Led By The Nose, So It Goes

You know, I must really be the last Idealist- yes, I am conservative in my core values, but I have always believed that no matter who we elected, that person would have the actual welfare of the country at heart, thus couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything that would tear the country apart at the seams.

At least, until yesterday, when I learned that the Democratic Party, allegedly led by Barama,  in its most liberal, bone- headed move yet, (and that’s saying something, right there), has decided, in order to placate the foam- at the- mouth wing of liberals, to see if there is any trumped up charges they can throw at the Bush Administration regarding the detainees we still have at Gitmo.

Oh, Barama has given himself a CYA, by saying that the Attorney General would look into this, but we all know this could stop if Barry gave the word. He has not, and I do not think he will. This is most unfortunate. I guess that he wants to stay in good with John Conyers, who has some indictable back story, and Patrick Leahey, who is probably still mad that Dick Cheney told him where to go, in no uncertain terms. Don’t they know that people in glass houses do not throw stones? Apparently not.

This is a foolish move on several levels; One might be tempted to tell King Barama to keep his eye on the things he needs to get done, and not wander off like someone with ADD, looking for something new.

Also, I would remind him that this country is basically Center- right in its political makeup, and Barama didn’t so much win, as McCain lost. I mean, figure it out- the Republican brand was trashed, yet McCain actually won more states- just not the ones with the big electoral college numbers. If we had had a candidate that was serious about winning, the outcome might have been different.

But it is what it is in terms of the outcome. Barama should do well to remember what is Job One, as they used to say at Ford Motor Co., and that would be fixing the economy.

Yes, I know he is going at it bass- ackwards, but If he gets off in Lala land with the Daily Kos crowd, and MoveOn, very little will get done, and don’t care what kind of Halo you might think you have, if you aren’t getting results, don’t moveon- move over.
Add to this stew of righteous BS a cautionary note- what you do to others, so can be done to you, and is this the legacy you want? Endless hindsight hearings on who did what to whom, with shifting morals and questionable legalese- and BONUS!- this can occur every time a different party comes into power. Oh Joy.

Now,  I know that the liberals say,” Oh my God, he ordered torture! I can’t believe it!” Don’t believe it. Bush ordered “Discomfort”. The big difference is, these people are still alive, and not all crippled up,(although I am sure they will play to the crowd, and the pansy libs will cry, and say how brave these “freedom fighters” were in the face of some discomfort).  Look people, these terrorists (that’s right, Janet, I said the “T” word) were not randomly picked up , “driving while Al Queda”- they had to be fighting our troops. I say shoot them in their head, but the troops are better than I, and bring them in for questioning- if they are judged to be a high value detainee, then they get enhanced treatment.

Several facts here- (1)- the opinions were sought and received in the wake of 9/11, and if you do not remember how you felt then, just wait, with the Obamanators in charge, it will surely happen again- and, (2)- Medical staff were there at all times during the process, to oversee the discomfort levels. That makes it almost like going to the dentist, huh?

Now, you have to ask and answer a question honestly here- if your child was in imminent danger, and water- boarding a person would save your child’s life, would you do it? If your answer is yes, you need to cease criticism of this, because if you would save your child, would you not save your neighbors’? You absolutely cannot sanction the one, and condemn the other- that would be, let’s all say it together-hypocrisy.

See, I knew you could.

The fact that these levels of discomfort (I refuse to call this torture) even had to be argued by lawyers, says something strange about our system- I find it exceedingly bizarre that putting someone in a box with a caterpillar, in order to extract information, is called something other than “interesting”. That would be all I would think of it. The caterpillar couldn’t hurt the man, just scare him. Most of us might find that to be much milder than the visual scenes we get in horror movies today, but it worked.

Why we even have this discussion about people who cut off our heads (in real life, not movies), is probably the strangest twist in our moral confusion here. I, for example, would have no trouble ordering this menu of discomfort, not for enjoyment, but to extract information. There ARE times when the world is not shades of gray, to be debated ad nauseum, but black and white- this is one of those times.

