Joe Biden Is A Coward

Biden likes to talk tough. He said that if he were in high school he would take Trump behind the bleachers (to beat him up). He asked a person questioning his Second Amendment position if he wanted to go out back. He challenged an old overweight guy to a push up contest and he loves to tell his story about Corn Pop who was a bad dude and had some bad boys that Biden allegedly stood up to over a bathing cap or some blah blah stuff.

Turns out when you have secret service agents protecting you around the clock you can make threats and act tough because you really never have to back up your mouth with actions. If Biden actually fought with Trump, MAGA-laDon would stomp a mud puddle in Biden’s rear end and then walk it dry. You could swing and miss and he would fall like a ton of bricks.

When the time came to actually be tough Biden turned out to be a coward, a pussy, a yellow belly, a spineless jellyfish and any other word that means coward you can think of. He got punked and became subservient to a bunch of sand dwelling 7th Century goat humpers. Biden is in the easiest position in the world to live up to his bravado. He could make all the threats he wants to the Taliban because he does not have to actually carry out the actions himself. He can send people who are actually brave, our military, in and they will carry out his threats.

Circleback Psaki briefed us today and in her attempt to make “tough guy” Biden seem like he is doing the right thing she said well, the Taliban is in charge in Afghanistan. Well duh Jenn. Who the hell let them get in charge? That demented coward you are covering for. Oh but Joe Bien has so many tough choices to make.

The toughest choice Biden makes each day is what flavor Jello he wants after Dr. Jill “Ratched” Biden feeds him his lunch.

XidenWhat? You picking on her? Yes. She foisted this demented moron on us. The Dem Commies all want us to think Biden was perfectly with it when he ran for and took (literally) office. That way when they run him out they can say he developed dementia. No, it does not come on that quickly. They knew all along he was a few pancakes short of a stack but they needed him to get back into power.

His wife was part of this and her actions are nothing less than elderly abuse. She is upset because someone at Fox pointed it out and she wants an apology. Really Jill? America wants an apology from you for pushing that demented husband of yours on us and allowing him to ruin the nation.

So here we have alleged tough guy Joe who needs a bib to eat and a regular Depends change (“my butt’s been wiped“) who bowed down to the Taliban and is allowing them to crow and claim victory while he bends over and allows the Taliban to give us the collective shaft. Rumor has it that Jill talked Joe into keeping the 31 August deadline to have everyone out of Afghanistan. The tough guy is letting his caretaker tell him what to do.

Biden is a worthless stain on the history of our great country and every person who worked to put this fraud in office via a rigged election is also to blame. If the terrorists infiltrate us and harm you or yours blame Joe and look in the mirror.

Just don’t beg Joe to help you. He is too busy hiding in the basement, in a fetal position, sucking his thumb and dreaming of bad dude Corn Pop.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What Next Doctors?

There is a story that a large number of doctors at a Florida hospital will not treat patients who have not been vaccinated. The story actually indicates that they walked out rather than treat patients who have not been vaccinated. These doctors sound like a bunch of whiny people looking for attention or looking to use their positions to coerce people to get vaccinated.

To be fair, there are fact checks that indicate that the doctors did not refuse to treat unvaccinated patients and their walkout was more of a time between patients to come out and express their frustrations to media.

However, this idea of not treating the unvaccinated is not fresh. A doctor in Alabama has already told his patients he will not see them after 1 October 2021 if they have not been vaccinated. Did these Florida doctors indicate they would not treat patients and then realize the legal issues involved for the hospital and pull back on their story? Who knows? But let me forge on and those doctors who are thinking the same way can get a different perspective.

By the way, if these doctors merely want to complain, fine. I think patients should complain when doctors schedule them for an appointment and then have them sit for hours past that time. Maybe if the doctors were not out crying about unvaccinated patients they could see people on time, but I digress.

So before I discuss the issues in the article, I have a few questions. The first is are these doctors treating patients who HAVE been vaccinated but still got Covid? Before you start with the mindless BS the media spews, yes fully vaccinated people are being admitted to the hospital with Covid. There are plenty each day (most of the people in the hospital with Covid in Israel are vaccinated) but you probably need names and they do not usually publish the names of some unknown person so how about this. Jesse Jackson and his wife are fully vaccinated and have been admitted to a hospital for Covid.

