Led By The Nose, So It Goes

You know, I must really be the last Idealist- yes, I am conservative in my core values, but I have always believed that no matter who we elected, that person would have the actual welfare of the country at heart, thus couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything that would tear the country apart at the seams.

At least, until yesterday, when I learned that the Democratic Party, allegedly led by Barama,  in its most liberal, bone- headed move yet, (and that’s saying something, right there), has decided, in order to placate the foam- at the- mouth wing of liberals, to see if there is any trumped up charges they can throw at the Bush Administration regarding the detainees we still have at Gitmo.

Oh, Barama has given himself a CYA, by saying that the Attorney General would look into this, but we all know this could stop if Barry gave the word. He has not, and I do not think he will. This is most unfortunate. I guess that he wants to stay in good with John Conyers, who has some indictable back story, and Patrick Leahey, who is probably still mad that Dick Cheney told him where to go, in no uncertain terms. Don’t they know that people in glass houses do not throw stones? Apparently not.

This is a foolish move on several levels; One might be tempted to tell King Barama to keep his eye on the things he needs to get done, and not wander off like someone with ADD, looking for something new.

Also, I would remind him that this country is basically Center- right in its political makeup, and Barama didn’t so much win, as McCain lost. I mean, figure it out- the Republican brand was trashed, yet McCain actually won more states- just not the ones with the big electoral college numbers. If we had had a candidate that was serious about winning, the outcome might have been different.

But it is what it is in terms of the outcome. Barama should do well to remember what is Job One, as they used to say at Ford Motor Co., and that would be fixing the economy.

Yes, I know he is going at it bass- ackwards, but If he gets off in Lala land with the Daily Kos crowd, and MoveOn, very little will get done, and don’t care what kind of Halo you might think you have, if you aren’t getting results, don’t moveon- move over.
Add to this stew of righteous BS a cautionary note- what you do to others, so can be done to you, and is this the legacy you want? Endless hindsight hearings on who did what to whom, with shifting morals and questionable legalese- and BONUS!- this can occur every time a different party comes into power. Oh Joy.

Now,  I know that the liberals say,” Oh my God, he ordered torture! I can’t believe it!” Don’t believe it. Bush ordered “Discomfort”. The big difference is, these people are still alive, and not all crippled up,(although I am sure they will play to the crowd, and the pansy libs will cry, and say how brave these “freedom fighters” were in the face of some discomfort).  Look people, these terrorists (that’s right, Janet, I said the “T” word) were not randomly picked up , “driving while Al Queda”- they had to be fighting our troops. I say shoot them in their head, but the troops are better than I, and bring them in for questioning- if they are judged to be a high value detainee, then they get enhanced treatment.

Several facts here- (1)- the opinions were sought and received in the wake of 9/11, and if you do not remember how you felt then, just wait, with the Obamanators in charge, it will surely happen again- and, (2)- Medical staff were there at all times during the process, to oversee the discomfort levels. That makes it almost like going to the dentist, huh?

Now, you have to ask and answer a question honestly here- if your child was in imminent danger, and water- boarding a person would save your child’s life, would you do it? If your answer is yes, you need to cease criticism of this, because if you would save your child, would you not save your neighbors’? You absolutely cannot sanction the one, and condemn the other- that would be, let’s all say it together-hypocrisy.

See, I knew you could.

The fact that these levels of discomfort (I refuse to call this torture) even had to be argued by lawyers, says something strange about our system- I find it exceedingly bizarre that putting someone in a box with a caterpillar, in order to extract information, is called something other than “interesting”. That would be all I would think of it. The caterpillar couldn’t hurt the man, just scare him. Most of us might find that to be much milder than the visual scenes we get in horror movies today, but it worked.

Why we even have this discussion about people who cut off our heads (in real life, not movies), is probably the strangest twist in our moral confusion here. I, for example, would have no trouble ordering this menu of discomfort, not for enjoyment, but to extract information. There ARE times when the world is not shades of gray, to be debated ad nauseum, but black and white- this is one of those times.

You see, I still remember how I felt on 9/11, watching those planes fly into the towers in real time. I can sum it up in these words- No matter the color, no matter the race, you DO NOT mess with my brothers and sisters. You do not mess with my family.

Judging from Move on and the like, some of my family is vastly dysfunctional.

Big Dog

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10 Responses to “Led By The Nose, So It Goes”

  1. Mike Radigan says:

    Why aren’t all the administrations including Obama’s and Clinton’s not charged with knowingly allowing torture to our own troops such as what navy seals must endure during hell week. Even uber liberal MSNBC’s description of hell week describes worse treatment than the terrorists.


  2. victoria says:

    They are working up to 2012–Bush, Cheney, Torture,waterboarding=Republicans, conservatives etc. etc. you know. All the partison BS.

    • Big Dog says:

      I know but nothing in the memo was torture and it was researched in detail. Many members of Congress were briefed. The memos exonerate Bush and the rest because they got legal opinions and the opinions followed the law that Congress put in place. The real damage is that it disclosed to our enemies the methods and what they are supposed to accomplish so they can train their folks to resist.

      The memos are not a condemnation. They show that adults were in charge and doing the right thing. Only a demented moron thinks otherwise.

    • Blake says:

      It just all seems so USELESSLY gratuitous, I guess if it is vacuous, it must be Liberal. Wow, a new bumper sticker for all the Obamanators out there. I want my cut when it hits the big time, and the way this SNAFU is going, that should be in a week or so.
      It’s just such a pitiful, narcissistic POS to engage in- so petty, even by liberal standards, ‘ll bet some on the left are flinching- at least the sane ones are.

  3. Schatzee says:

    Well said, Blake. As far as I’m concerned, there was not enough “discomfort” as there should have been. I’d be bathing them in pig’s blood and laughing the whole time. The caterpillar would be the least of their worries in my world.

    But the problem here is also that once again we are revisiting the past while we have present and future concerns that should be and are far more pressing. Worrying about slavery reparations (give me a break), indicting a former American President’s administration (nice work), that is so much more important than adhering to the Constitution and getting our nation in order.

  4. Barbara says:

    Things are starting to close in on Obama and I can’t wait until he really fouls up!

  5. victoria says:

    This is all for show. The problem is–how many people are going to use their pea brains and think about what torture really is. None of this was torture. What happened to McCain in Vietnam was torture. He had bones broken etc. etc. And believe you me they don’t have doctors on hand to make sure anyone is OK. They let them die and they don’t give a damn about the Geneva Convention. The terrorists cut peoples heads off on TV for crying out loud. The Democrats and this adminstration is such a joke that it isn’t even funny.