Carville Wanted Bush To Fail

There has been an ongoing debate here about the idea that a group of people would want any president to fail. The liberals have taken offense to Rush Limbaugh saying he wanted Obama to fail. They claim that the left did not feel this way about Bush and only “called” him a failure after he actually (in their minds) failed. When I pointed to a Fox poll that asked whether the respondent wanted Bush to succeed in which 51% of Democrats said “no”, I was told that it was a poll taken 5 years after he was in office and that the poll is different than a major figurehead saying the same thing. Randy, a likable commenter stated:

So, 193 people polled, almost five years after George W. Bush took office hoped he didn’t succeed. That is a lot different than a major figurehead of folks identifying as conservatives saying about the President-Elect, “I hope he fails” before the man is even sworn into office.

September 11th, 2001 was only 8 months after Bush took office. We will remember it as a terrible day that changed America forever. Well, the right will. The left keeps trying to get back to pre 9/11.

On the morning of 9/11, James Carville talking to a group of reporters and told them; “I certainly hope he doesn’t succeed.” For those on the left, this is the same as saying; “I hope he fails.”

Carville is a major player for the Democrats. He is a strategist, a pollster and a pundit. He is on all the talk shows and he is very far left. This major player said that he wanted Bush to fail.

Right after Carville told the reporters this they all received word of the attacks. Carville told them to forget what he said because this [the attacks] changes everything. Carville knew if they printed that he wanted Bush to fail the timing would be bad and it would not look good. Think of how it would have looked if this came out along with the stories of the attacks.

Then again, it probably would not matter to the left. During that time unrepentant terrorist William Ayers gave an interview (I think it hit the stands on 9/11) in which he stated that his group did not do enough [terror] and the article featured a picture of him jumping on an American flag. The left ignored this and continued to ignore it even though Ayers and Obama are buddies.

The reporters did as they were told and did not print Carville’s desire for Bush to fail. But the fact is, he said it and it is no different than what Limbaugh said.

I know this story has already circulated but I wanted to address Randy’s comment and the comments of others who think the Democrats would never do such a thing.

The funny thing about this is that Carville is one of the talking heads who chastised Limbaugh for saying he wanted Obama to fail. This is another example of the hypocrisy of the left.

Big Dog

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