O’Malley Should Not Even Be Considered

I understand that Martin O’Malley, former governor of Maryland, has a big announcement planned for 30 May. He will be in Baltimore, the city that suffered under his polices when he was its mayor, to announce he plans to run for president.

O’Malley is a liberal moron who does not believe people are smart enough to make their own decisions, provide for themselves or protect themselves and their families. He is anti-gun and imposed strict gun laws when he was governor. He invited countless illegal immigrants and gave them “stuff.” He is part of the nanny state leadership that only knows how to rule over people, tax them to death and then waste the money collected.

He should never be president of this or any other country though Czar of some communist nation would be more in line with his beliefs and leadership style.

He has decided to take on Hillary Clinton and he will have a formidable task ahead. She is polling well among Democrats because most are too stupid to see the crime she is involved in. O’Malley is polling at about 1% so he has a long way to go.

I think Hillary should occupy a jail cell instead of the Oval Office and O’Malley is no better. He should not be elected president, period.

He does have a few things going for him in that Bill Clinton once praised him and said he would be president someday. Clinton also claimed O’Malley was a terrific governor and that Maryland was voted best run twice while O’Malley was in office.

Not sure who they polled on that but O’Malley raised several dozen taxes (and enacted some new ones) and he went so far as to tax the rain that landed on people’s property. O’Malley’s terms in office saw an outflow of people from the state to other states because of his inept leadership and tax and spend policies. The economy was poor during his reign and only remained better than a lot of other states because of Maryland’s proximity to DC. A very large number of DC politicians and other DC federal workers, lobbyists and journalists (many with well-paying jobs) live in Maryland.

Even with nearly recession proof jobs and the flow of federal dollars from DC the state fell on hard times under the dictatorship of O’Malley.

He might be a great leader to Bill Clinton but that does not say much. Or maybe I should say Bill thinks Hillary would make a great president so that says a lot about his assessments…

[note]It will be interesting to see what Bill says about him if he does in fact jump in the race.[/note]

I do not want to see Hillary Clinton or Martin O’Malley as president. I hope O’Malley gets trounced early and bows out and that Hillary gets beaten badly with the reports of her crimes so that even if she wins the Democrat nomination she can’t win the general.

If you are a moron like Snoop Dogg and want her to win so we can have a woman in the White House you are not smart enough to vote. People voted for Obama to have a black guy in the White House and look how that worked out.

He is a disaster.

If you vote for someone because of their color or sex you should be banned from voting FOR LIFE.

If O’Malley ends up winning he will certainly continue Obama’s quest to drive America into the ground. Hillary will do the same but she is older and unhealthy so maybe she will get a visit from the Reaper…

The nightmare will be if she wins and picks O’Malley as a running mate.

Then we can only hope they fly Malaysian Air…

Bill Clinton; Ambition Over Country

Bill Clinton is the old sage of the Democrat Party. He is still very popular among the party faithful and if it were not for a young upstart named Obama Clinton might have made history as a president whose wife also won the presidency (though who knows, maybe McCain would have beat her). Anyway, Clinton does not like Barack Obama, at all.

[note]With Democrats it is party over everything. With Bill Clinton it is personal ambition over everything.[/note]

Clinton never forgave Obama for using the race card on Clinton and his ire was further fueled when it was learned that this was a strategy all along. Clinton does not like Barack Obama and thinks he is not a good president.

Bill Clinton has told people that he thinks Obama is unqualified and that he is making a mess of things. Of course this did not stop Clinton from helping Obama win reelection.

In 2011, about a year before the election, Obama’s numbers were not good and the economy was not improving (and it still isn’t). There was real concern among Democrats that he could lose the election. I think if the media had not helped Obama in at least one debate and if there was not widespread voter fraud (it is nearly impossible for one candidate to get all the votes and not possible for more people to vote than live in an area. It is also highly improbable that all registered voters would turn out in so many districts).

