have reached its limits is ridiculous in must come to an end. I also believe in the greater good and if my taxes increase under Obama’s plan for the sake of helping my fellow American, so be it. Obama tax plan will reduce taxes for 90% of Americans this includes the small businesses (although the Republican’s propaganda would like you to believe otherwise). Also stop calling people a liberal as if it’s a negative connotation, we all have some liberal views. I personally have several liberal views, although I’m progressive in my thinking. I also damn your notion that whites have every right not vote for Obama because of his race if they choose to; this is the type of racial divisiness that has hampered this country for such a long time. This will be the fourth time that I have been privileged to vote and this will be my first opportunity to vote for a black candidate, should I have refrain from voting the first three times because the candidates were white, I would say definitely not. You also make several claims of blacks being quoted as saying they’re voting for Obama because he’s black, please provide your sources. Finally, yes I’m voting for Obama not because I’m black nor ignorant nor because he’s a black and deserving my vote; but because I believe he is best equipped to handle the economic and mortgage crisis, and the war in Iraq. McCain was quoted three weeks ago saying the fundamentals of our economy are strong and Sarah Plain is the least qualify public servant that I have ever seen, she’s not well verse in any subject, she claims expertise on energy which she’s yet to prove. In closing you’ve just from an African-American with a BS in Finance an MBA and someone who’s pursing a DBA, I know I’m much more qualified to handle the economy than either John McCain and Sarah Failin and yes I meant Fail- ing PLEASE STOP THE NON-SENSE!!DON’T ELECT DUM AND DUMMER.

  8. Big Dog says:

    Herold, thanks for making my point. The minute someone says something you don’t like, out comes the racist tag.

    You can vote for Obama for any reason you want. Many blacks are voting for him simply because he is black, does that make them racist? What about white people who vote for him only because he is black? If it is all OK then it is OK to not vote for him because he is black. That is a valid reason whether you like it or not.

    You have your reasons for voting for him and you are entitled to that. I am NOT voting for him and it has nothing to do with his color. I don’t like his policies and I don’t like Communists and his views are right out of the Communist’s handbook.

    No, I don’t want to pay more in taxes so others can have health care. It is not my job to take care of them. If I have to pay for them I should have some say in how they live their lives.

    Abortion is murder, the death penalty is punishment and if you can’t see the difference you are a moron.

    If you have children you can’t afford, why should I pay for them? Oh, you are like Obama, don’t want your daughters punished with a child…

    Too bad his mommy did not abort him.

  9. Herold says:

    Rush Limbaugh,

    This is exactly why I need to create a blog because if people with views like yours can have a voice, I definitely need to make my voice heard. I can tell by your rethorics and by analyzing the about section of your blog you’ve experience the movement during the civil rights and your racist views were formed decades ago. As a result, I will agree to disagree. Only racist will imply that Obama policies are right out of the Communist’s handbook. Rush Limbaugh, I ‘m grateful this country has moved past your racial and radical views.

  10. Big Dog says:

    I have no racist bones in my body. I judge people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. You see, calling it Communist is not racist but then you knew that because you know that crying racism is the way to be heard. Communism is a political form of government and Obama, regardless of his color, espouses Communistic views and policies. I do not and I don’t care what color he is. I said Hillary was a Socialist (as are most liberals) but that does not mean I am a sexist.

    I wonder how often you have called Bush Hitler….

    Maybe if you learned what racism was and stopped getting an IV of Kool Aid you might understand things.

    My views on people have been formed by the people themselves. I have friends of all colors and I base my friendship on how they act, not what color they are. There are plenty of white people I can’t stand to be around because I don’t like them. Their color does not play into that.

  11. Big Dog says:

    And for a guy who usually does not use the word racist you sure use it a lot here. I suspect you use it every time something does not go your way.

  12. Schatzee says:

    First of all, I hope Herold does get his own blog so that his hate speech will not be found here. Yes, I called it hate speech because it sure seems that way to me. Let’s get this clear, I have heard directly from people’s own mouths that they are voting for Obama because they finally get to vote for a black candidate. That’s it – no talk of issues, no talk of policies. Just black. That is the definition of racist if you ask me, not to mention stupid. Let’s be really clear, he is a MULATTO – not black. And I know, based on his own statements and actions, that he is a socialist and that socialism doesn’t work. If you want your money to go towards social programs, send it in. Good for you. I don’t want to support those who do not even attempt to support themselves. Healthcare is not a right, it is not guaranteed by the Constitution, and it is available for those who need it, regardless of insurance or race, color, creed, whatever. In fact, it is given to illegals which should be stopped immediately to save us some of our precious money.

    I don’t consider myself a racist, my boyfriend is mulatto as well. I could care less what color he is but I sure don’t want him to run the country if he thinks communisitic values and socialism are a good idea.

    Perhaps the real racists are the ones flinging the arrows rather than the targets themselves.