You see, I still remember how I felt on 9/11, watching those planes fly into the towers in real time. I can sum it up in these words- No matter the color, no matter the race, you DO NOT mess with my brothers and sisters. You do not mess with my family.

Judging from Move on and the like, some of my family is vastly dysfunctional.

Big Dog

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How Did Janet Napolitano Get Her Job?

It is unfortunate that many government jobs are given by appointment because Janet Napolitano, Director of Homeland Security, is unqualified to hold the position to which she was appointed. In the last two weeks she has done some amazingly stupid things.

About two weeks ago, and just before the TEA Parties, the DHS released its report on radical rightwing extremist groups which basically described all conservatives but threw in baseless accusations such as we are angry at a black man being elected president. The report targets returning veterans as potential extremists. This is a fine way to classify those who have the testicular fortitude to fight for this country.

Then, Napolitano made the statement that the 9/11 terrorists entered this country by crossing the Canadian border. This is absolutely incorrect. They flew into this country on documents issued by the State Department (and a few had MARYLAND driver’s licenses because Maryland gives them to everyone). Though she claims to have been misunderstood, it was quite clear what she said. She also tried to claim she was referring to a long debunked urban legend. She is full of bovine excrement.

The furor began when Napolitano was asked to clarify statements she had made about equal treatment for the Mexican and Canadian borders, despite the fact that a flood of illegal immigrants and a massive drug war are two serious issues on the southern border.

“Yes, Canada is not Mexico, it doesn’t have a drug war going on, it didn’t have 6,000 homicides that were drug-related last year,” she said.

“Nonetheless, to the extent that terrorists have come into our country or suspected or known terrorists have entered our country across a border, it’s been across the Canadian border. There are real issues there.”

When asked if she was referring to the 9-11 terrorists, Napolitano added: “Not just those but others as well.” [emphasis mine] CTV.ca

One would think the Director of the DHS might know the truth about the 9/11 terrorists. One might also think that she would know there is a big difference between the northern and southern borders. In the south, people sneak across illegally and stay here. They smuggle in drugs and they kill Americans. In the north, they come across, do business, and go home. They enter legally. Yes, some people have entered illegally via the northern border but nowhere near the scale that they do in the south.

The issue of the border brings us to ILLEGAL immigration. Napolitano is a little fuzzy when it comes to this topic as well. She seems to think that crossing the border illegally is not a crime. During an interview with CNN’s John King, Napolitano was discussing Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his quest to enforce the immigration laws. After she dismissed his efforts she said:

“What we have to do is target the real evil-doers in this business, the employers who consistently hire illegal labor, the human traffickers who are exploiting human misery.

“And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well.” [emphasis mine]NewsMax

As the cited article points out, crossing the border is a crime punishable with a fine, jail time, or both. I am no lawyer but I believe that once an illegal is here and is caught it is a civil issue. Crossing the border is the felony. This is the dilemma. We know they committed a felony to get here but if we do not catch them actually crossing the border, it is a civil issue.

I have equated it to a man robbing a bank. If he robs the bank and gets away and a day later the cops find him spending the money, he has dye on his hands and his admits to the robbery, he is still guilty of a felony. Imagine if it were only a felony if they caught him robbing the bank but it was a civil issue if they caught him later. This is the insanity involved in our immigration laws.

Napolitano is one of the people who is supposed to protect the country but she is more interested in going after a law enforcement officer who is trying to uphold the law than the criminals who are breaking it (regardless of her “tough” rhetoric).

She thinks people who have conservative beliefs are rightwing extremists, that the 9/11 terrorists entered through Canada, and that crossing our border illegally is not a crime.

Like I said, it is unfortunate that these positions are political appointments because she has demonstrated that she is incompetent.

She should be relieved of her duties and replaced with someone who knows what he is doing.

Then again, she is what Obama wants. Someone who will be an advocate for the illegals.

Obama wants them as Democratic voters.

