Hillary Chooses Party Over Country

The murder of our citizens in Libya and the subsequent cover up by the Obama regime is an ongoing nightmare. It is now obvious that additional security was requested and denied, that Obama knew about the attacks within hours (and might have watched it), and that he did not send help to our people who were brutally murdered. Reports are that our Ambassador was repeatedly sodomized before being murdered and that the two former Seals who went to provide help were beheaded. Help was an hour away and they fought for seven hours so Obama could have gotten help there in time.

He went to bed instead. Yes, the guy who is bragging that he will stay up for more than 24 hours campaigning could not stay up on the night of the attack and send help.

After this all took place Obama and his mouth pieces went on TV and told America that this was in response to a video. They continued with this lie even as evidence to the contrary continued to see the light of day.

People died and Obama lied.

[note]Barack Obama says he will look out for YOU. How can you take him seriously when he did not look out for our citizens in Libya?[/note]

Hillary Clinton took the blame about two weeks after the attack (coincidentally just before the last debate) but evidence suggests that she actually requested additional security and that it was denied by Obama (or his regime).

Bill Clinton is urging his wife to release everything she has in order to clear her name and avoid criminal prosecution (and if anyone knows about criminal prosecution it is Bill Clinton). Bill and Hillary have had several arguments about this because Hillary is reluctant to release what she has which is believed to be enough to cost Obama his reelection bid.

While Bill Clinton wishes his wife would “exonerate” herself by releasing the documents that show she wasn’t at fault for the tragic security failure in Libya, the secretary of state refuses to do so because she doesn’t want to be viewed as a traitor to the Democratic Party. News Ninja

It comes as no surprise to those of us who know the real Hillary but it should send chills down the spines of all Americans that this woman is more concerned about betraying her party than she is about betraying her country.

This is typical of liberals. They put party before country and don’t really care how what they do affects the nation or the people as long as it benefits the party.

If Hillary has information about what happened she has a duty to release it not to exonerate herself or to hurt Obama but to let Americans know what happened and why. I know, I know, it is a pipe dream to expect a liberal, particularly a Clinton, to do the right thing.

If Hillary stands pat and refuses to release these documents and they come to light later on (via subpoena or she willingly releases them) after the election and they show Obama lied about what took place then she needs to be prosecuted for treason.

Liberals, Hillary told you she was the most qualified to handle the 3 am phone call. She screwed that up and is now involved in the biggest cover up in our history.

Remember, when Watergate happened, no one died.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bill Clinton Knows What He Is Doing

There is a lot of buzz about what Bill Clinton (the Nation’s first black president) has been saying because what he says is the opposite of what Obama wants to do. Obama wants to end the Bush tax cuts and he wants to portray Mitt Romney as a vulture who wrecked businesses.

Bill Clinton said that the tax cuts should be extended at least into next year and that Romney was a sterling business guy who passes the needed qualifications to be president (which he did according to the Constitution no matter what his record was).

Clinton was called into the Corey Booker (who is now dead to the Obama campaign) woodshed where he was reeducated by the Obama brown shirts and he readjusted what he said. He now says that the rich should pay more and that he did not realize he was going off message.

Clinton is not stupid. He might be dialing it back to look like he is on board with the program but he already did the damage he intended to do. You see, Clinton is not happy with Obama and wants him to lose. Clinton believed his wife would have been a better president (I think she would have been better than Obama as well) and should have won the nomination. He now knows that Obama is a hack who is ruining the country but Clinton can’t very well come right out and say that or the Democrats will disown him (even though a lot of them probably feel the same way). To top it off, Clinton has never forgotten that Obama played the race card on him.

There is no doubt that Clinton wants him to lose.

So Clinton goes out and says things that are damaging to Obama and then feigns ignorance and “changes” his tune. But Clinton did the damage. He gave the Romney folks great soundbites to use against the messiah. When ads play about Romney’s time at Bain then Romney can have ads using Clinton’s words about Romney having a sterling business record. They can add in Booker’s words and really kill the Obama message.

An ad with Clinton talking about how the tax cuts should be extended will play well in the fight over the next debt ceiling issue (if it hits before the election) and it will play well as a Romney ad.

Clinton is a skilled politician. He knows you cannot unring a bell and that he has provided the needed soundbites to help defeat Obama.

He is on a stealth mission to unseat the man who insulted him and who beat his wife.

And so far, he is doing a good job of it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Channels Clinton

Obama addressed the reason he was not able to halve the deficit in his first four years (he increased the deficit greatly) and he said the reason was because things were worse than he thought. The recession, Obama said, was much worse than anyone thought.

How could that possibly be? Obama and his minions have always described the recession as the worse since the Great Depression. Given how bad the Great Depression was how could Obama possibly underestimate the severity of the recession? While he was running for office he described the terrible economy and how he would fix it. After he took office he told us how dire things were and that we needed to act RIGHT NOW to avoid calamity.

Given all the hype, all the dire predictions of destruction and how we were required to act immediately, how can he claim that things were worse than he thought?

This is all BS to make excuses for his failure to fix the economy and to halve the deficit as promised. He failed and he is now making excuses in an effort to dupe people in to giving him some more time.

