Defense Cuts Will Lead To Disaster

A Senate Democrat is warning of painful cuts in the Defense budget which should come as no surprise because Democrats love to cut Defense in order to funnel more money to social programs. We are fighting a war on two fronts (even if Democrats call it something else) and we are being threatened by scoundrels from around the world so now is definitely NOT the time to cut the Defense budget but cut they will.

This comes at a time when news reports indicate that China has developed a missile that is capable of destroying US Aircraft Carriers. The Chinese have not wasted time ramping up their military capabilities and they are certainly more of a threat now than they were in the past.

Now is not the time to cut Defense. There are wolves at the door and the guardians of freedom come from the people who depend on the Defense budget. In all reality, who else will defend us from the threats we face?

If you expect it to be Obama and his minions you are out of your mind.

It also won’t be those who benefit from increased spending on social programs. Unless, of course, we could make them serve in the military. That would allow them to earn money and actually give something back to this country.

Big Dog

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13 Responses to “Defense Cuts Will Lead To Disaster”

  1. Randy says:

    There are plenty of places in the defense budget where we can make cuts without sacrificing our ability to protect ourselves. IEEE (of which I am a member and is an ardent military supporter) has been having this argument on how best to address excess in military spending for quite some time. The F-22 Raptor is a perfect example of where major cuts can be made. There are definitely issues we need to square with the military industrial complex. Now is an opportune time to reassess how we are spending tax dollars on military projects and what we can do to make the process more efficient.

  2. Big Dog says:

    Perhaps, and maybe it is just me, but just maybe we can CUT spending for social programs. They are rife with waste and they are, unlike defense spending, unconstitutional.

    Let us address the excess social spending that accounts for around 70% of the budget before we cut the defense which accounts for about 22%.

    Policing up on wasteful projects is not making painful cuts. When they say painful they are talking the operating budget.

    How about we make sure no community organizations, ACORN and the rest, get NO money. How about we make sure welfare is cut and we make sure that we do not allow ONE SINGLE earmark before we start talking about cutting defense.

    You think that the F-22 is wasteful, look at any of the 9000 earmarks and they are MORE wasteful.

  3. Randy says:

    “Policing up on wasteful projects is not making painful cuts. When they say painful they are talking the operating budget.”

    You should re-read the very first paragraph of the same piece to which you linked in your original post.

  4. Harry says:

    The way I see this Big Dog, is if we are to be attacked by other countries! They know where to strike, All the Major States and ities of course the liberal states ie; New york, Califonia/L.A, Illinois/chicago, South of florida, Ohio, and the rest of the liberal states. So be it, fuck’em they’ll just do us a favor! I’m moving to a less attractive state for liberals! And don’t mess with TEXAS!

  5. Adam says:

    The way you folks jump the gun lately I’m going to have to see an actual budget cut before I believe it. First you said Obama was cutting defense when really he was planning to increase it, just not as much as the Pentagon had asked for. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were wrong again considering how wrong you’ve been so many times since Obama took office.

    Take for instance this week with your “slavery” bill passing without the part about slavery or a gestapo like army and without an actual line banning folks from going to church as some of you fanatics have been up in arms about.

    • Randy says:

      I almost missed the fact that this is what we are talking about. Thanks for the reminder. The cuts are to the proposed budget, and with the cuts the budget will still call for an actual increase in military spending. It’s also worthy to note that it was the military that suggested that the cuts in their proposed budget were necessary. Also, the military budget we are talking about excludes the cost of the wars in the middle east.

  6. Big Dog says:

    The cost of the wars do not count as budget items because we are not really spending the money.

    That is what Adam allows as the proper accounting methods. He maintains that Clinton had a surplus even though we had trillions in deficit because the CBO does not include off budget items and government to government debt. So, since the war is off budget there is no spending and the war has generated a surplus. Just using the same method Adam likes.

    I have not been wrong about Obama, I have only been wrong in YOUR opinion of the situation. You cite some left wing lunatic and say it is settled or that there is no evidence.