Big Dog

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Carville Wanted Bush To Fail

There has been an ongoing debate here about the idea that a group of people would want any president to fail. The liberals have taken offense to Rush Limbaugh saying he wanted Obama to fail. They claim that the left did not feel this way about Bush and only “called” him a failure after he actually (in their minds) failed. When I pointed to a Fox poll that asked whether the respondent wanted Bush to succeed in which 51% of Democrats said “no”, I was told that it was a poll taken 5 years after he was in office and that the poll is different than a major figurehead saying the same thing. Randy, a likable commenter stated:

So, 193 people polled, almost five years after George W. Bush took office hoped he didn’t succeed. That is a lot different than a major figurehead of folks identifying as conservatives saying about the President-Elect, “I hope he fails” before the man is even sworn into office.

September 11th, 2001 was only 8 months after Bush took office. We will remember it as a terrible day that changed America forever. Well, the right will. The left keeps trying to get back to pre 9/11.

On the morning of 9/11, James Carville talking to a group of reporters and told them; “I certainly hope he doesn’t succeed.” For those on the left, this is the same as saying; “I hope he fails.”

Carville is a major player for the Democrats. He is a strategist, a pollster and a pundit. He is on all the talk shows and he is very far left. This major player said that he wanted Bush to fail.

Right after Carville told the reporters this they all received word of the attacks. Carville told them to forget what he said because this [the attacks] changes everything. Carville knew if they printed that he wanted Bush to fail the timing would be bad and it would not look good. Think of how it would have looked if this came out along with the stories of the attacks.

Then again, it probably would not matter to the left. During that time unrepentant terrorist William Ayers gave an interview (I think it hit the stands on 9/11) in which he stated that his group did not do enough [terror] and the article featured a picture of him jumping on an American flag. The left ignored this and continued to ignore it even though Ayers and Obama are buddies.

The reporters did as they were told and did not print Carville’s desire for Bush to fail. But the fact is, he said it and it is no different than what Limbaugh said.

I know this story has already circulated but I wanted to address Randy’s comment and the comments of others who think the Democrats would never do such a thing.

The funny thing about this is that Carville is one of the talking heads who chastised Limbaugh for saying he wanted Obama to fail. This is another example of the hypocrisy of the left.

Big Dog

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By George, Bin Laden Was Responsible

Don Surber has a post up describing who was resonsible for the bloodshed in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was not George Bush as the left has contended for nearly seven years. You know, Bush lied people died, no blood for oil, blah, blah. I know that it will be hard for the 1960s dope smoking retread hippies to actually grasp this concept but the co-founder of al-Qaeda does not blame George Bush for the bloodshed. I know that when the Berkeley moonbats are sipping their lattes and reading their Communist newspapers they will choke on their tofu if anyone draws their attention to who is really to blame.

According to the guy who helped bin Laden found al-Qaeda (among others), Sayyid Imam al-Sharif, Osama bin Laden is the one responsible for all the bloodshed. Sayyid Imam al-Sharif reveals all this in the book he wrote while in prison in Egypt. So get ready moonbats and other America haters because this is what he said:

“Every drop of blood that was shed or is being shed in Afghanistan and Iraq is the responsibility of bin Laden and Zawahiri and their followers.”

Oh snap, that is going to hurt in the morning. George Bush was not responsible and his efforts are actually bearing fruit as this bad guy gives his assessment on 9/11 and other acts of terror:

The 9/11 attacks? “Ramming America has become the shortest road to fame and leadership among the Arabs and Muslims. But what good is it if you destroy one of your enemy’s buildings, and he destroys one of your countries? What good is it if you kill one of his people, and he kills a thousand of yours? That, in short, is my evaluation of 9/11.”

Fifth Column attacks from people who migrate to Britain and other nations? “If they gave you permission to enter their homes and live with them, and if they gave you security for yourself and your money, and if they gave you the opportunity to work or study, or they granted you political asylum,” then it is “not honorable” to “betray them, through killing and destruction.” Don Surber

As Surber points out, the reason they no longer mention the global war on terrorism is because we may have won. The statements of the co-founder of al-Qaeda is certainly persuasive with regard to the idea.

In any event, bin Laden is the one responsible for the bloodshed. Not George Bush or anyone else. The moonbats in the Drive By Media and the moonbats at places like the Daily POS had it wrong all along.