But I digress. The Obama team realized he was in trouble and told him he needed Bill Clinton to campaign for him. Obama did not want to enlist Clinton’s services because Obama does not like Bill Clinton. Eventually though, he asked Bill to join him for a round of golf.

Clinton accepted but he did not want to do it. Did I mention that Clinton does not like Obama (a common theme here)? Bill did it though because he wanted something in return for his help.

Clinton made it clear to Obama that Hillary would be running for the presidency in 2016 and that they wanted Obama’s support. They expected that Obama would at the least endorse her candadacy and then use his vast voter outreach program to help her. Obama was not really keen on that part of the deal but he needed Clinton to seal up a second term win.

Clinton gave a great speech at the Democrat Convention, a speech that riled Obama and his people because it took the spotlight off the chosen one.

In any event, Obama won reelection and this was, in large part, because Clinton helped him out.

The details are outlined in a new book by Edward Klein entitled Blood Feud; The Clintons vs. The Obamas. Klein gathered information from his vast network of inside sources to reveal life in the underbelly of DC politics between the Democrat’s two power families.

All of that is well and good. Anyone with eyes can see these people do not like each other. I am more concerned about this little issue;

Bill Clinton thought Obama was unqualified and not doing a good job. But he helped him out in order to get his support for Hillary in 2016. In a nutshell, Bill Clinton put his personal agenda and ambition over the best interests of the country. This is not some minor league issue where people scratch each other’s backs. This is a game where the top player makes decisions that affect the entire nation, the world, and our way of life. Obama started screwing the country up the day he took office and he kept digging after hitting rock bottom. Clinton could have declined to help Obama or endorsed another candidate for the good of the country but Clinton does not care about the country.

It should not surprise me because Clinton has already shown that he lacks integrity and that he puts his desires above all other things but I still have this idea that true patriots put the needs of the country first.

Then again, no one ever confused Bill Clinton with a patriot…

Bill sold out to help Hillary. Incidentally, Hillary sold out to give Obama cover after Benghazi.

These two are self serving and do not care what happens to the country as long as they satisfy their thirst for power.

It is really a shame because America can do better…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Taxes For You But Not For Me

Liberals love to talk about disparity and wealth redistribution. People like Barack Obama like to say that at one point he feels you have made enough so you should pay more in taxes as if he is the arbiter of what is enough. He is not alone in the liberal world. Bill and Hillary Clinton love to discuss how terrible America is with regard to taxes and how the evil rich people should just pay more.

[note]The wealthy in this country pay most of the federal taxes in this country.[/note]

The interesting thing about all this is that these liberals do not put their money where their mouth is. John Kerry selected the box on the MA state tax form to pay at the lower rate and docked his yacht in another state to avoid taxes.

Barack Obama diverts some of his money to his children to avoid taxes on it.

Bill and Hillary Clinton, the liberal dream team, use every part of the law possible to avoid taxes.

Take the inheritance tax. That is the one where the government taxes your estate at about 40%. This means that after you pay taxes all your life the money that you already paid taxes on is taxed again at 40% when you die.

The government snaps 40% off the top before your heirs get what you left them. There are some limits so that only the higher estates are taxed but this is the group that liberals have been after all along and it is the group that many of them are in.

The Clintons are well into the 1% with their millions of dollars and their income is in the range they target when they espouse their redistribution schemes.

But, and this is a big but, when it comes to their own wealth the Clintons have set up trusts in order to avoid paying taxes. This is not to suggest they are doing anything illegal. The tax code allows it (and ALL politicians ensure the tax code helps their own wallets) and I have no problem with that.

What I have a problem with is that the people who are always demanding that the rich pay more are the very ones who work to avoid that same fate.

All wealthy politicians work to reduce their tax burden (as well as the wealthy in general) so Bush, Romney, Buffett, Obama, and Clinton all work the tax code to ensure their burden is as small as possible. Even Harry Reid who famously claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes games the system.