    The operating budget was supposed to go up 4%. I admit that this was the plan. Then Obama made people in Defense sign confidentiality papers not to discuss the budget (transparency).

    It will be cut, there is no doubt. Now don’t fall for accounting tricks where they claim to save money by reducing spending on the war in 2019 when it will, according to Obama, be over long before that.

    When you say the military do you mean the appointed hacks or the officers who run the show?

    When we get attacked again, and we will, everyone involved and those who said it was OK should be taken out and shot.

    If any of my family are harmed there will be hell to pay.

    Adam, I don’t know what you are saying about church but the mandatory service bill is unconstitutional and it is everything I said it was. You are just either too stupid or too Kool Aided up to see it.

    • Randy says:

      The new defense budget will be for more money than the previous military budget. My point with the war spending not being included was that the military budget cuts you are talking about are not for cuts in spending where Iraq and Afghanistan are concerned. In who suggested the military budget cuts, I guess the same people, commissioned officers or appointed folks, that have made written up the military budget for as long as I have been around. In my experience it usually is an unholy alliance of both. It wasn’t Obama that first suggested them. He wasn’t even the President when that happened.

      Where is your basis that the operating budget will be cut in the current proposed budget?

      • Randy says:

        …I guess the same people, commissioned officers or appointed folks, that have written up the military budget for as long as I have been around…

        oops, typo

  7. Adam says:

    “Just using the same method Adam likes.”

    Remember, it’s not just a method I like. It’s the CBO’s method for what they define as a surplus. Don’t act like I’m the one defending some radical definition of a surplus when it is you who wants to change the way the CBO defines a surplus simply so that Clinton won’t have had one.

    Please point me to the part of the bill that passed that says anything about mandatory service. Maybe we are talking about two different things. My mentioning of the church stuff was the interpretation that many on your side ran with such as this crazy blogger:

    This bill is being debated before Senate right now. It has already passed in the House! “The Give Act” requires youth to serve the government. Yes, the Act requires governmental service.


    The amendment lists things those indentured volunteers in the midst of their three-year servitude may NOT do. One is to protest, the other is go to church.

    The funny thing is that part of the bill in question was added by a Republican. You can’t make this stuff up. Your side sure is kooky and full of fake outrage lately. You folks will spread any piece of rumor or myth in order to attack Obama. Sad, really.

  8. Barbara says:

    And you Adam are as blind as a bat. Obama is sneakily taking us to be a socialist nation and then we will watch you cry because you won’t have any rights. The movie star who died in the sking accident died because she was in socialistic Canada. The hospital didn’t even have a CAT scan or neurologist on staff and that is exactly what we will get in the US. The government will decide who gets treatment and who doesn’t, as well as who dies, but you better believe Obama will get good care for his family. Maybe with any luck, he will get a doctor who doesn’t know what he is doing. The budget is a joke anyway. Even the foreign countries are being cool to him because of his spending and I don’t think he will get too far with them.

  9. Victoria says:

    There are wolves at the door and the guardians of freedom come from the people who depend on the Defense budget. In all reality, who else will defend us from the threats we face?

    There are some military men and women working for not that much more than minimum wage. Doing the most important job there is in this country as far as I am concerned. In World War II there were men and boys lined up around the blocks after Pearl Harbor and the whole country got behind everything and that is why we won–after 9/11 there was none of that. The liberal twits in WA are doing away with the term War On Terror. They really don’t believe we are at war. Now I agree you can’t have a war with a tactic. However it had to be called a war with something and the liberal twits would of had politically correctness meltdowns had we used any other term like Islam never mind that crazy Islamic Extremists have declared war on the US not to mention Iran now and Korea. In all reality who has got our military’s back in Washington anymore and protecting them from the likes of Obama, Murtha, Reid and Pelosi? The liberal twits on the left truly thinks freedom is passed down genetically somehow and they are shredding our constitution daily which our military took an oath to protect and defend. My daughter was in the military and she is out now–Thank God, I don’t want her life wasted on the likes of people who don’t support her and won’t pay her and won’t support her if she became disabled.