How many patients coming into these facilities are illegal aliens who have not been vaccinated and were instead dumped in Florida. Will these doctors not treat the illegals the government dropped off?

Where do these doctors draw the line? You see, if they can say they would rather walk out than treat unvaccinated Covid patients (assuming that to be the case) what is to stop them from walking out rather than treat an obese heart attack patient? Will they go on a rant and tell people to lose weight? Will they stop treating fat people all together? Will these doctors walk out rather than treat a smoker with lung cancer?

You see doctors, people make choices in life and sometimes those choices are not good for them but you are not the moral authority here. Your job is to treat people who come in with a medical problem. If you want to give them educational material and discuss vaccination (or weight loss or smoking cessation) then fine but you do not get to pick and choose what you will treat because you do not like the choices.

One Doctor, J.T. Snarski (who has online comments indicating she is rude) was interviewed and here is what she had to say:

“It’s incredibly frustrating,” Dr. Snarski said. “Because we know vaccines are safe and effective. And it’s people who go out and talk against them that really go against physicians and medicine and science. And it’s not the message we want to get across to people. Vaccines are safe and we need to get our communities vaccinated.”

Hi Doctor Snarski. Could you please tell me the effects of the mRNA “vaccines” five years after administration? Can you tell me the effects ten years down the road? Can you spell out any of the long term problems the drugs cause? No, you can’t because they have not been studied that long. They were developed (sequenced on a computer) and then tested and then the EUA was given. The control groups of the tests were lost when the drug makers broke protocol and vaccinated them. There is nothing to compare to. We do have the vaccine reports indicating there are issues with some folks because of this drug.

I credit Snarski with the gifted speech of a politician. She said vaccines are safe and effective. This is a true statement about vaccines in general, you know the ones that have been tested for years and years and then used for years and years. She never said the Covid vaccines are safe and effective. How do we know when this technology has never been used before? They cause your cells to grow things that are not part of the human anatomy. Humans do not normally grow spike proteins. What long term effects might occur because of this? Since we have never used mRNA for vaccines before we have no historical data to look at. No tests or anything.

As an aside, Novavax will use tried and true technology that involves growing the proteins in insect tissue and then using the proteins to induce an immune response. We know that method is safer and has a history of use. Most people are not anti vax (some are but not most). They just want something they can trust a little more than something new that has no track record. Offer something like that and more people might be willing to get vaccinated. Regardless Dr. Snarski, you do not get to tell them what to do in any case.

Part of the story (which was on Morning Joe) had this gem:

“What Americans don’t understand is for every unvaccinated person that is filling up an ICU bed, that means, with the hospitals jammed, somebody with a heart attack, and I’ve known somebody in this position, goes there, has trouble getting in, can’t get treatment, can’t get a bed, it is a nightmare for the doctors, it is a nightmare for the nurses,” Scarborough said. “And to the doctor’s point-of-view, it’s worse yet for sick people that want help from them.”


Until Covid came along the scene described above played out in nearly every hospital in the nation during a normal flu season. I worked in hospitals for years and years. During EVERY flu season we had overflow beds in hallways, in other parts of the hospital and in the ER. We had to board patients in the ER until beds opened on the floors. Even when we were on bypass the ambulances would keep bring patients because every other hospital was in the same situation. Any nurse who works in a hospital can tell you this. It is rare to have a flu season that is not as described. And yes doctors (and Morning Joe) we had heart attack patients come in when we had no place to put them. That is when hospitals exercise their plans and make sure everyone gets treated.

And this is in a population that normally gets the flu vaccine. Who knows, maybe these doctors will start refusing care to the people who do not get the flu shot.

Today the FDA rushed through the approval of the Pfizer vaccine in order to fulfil its political duty to the ruling class. If Pfizer is now approved does it lose its immunity from litigation should the drug cause harm? If your employer mandates you get it and you get sick can you sue your employer? A what point do we rise up and squash this tyranny?

BTW, many years ago I was a medic on an ambulance. Can you imagine the uproar that it would have caused if we rolled up on an accident and the driver of the car was obviously intoxicated so we refused to treat him?

Doctors, above all else, primum non nocere (first, do no harm).