The big difference for me is that Romney, Bush and other wealthy conservatives (or those at least more conservative than the liberals) work to lower the amount of taxes everyone pays so we can all enjoy the same breaks as they. Liberals, on the other hand, work tirelessly to increase taxes on the wealthy (and everyone else) in order to fuel their insatiable appetite for OPM (Other People’s Money).

If they are going to demand more be paid by the wealthy then they should pay the absolute highest amount possible and lead by example.

[note]Bill Clinton once said he did not pay enough in taxes as a rich guy but he sure works hard to pay as little as possible.[/note]

But they won’t because they are above the fray. They are special and we just don’t understand how it really is. You know, I even heard that Hillary and Bill left the White House dead broke. That little fact did not prevent them from purchasing a house that was more than a MILLION dollars or having one in DC that was about 5 MILLION.

No, they have no idea how life is for the real folks because these people have lived off the taxpayer for nearly their entire lives.

Now they take advantage of the tax system to avoid what they want to do to everyone else in their income brackets.

Can you say hypocrisy? How about elitist?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Don’t Clown Around With Obama

A rodeo clown in Missouri has been banned from performing at the Missouri State Fair because he wore a Barack Hussein Obama mask and allegedly asked the crowd if they wanted to see the bull run over Obama (allegedly because the rodeo claims the clown had a mike but others have indicated the rodeo announcer asked the question). The question got plenty of cheers when it was asked and the cheers were even louder when it was repeated.

Rodeo clowns are CLOWNS and they are there to keep riders safe and to clown around with the crowd (pun intended).

That is not the case when the clown wears an Obama mask. You see, when that happens the liberals get their little panties in a knot and talk about how inappropriate it is. Can’t have people making fun of the anointed one, the messiah B. Hussein Obama himself, now can we?

Liberals get all twisted and act as if they are as pure as the driven snow when their messiah is the brunt of a joke. I can only imagine what will happen if a bank robber uses an Obama mask. He will get six months for robbing the bank (just wealth redistribution) and the death penalty for using an Obama mask. Though I am inclined to believe if Obama had a son he would look like the bank robber…

The Democrats in Missouri had to step in and they showed why no one with a brain (and that leaves out the majority that allegedly voted for Obama) takes them seriously. You see, this is no way to act toward a president:

“I am amazed that in 2013, such hatred, intolerance and disrespect towards the President of the United States could take place at the Missouri State Fair. Our fair is supposed to showcase the best of Missouri, instead, it showed an ugly face of intolerance and ignorance to the world.” ~ Rep William Lacy (D-MO)

“If what’s being reported is true, then it’s shameful and it’s unacceptable. The State Fair is funded by taxpayer dollars, and is supposed to be a place where we can all bring our families and celebrate the state that we love. But the young Missourians who witnessed this stunt learned exactly the wrong lesson about political discourse-that somehow it’s ever acceptable to, in a public event, disrespect, taunt, and joke about harming the President of our great nation. Missouri is better than this, and I expect someone to be held accountable.” ~ Sen Claire McCaskill (D-MO) Politico

Did either of these dim bulbs demonstrate such outrage at the public disrespect and taunting that George W. Bush was subjected to during his tenure? In case any of you have forgotten, Bush was repeatedly compared to a chimp (do that to Obama and you are a racist) and there are a large number of images of Bush as a chimp on the web. There is even a tic-tac-toe game where a chimp (you play the chimp’s part) plays against Bush and if the chimp wins he beat the idiot and if the chimp loses he is degraded for losing to an idiot.

Did any Democrat scream about the intolerance and disrespect? Did any Democrat condemn the message young people were subjected to? Did these two politicians specifically address the issue?

We all know the answer to this.