Their BDS did not allow them to see otherwise. But then again, they are part of the problem and not part of the solution so what should anyone have expected…

Big Dog

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Biden Compares Economy To 9/11

Joe Biden has a way with words and what he says often makes little or no sense or is a lie. I think his brain aneurysms have diminished his capacity which is why he tells us of visiting diners that have been closed for years. Maybe it is also why he is prone to so many gaffes.

Joe The VP (elect) spoke with members of Congress and he expressed that the economy was much like the crisis of the attacks on 9/11 and that we are at war. The blustery politician has also said, in the past, that we need to pass the economic stimulus or the economy will tank.

Joe met with House members and here is a recap of that meeting:

Vice-president-elect Joe Biden likened the country’s economic crisis to the attacks of 9/11 Monday in a private meeting on Capitol Hill.

“We’re at war,” Biden told congressional leaders of both parties during their sit-down with Barack Obama in the Capitol, according to two sources familiar with the exchange


Biden spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander said Biden “was speaking of how after September 11th, that the Congress came together and worked together for the sake of the country, that the Congress worked day and night to accomplish what was necessary. We did it then and we can do it now.” Politico

Of course Biden’s spokesperson had to step in and tell us what Joe really meant. You know it is political BS when someone else has to tell you what a politician meant.

But let’s look at the clarification. Alexander says that Biden was speaking of how we all came together after 9/11 and worked day and night to do what was necessary. I guess this is her way of saying Joe wants Congress, both parties, to work together day and night to pass the stimulus because it needs to be done and is as serious as 9/11.

Isn’t it amazing that when Republicans mention 9/11 they are fear mongering but the Democrats can use it and they are insightful? Isn’t it amazing that they feel free to say they worked day and night after 9/11 to do what had to be done when most of them backtracked on what was done?

In the aftermath of 9/11 a lot of things took place including the authorization for the use of military force in Afghanistan and then in Iraq. Most of the Democrats voted for it but later said they were fooled and that they were wrong in their votes blah, blah. I know a lot took place after 9/11 but the more defining actions were the ones that put the men and women of our Armed Forces in harm’s way. Sure, we got stuff that makes it tough to use air for travel but that is nothing compared to what the men and women in uniform have endured.

However, these people backed away from nearly every thing they claim was accomplished on 9/11. Obama was not in the Senate yet so he ran around saying he has always been against the war (except when he was campaigning for Kerry. Then he said he supported it). Biden voted for the war as did Clinton and many others. This was one of the biggest things Obama used against them in the primaries and people fell for it.

Now, Biden wants to invoke 9/11 as if the economy is as urgent as 9/11 and that we should all hold hands and work around the clock to do what needs to be done.

If he is comparing it to 9/11 then I say the Republicans definitely should not go for the stimulus package. After 9/11 Democrats voted with Republicans and then when things got rough, said they were tricked or lied to and that they were sorry they voted for the wars. Then they blamed everything on George Bush (the person who fooled them who is also the one they call stupid) and the Republicans. They were able to make that stick. They then proceeded to call the war a failure and said that it was lost. To this day Obama believes the surge did not work.

What happens if Republicans buy into this and things do not improve? The Democrats will say they were fooled or tricked or lied to and they will say they now are against a stimulus and that George Bush led them to believe it was needed and they were only following what he said so it is all his fault and they could not possibly be the ones, lions and tigers and bears, oh my…

They will then say that Republicans led them to believe a trillion dollars in spending was needed and that the whole issue is the Republicans fault.

I say we don’t need the stimulus. Before they spend our tax money they need to go through the federal budget line by line and start cutting, not with Obama’s scalpel but with a meat cleaver.

It is amazing that Biden would invoke 9/11 and what was accomplished when Democrats vehemently opposed the things accomplished when they believed there was political gain involved. Then again, political gain is why they voted to defend America in the first place.

Joe Biden went to the movies the other night and was only noticed by a few people and this was in a sold out theater. I guess he has to find some way to get in the news.

Mention 9/11, that ought to do it.

Then again, most anything that he says is newsworthy because it is often very wrong.

Joe Biden is the gaff-o-matic.

Big Dog

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