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Biden Hiden While Taliban Raises Flag

Joseph Biden is out of his league. He has been in government for nearly 50 years and during the campaign he, more accurately his surrogates, told us he had the experience. He could do what needed to be done in ways a buffoon like Donald Trump could never imagine. Why ole’ lunch box Scranton Joe knows all the world leaders, he knows how to deal with them, he knows how to do things and he knows how to do it in a gentle and kindly manner that is not familiar to a rube like Trump.

Now anyone with a half an ounce of brains knew this was all bull squirt. Biden has been in government for nearly fifty years and has accomplished very little. He has lied about everything and he has embellished his record. All of this has been discovered and shown but people do not listen and they do not care because he is not Donald Trump.

The radicals on the left were so engaged to get rid of Trump by any means they cheated on the election, the ignored valid treatments for the Covid Virus (that they might have had a hand in developing through FrankenFauici). They collapsed the economy, turned the sheep into subjects and allowed people to die to regain power. Just to be clear, Hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc works as does Ivermectin. But if they were approved the big pharma vaccines would have to go through the normal vetting process and could not get Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Yep, they allowed people who could have been saved to die to win.

Well Biden has been in office for about 7 months and he has botched everything. He has made things worse by turning over everything Donald Trump did. He screwed the southern border so badly we have hundreds of thousands of illegals entering this nation and infecting people with Covid. They are being sent all over the nation so they can vote for Democrat Communists. You know it is true. If illegal aliens voted for Republicans the Dem Commies would build a wall to the stratosphere and ensure no one entered this nation illegally.

The most disastrous thing that Biden has screwed up is the situation in Afghanistan. Joe Biden claims he followed Trump’s plan but this flies in the face of reality. Biden has gotten rid of everything Trump did so it is not credible that he would follow Trump’s Afghanistan plan. He is LYING. Biden told us his strong suit was foreign policy. He just got his ass handed to him by a bunch of goat humpers. Biden left those people billions of dollars in equipment. We spent 85 billion dollars in funding the Afghan Army. The Taliban made off with 600,000 weapons. 75,000 vehicles and 200 aircraft. The Taliban is our enemy and they are waging war against us and Biden armed them so they could do so. He gave aid and comfort to our enemies.

As Joe Biden commits treason the world is laughing at us. Joe Biden hides in his basement and gives incoherent press conferences and the media covered for him. Well, until now because some of their folks are in Afghanistan. We have been weakened and every bad actor on the world’s stage is going to test us in the very near future. China is threatening Taiwan and Russia is eyeing the former members of the USSR.

It will get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better. Look at what is going on. The Taliban is harming Americans (and a lot of other people) and they are flaunting the capture of our equipment. They recently dressed up in military uniforms left by the American military and reenacted the raising of the Flag at Iwo Jima BUT they are raising the Taliban flag.

Biden is demented. He is being run by the puppet masters hellbent on destroying our nation. You know this is true because Biden is so far gone he could hide his own Easter eggs.

If one American is murdered by the Taliban in Afghanistan Biden should be charged with murder. I pray that this nation does not devolve into civil war but I see that coming if things do not change.

I blame Biden for what is happening in Afghanistan but I also hold anyone who voted for him just as accountable.

As an aside, Biden said he is removing the troops from Afghanistan. When he started there were 2500 and now there are 6000. How is that for failure?

Here is a parody song for you to the tune of the Candyman by Sammy Davis Jr.

Taliban K. MacGowan and Big Dog

Who can take on Biden?
Kick him in the teeth
Chase off our military
Take a country in a week,
The Taliban
The Taliban
The Taliban can cuz they’re all medieval thugs this won’t turn out too good

Who can take a shaved goat
Spread apart its thighs
Treat it like a woman and give it a cream pie
The Taliban
The Taliban
The Taliban can cuz their all medieval thugs this won’t turn out too good

The Taliban leaves
And everything bleeds
Destructive and pernicious
Talk about their life suspicious
They will even kill your bitches

Who can take a scimitar
Rip it in a spleen
Separate the marrow
And end your family seed
The Taliban
The Taliban
The Taliban can cuz their all medieval thugs this won’t turn out too good

And the world is sliden’ because of Joe Biden

Be prepared because there are dark days ahead and it has nothing to do with Covid.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Joe Biden’s Tempest Of Fecal Proportions

Tempest of fecal proportions – to wit, a sh*t storm

Joe Biden is in some deep doo doo and it is so bad that many, including his onw VP, are looking to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him. Democrats are not likely to do that just now but they have been planning it all along. You see, they have known that Biden suffers from dementia. He had cognitive decline long before he ran for the presidency. The left has to be careful and try to phase his decline in or the public, those who actually think, will know that the Democrat Communists were well aware of the issue and ignored it to get rid of Trump,

Let us not forget that fraud played into the equation. There was massive fraud that put Biden in office by stealing a landslide victory from Trump. No matter how many people tell you it was free and fair, it was no such thing.

