Climate Bill Grows Government Power

The massive climate bill that passed the House is a monster that gives the federal government even more power and allows it to be more intrusive in our lives. This bill, that passed even though NOT ONE member read the 1200 pages, is the government’s reaction to a trace gas called CO2. The environmental wackos and other assorted tree huggers (trees need CO2) are pushing for passage of this so that Obama can sign it into law.

This is another bill that needs to be rejected. It gives government a huge amount of power. The bill allows government to redistribute wealth, requires builders to meet California standards, and will require homeowners to make their houses compliant with the requirements of the bill before they can sell. If your house is not up to the California standard you will be required to get it that way before you can sell. This bill will also cost us jobs:

An analysis of the legislation by scholars at the Heritage Foundation think tank estimated that U.S. unemployment will increase by nearly 2 million — including over 52,000 Michigan jobs lost — in 2012, the first year of the program.

In addition, the assessment estimates a loss of $9.4 trillion in U.S. Gross Domestic Product by 2035.

~And it will have little effect on the climate;

While the bill does not specify the impact of its carbon dioxide cap-and-trade elements on the earth’s temperatures, John Christy — a climate scientist who once led the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment — told me the bill’s effects would, at best, reduce our planet’s average warmth by an undistinguishable[sic] two tenths of one degree.

John Christy who once led the UN’s IPCC (the thing climate alarmists always point to as a consensus) is saying it will have an effect of dropping the temperature 0.2 degrees. It won’t be cheap, it will cost us lots of jobs and it will not work.

That is Obama and his administration in a nutshell. From stimulus to health care to cap and trade, the results are all the same. More government and fewer results.

Big Dog

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Rep Waxman Taken To The Hospital

Representative Henry Waxman was taken to the hospital after he fainted in his office. The nearly 70 year old California politician is at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for testing. One can bet the farm that he will be receiving the best care around and that taxpayers will foot the part of the bill not covered by his government provided insurance. They will spare no expense to take care of him.

If he were under Obama care he might be told that fainting 70 year old men do not warrant a battery of tests to figure out what is wrong.

I think someone told him he forgot to make sure he got rich off the cap and tax bill he authored and he fainted from the shock.

Big Dog

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1st District Maryland; Defeat Kratovil In 2010

Frank Kratovil narrowly beat out Andy Harris to win the Congressional seat in Maryland’s First District. The seat was up for grabs after we were able to vote out the turncoat Wayne Gilchrest. Gilchrest was such a RINO that he endorsed Kratovil and helped the Democrat win. I would have voted for Kratovil had Gilchrest won the primary but that would be because I wanted Gilchrest out and if we are going to have a Democrat it might as well be a real one.

Kratovil did do the right thing by voting against the Stimulus Bill but now he is being led around by his masters in the House. He voted for the cap and trade bill that, if it eventually becomes law, will cost millions of jobs and increase the cost of energy to everyone in this country. Remember, Barack Obama said that his cap and trade would necessarily result in the increase of electricity costs. Kratovil voted for that.

Maryland’s First Congressional District is a conservative district that has been reliable for the GOP. Andy Harris, a conservative Republican, ran against Kratovil and the millions the Democrats poured in here. In the anti Bush sentiment, Harris lost what should have easily been a win.

The 2010 election is just over a year away and it is not too soon for those in the First Congressional District of Maryland to work to defeat Kratovil. I think Andy Harris will run again and we need him and his fiscal responsibility looking out for us. Kratovil voted with his party on an issue that will hurt his constituents.

This whole issue of CO2 emissions is a distortion of the truth and is a product of EPA endangerment rulings with regard to the gas. The EPA quieted dissent on the issue and ensured that the administration’s agenda was pursued without regard for science. A string of emails released that deal with this show that the scientist in question submitted a peer reviewed paper that had results which ran contrary to what the administration and the EPA wanted. It was squashed and the scientist relegated to other tasks. He was told specifically not to work on climate issues and was given other jobs.

The CBO cooked the books with regard to the numbers on this cap and tax scheme and the Democrats are selling us a bill of goods.

The bill will result in higher energy prices and this is an admission by Obama. The bill will result in a loss of millions of jobs. The bill will hurt the economy. The bill will do this if they are successful in making it a law.

Frank Kratovil sent me a brochure in the mail a few days ago. He was telling me how hard he worked to keep spending down and how responsible he was. He told me that he voted against the stimulus (he did right on that one) and he kept trying to assure me that he had my best interests at heart.

Then he voted for the cap and tax bill. Frank, you are not interested in being fiscally responsible and you obviously do not care if energy prices for your constituents increase.

Those of you in Maryland should recall that your governor, Martin O’Malley, promised to fix the problems with the cost of your electric bills. He campaigned on fixing it and promised there would be no increases. He promised to fix what the Democratic legislature had screwed up. His meddling led to higher energy costs then they would have been. He lied, he meddled, and people’s bills went up.

Kratovil is meddling and while some might say that O’Malley was just ignorant, Kratovil KNOWS that this will result in an increase because Obama said it necessarily would.

In other words, Kratovil does not care how it will affect you.

Vote him out. Make him a one term wonder.

Big Dog Salute Red Maryland

UPDATE: Ohio has a Democrat who ran as a fiscal conservative but has voted for ALL of the bad money spending items. At least Kratovil voted against the stimulus. Democrats know if they run as who and what they really are they will lose.