He can’t have more time. The economy cannot possibly handle four more years of his destruction. This article by Dick Morris lays out the actual numbers and shows why Obama’s so called recovery is phony.

Obama knows he did not fix things. It was never his intent to fix things. He is using the Cloward and Piven strategy in an attempt to destroy the US economy and allow Socialism to take over as more and more people look to government for relief from the mess the government caused. His attack on religion is part of the plan.

Obama is going to break it and then he is going to rope people into his idea of how things should run.

Unless, of course, we stop him in November. We can do that two ways. We can vote him out of office or we can give Republicans control of Congress. I prefer we do both.

Maybe Obama supporters will finally channel their inner liberal and realize that things are worse than they thought.

If not they can still blame it all on Bush…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Ditching Obama Would Be An Admission Of Failure

Two Democrat pollsters, Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen, are saying that Obama should not run for reelection and should instead allow Hillary Clinton to run. These pollsters believe that doing this is the best chance Democrats have for keeping control of the White House.

I believe that such a move would certainly energize Democrats who have become disillusioned over Obama and his failures and will certainly increase Democrat voter turnout in the next election but there is a problem. If this situation were to occur it would be a huge admission that the Democrats made a mistake in 2008.

The next logical question would be how can we trust them not to make a mistake again? Clinton and Obama have basically the same political views and both desire the same Socialist policies for the country. They both have no problem with government programs that keep people in poverty and enslaved to government because they are both part of the wealthy elite.

Clinton is a bit more likable than Obama and has more experience (though her biggest qualification for office was that she is married to a former president) than Obama but there is no guarantee she will run the country any differently. She tried to give us Obamacare during her husband’s time in office (it was called Hillarycare back then) so it is highly unlikely she would do anything to dismantle it. In fact, she would probably work hard to make it more controlling over our lives.

Even if voters were unable to see the similarities between these two people the Republican nominee would most certainly point them out. Additionally, the Democrats would get hammered for admitting that it was a mistake to elect Obama. How could they go to America and say “elect Hillary because we know she is the best” when they did not elect her last time. Obama was their best back then so how can they change?

Don’t get me wrong, they are politicians looking to keep power so they will say whatever they need to. The problem is not that they say it; the problem is that there are too many people who believe it.

That might be changing as more people are reading, listening, and getting involved in politics.

I know it would be tempting for Hillary to step up to save the day especially after she was screwed out of the nomination by fraud from the Obama campaign during the Democratic primaries in 2008. The problem for her is she would have a much harder time now because she would be following the person she eventually supported. Hillary has been on board for all of Obama’s missteps and has supported everything he has done.

It will be hard for her to distance herself or to show she is any different. It will also be hard for her to shake the problems that would be caused by Democrats openly admitting the mistake of Obama.

Caddell and Schoen might think it would benefit Democrats if Obama opted out and Hillary ran but that is just a pipedream.

The reality of the situation would make it more of a nightmare for Democrats…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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High Tech Lynching

While the left screams about TEA Party members wanting blacks lynched (a baseless claim) the left is engaging in a high tech lynching of a black conservative. The story that Herman Cain was accused of sexual harassment and that an investigation turned up nothing has not stopped the left wing media (the Democrat wing) from lynching him. The baseless claims line up with the smear job The New York Times did in manufacturing (in 2008) the equally baseless claim that John McCain had an affair.

The left is very fast to jump on the lynch train when it comes to Herman Cain even though the allegations appear baseless. When it comes to their own they ignore the facts to provide protection.

Bill Clinton accused of rape and caught (and verified via DNA) having sex with an intern. He lied about it and the Democrats defended him during the impeachment he suffered for perjury. The left said it was a personal affair, a matter of sex between consenting adults. Nothing to see here so move along.

John Edwards is another example. He denied, denied, denied and then bam, the facts came out and not only did he have an affair while his poor wife was dying of cancer, he fathered a child. He was eventually shunned by his party but not until the evidence was so overwhelming (and sleazy) that there was no way to deny it.

Jesse Jackson, the paragon of virtue, fathered a child with someone that was not his wife. He is still regarded as a spokesperson for the disadvantaged minorities in this country (or those who have been told so often they are disadvantaged that they act like it).

We are all human beings and we all make mistakes. These men suffered their issues in public because of who they are. The untold numbers of people in the same situations are unknown to all except their family and friends because they do not live in the public’s eye.

The problem arises when allegations such as those against McCain and Herman Cain are manufactured and people do not give them the benefit of the doubt because of politics. Clinton and Edwards deny it so it must be false. Cain denies it and he is lying…

Wouldn’t it be better if the NYT did not make up the McCain story?

Wouldn’t it be better if Cain received the same consideration Clinton and Edwards did when the left kept telling us nothing was going on? It has not been shown that Cain did anything wrong. If it turns out that he did then fine, skewer him and send him on his way.

The idea that he needs to be ruined over baseless accusations is one of the things wrong in our political system.

It would have been nice though, if the MSM had spent as much time vetting Obama as it does looking to destroy Republicans.

Certainly there were a few things in Obama’s past that were liabilities. Of course they are not a problem when the MSM is burying legitimate stories.

Then again, the left only lynches blacks who have strayed away from the Democrat plantation.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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