[note]Anyone find it ironic that Clay said the incident showed an ugly face of intolerance and ignorance when the story is about a mask of Obama?[/note]

But Big Dog, pictures of a chimp are not talking about harm coming to the president. Why, why, why, the clown was talking about a bull running down our messiah B. Hussein Obama. That is different Big Dog, it was all so violent.

Yeah, well listen up little liberal. I will type this slowly so you can keep up. A movie was made about George W Bush being assassinated. The movie was called Death of a President and it was filmed and released while Bush was in office. There was only one Democrat I am aware of who said something negative about the film and that was Hillary Clinton (to their credit CNN and NPR refused to air ads for the movie).

Where were McCaskill and Clay when this movie was released? I would not be surprised if they were in the theater taking delight in watching it while they ate stale popcorn. Regardless of where they were just imagine how they would be acting if such a movie were made about Obama…

So before you liberal bedwetters shed tears over a clown talking about a bull running over Obama remember how you reacted when a movie about Bush being murdered was released. If you were not outraged then you can’t be now. In other words, shut up.

I do not get the uproar. This is America and we are free to mock our leaders. If they don’t want to be mocked then perhaps they should not do anything that warrants being mocked.

I also do not understand why people are upset about the mask. One clown put the mask of another clown on.

Big deal.

Put on your big girl or big boy pants and buck up cupcake.

If you want something to cry about try shedding a tear for the four Americans Obama allowed to be murdered in Benghazi and instead of firing a rodeo clown fire the clown in the White House who is covering up the murders he allowed to take place.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Military On The Sexual Assault Hot Seat

The leaders of the Armed Forces are in hot water because of an increase in sexual assaults. They promise to combat sexual assault and admit they let the ball drop. In a grilling by members of Congress two Democrat female Senators had a field day and went all in over the issue. Senator Gillibrand implied some commanders were stupid by claiming “…not every single commander can distinguish between a slap on the ass and a rape…” While I get the dramatics I think just about all can tell the two apart.

Senator McCaskill made the claim that looking at someone the wrong way can be sexual assault. I guess there could be looks that can be considered assault but can’t seem to think of one. What look conveys imminent harmful contact?

I am not making light of the issue of sexual assault whether it is in or out of the military. However, I do have a few problems with all of this.

The incidence of sexual assault has had an uptick over the past year or two. What is the root cause of this? It seems as if the uptick happened after gays were allowed to openly serve so it would be worth looking to see if the increase is same sex assault. Not that it matters BUT in order to solve a problem the root cause needs to be found and if the uptick is because of the repeal of DADT then it needs to be looked into to see why it happened.

I also have a problem with Congress wanting to take the discipline of sexual offenders out of the hands of commanders. If the issue is reporting and punishment then require commanders to report all claims of sexual impropriety to their higher commander and have that higher commander review the results of investigations. Commanders need to retain the ability to investigate and punish those who have done wrong. If any commander is not doing that job then relieve that commander. Do not use some blanket policy because of an increase particularly if that increase is due to the repeal of DADT. Find a solution for it that does not involve hampering all commanders.

My last issue is with these Democrat females and their indignation. Where were they when Bill Clinton was sexually molesting women? I realize that these two were not in office when that occurred (not in federal office anyway) but their body, the Senate, voted to let Bill off the hook.

How come there was not the same uproar from liberal woman about Bill Clinton’s alleged rapes and his confirmed affair back then? Why are these folks acting as if they have some moral authority when they still worship the ground Clinton walks on?

It seems to me that folks who apply their anger selectively over the same subject lose credibility.

Sexual assault is a crime. My solution is to investigate the accusation, prosecute those with merit; if they are guilty put them in jail and if they are not guilty put them back to work.

That seems like a good solution to me.

As far as Gillibrand and McCaskill, how do you ladies feel about Bill Clinton and what he did? What do you say about the accusations of rape?

Are you as mad at the Senate for the way they let him off as you are at the way the military handles sexual assault cases?

Your answers will tell us a lot about you…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