Big Dog

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Cap And Trade Is A Huge Tax

Democrats are not usually forthcoming with their plans to tax. They have all kinds of names like investment, contribution and redistribution but no matter what it is called it is always a matter of taking our money. The Democrats have one hand in each pocket and their knee in our backs but they claim all is well and that only the “rich” will pay. Of course, if they took all the money of all people who made over 200,000 dollars they would not have enough to pay for what they just spent. We would still be going deeper and deeper into debt. This means that everyone will pay more in taxes.

I know, Obama promised no tax increase for 95% of the people. Many of them do not pay taxes to begin with so if he keeps them there then about 40% of the population will have seen no increase. People did get an extra $13 each week. That equals $676 a year. Remember when Bush gave each person $600 in the stimulus and Michelle Obama made fun of it and said it would not even buy a pair of earrings? Now that Obama has given about as much we are supposed to hail it as a tax refund that is magnanimous. Bush’s tax refund of $600 was the same darn thing.

Anyway, how will Obama pay for his out of control spending? He will tax everyone. It might not be income tax but he will enact policies that will raise other taxes. That $13 a week will go bye-bye real fast when the Democrats get done tinkering around. Right now they are in the process of trying to pass a cap and trade system. This all sounds wonderful and it is supposed to help the environment but it will end up costing everyone a fortune. Look at this quote:

“Nobody in this country realizes that cap-and-trade is a tax — and it’s a great big one,” Rep. John Dingell [Breitbart TV]

A Democrat made it very clear that this is a tax and it will be a big one. Watch the linked video and you will see him asking how to get people to buy off on this when it has failed everywhere else. Al Gore answers that he is in favor of cap and trade AND a carbon tax. They want to tax us for the gas we expire when we breathe, a gas needed by vegetation to live.

I always said if government could figure out a way to tax air they would tax us for breathing. Looks like they are doing just that.

The taxes will be passed on to consumers who will pay them via the backdoor. It might look like the taxes are on business but business passes costs on to consumers. The Democrats are trying to tax EVERYONE while claiming to only go after the rich.

They already raised tobacco taxes and that affects the poor more than anyone. My hope is that people will quit smoking but then the government will have to raise other taxes to cover the money they are counting on from tobacco. Hell, there are not enough smokers now to foot the bill so it will only get worse when people are forced to quit.

You saw the quote and if you watched the video you heard it right from the donkey’s mouth, cap and trade is a huge tax. They are just trying to figure out how to get it passed without causing a riot.

Government will continue to screw things up until we get rid of them. We need to vote them all out of office and we need to do while we can still afford to breathe.

Big Dog

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My Global Warming Carbon Offset Plan

Global warming is an issue that creates mass hysteria among those of the left as they parade around slavishly following Al Gore and his over hyped PowerPoint show of black magic, lies, and distortions. The people who advocate for man to do something, anything, to stop the onslaught of catastrophe that will ensue unless we spend money we do not have on items that have yet to be invented, have yet to be demonstrated as effective and are based on something that is a theory are clueless. They insist that we must act because the science is settled and every scientist in the world worth anything has signed on board the Gore express.

The inconvenient truth is that as many scientists disagree with the idea of man made global warming as agree with it and the science is definitely not settled. Lest we forget, these reputable scientists were warning of an approaching ICE AGE only 35 or so years ago. Never mind that it has been colder lately and that we are not actually warming up (though this is strangely blamed on global warming) and never mind that it all seems to coincide with sunspot activity. The major issue with these folks is that Carbon Dioxide is dangerous. They call it a greenhouse gas and blame it for most of the problems. In the late 60s and early 70s it was CFCs used in aerosol cans as a propellant. That stuff was banned so now those who want to control your lives need a new villain. CO2 is the villain because it can never be eliminated and they won’t have to look for a new one in the future like they did after CFCs were banned.

CO2 is necessary for life to exist. It is the waste gas expired after Oxygen is processed in the body. Amazingly, there is a system on the planet that uses it and makes Oxygen. Plants use CO2 and return O2 for us to breathe and we do the opposite for them. It is amazing the way that this works. It is almost like a higher being designed it all or something…

In any event, the global warming zealots are looking to put into place these cap and trade schemes as well as others to charge us more money and to try to end this scourge of global warming. King Hussein of America is now looking to do it. They are all spending money we don’t have to end something that is not a problem all in the name of control.

The global warming hoax will make a handful of people very rich and will condemn us to poverty for a very long time. It will enslave us to government even more than we are now and when added to the trillion dollar deficits King Hussein is racking up (he has tripled a debt in one month) the recession will be turned into a depression.

But what about your offset plan Big Dog?

CO2 is a necessary gas but liberals want to eliminate it. Some of them have this idea about buying a carbon offset (a fancy way for them to make money for nothing) so my offset program involves all the liberals signing up for my program. Their names will be randomly selected to help allow those guilty of “polluting” with CO2 to alleviate that guilt. Here is how it works:

People who produce CO2 will send me money to purchase carbon offsets. I will randomly select a liberal from the list of those who want to help the environment (and all good libs want that, right). Then, they will be sent to the Final Exit Network where their carbon output will end. This will be a great offset program that allows libs to sacrifice for the cause and allow the rest of us to live how we want without a lot of problems.

But mostly, it will help me get rich through the sale of the offsets.

This is no more ridiculous than any of the other scams out there and mine actually helps decrease the surplus liberal population.

Big Dog

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