Defense Cuts Will Lead To Disaster

A Senate Democrat is warning of painful cuts in the Defense budget which should come as no surprise because Democrats love to cut Defense in order to funnel more money to social programs. We are fighting a war on two fronts (even if Democrats call it something else) and we are being threatened by scoundrels from around the world so now is definitely NOT the time to cut the Defense budget but cut they will.

This comes at a time when news reports indicate that China has developed a missile that is capable of destroying US Aircraft Carriers. The Chinese have not wasted time ramping up their military capabilities and they are certainly more of a threat now than they were in the past.

Now is not the time to cut Defense. There are wolves at the door and the guardians of freedom come from the people who depend on the Defense budget. In all reality, who else will defend us from the threats we face?

If you expect it to be Obama and his minions you are out of your mind.

It also won’t be those who benefit from increased spending on social programs. Unless, of course, we could make them serve in the military. That would allow them to earn money and actually give something back to this country.

Big Dog

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