Biden is really out there. He said they planned for the things going on in Afghanistan right now. Those things going wrong were, according to Biden, factored into the equation. So Biden wants you to believe he knew the Taliban would take over in 11 days, and that the stranding of tens of thousands of Americans and the loss of billions of dollars of sophisticated equipment were all part of the equation and they figured it would be this way.

If so we need new leadership from the president all the way through the morons in State and the Pentagon who allowed this to happen. Biden is out of his depth and it appears as if Milley and Austin are barely treading water. They all need to be replaced.

How many Americans will be brutally murdered in Afghanistan? When that happens their murders will be used as propaganda rallying cries by the Taliban. They will crow they beat America.

They did not beat our military, they beat the morons in the civilian leadership under that loser Biden. In other words, blame the suits, not the boots.

There are a lot of offers for counseling for military members who are distressed at the turn of events in Afghanistan. This bothers quite a few real heroes who gave their all for this mission only to have Biden mess it all up.

Biden is demented and needs to be replaced.

Hell, Joe Biden can hide his own Easter eggs….

America is in turmoil and the mess was brought to you by the people who run the swamp. They just had to get rid of Trump. If you are one of those people then you deserve whatever happens to you. I hope you live a miserable four years under demented Joe.

Kamala will be no better but it will be fun hammering her every time she does something. Yes Kamala, we will pin lots of sh*t on you.

God bless America because we will need it.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Biden Will Do Anything To Help…

But he won’t do that.

When the election was stolen and Chairman Biden was placed in the White House the nation was involved in a government induced economic downfall (not pandemic induced) that was on its way to recovery as Donald Trump worked to get things opened and people back in their jobs.

Trump was working on making his valid claims of election fraud while Biden, who along with his Vice President elect, worked on getting the vaccine that they swore they would never take. They were a few of the very first people to actually get it even though they blasted it as snake oil from Trump when they ran. For the record, I am not a fan of the vaccine and will not get it. I will wait for a vaccine that uses a more conventional, tried and true, method of immunization.

I digress. While Biden was running he told liberal groups he was going to shut down fossil fuels and he told the general public he never said that and it was a lie. In a debate he said Trump was lying when Trump said Biden would be harmful to our energy independence and that it would cost jobs and fuel costs would go up.

Within a day or so of taking office Biden took actions that removed our energy independence and ceded our energy strength to foreign nations. Tens of thousands of American workers lost their jobs as Biden and his hard core communists denied that it was so.

The liberal media, enthralled with having anyone but Trump, even a demented old fool, at the helm were all atwitter with joy as Biden slashed one thing after another.

Now there is a problem. OK, there are plenty of problems like the illegal alien invasion Biden and his people are allowing to happen. They are bringing disease and will suck up jobs while the Democrat Communists work to give them legal status and allow them to vote, but that is a discussion for another time.

The problem is that as more and more people go back to work and as more and more people are out traveling the glut of oil we had is diminishing and since Biden slashed all our initiatives (while approving those for Russia) we have less oil. With more demand the price of gasoline is going up. It is more than a dollar per gallon over last year’s price. A lot of people, even some hard core liberals, are balking at the increase. Couple the gas price increase with the Biden Inflation and the pain at the pump is felt by many.

Now I don’t really care if anyone who voted for Biden has to pay more for gas and I don’t really care if it causes them to have to eat cat food. They voted for it and they should have to suffer for it. But the rest of us, those who voted for the actual winner of the election, should not have to pay more. It looks like Biden (more likely his puppet master) is seeing the damage, not to people or the country but to the left’s chances of holding on to Congress. Rising gas prices (among other things like the out of control invasion of illegal aliens) is cited as a reason many experts expect the GOP to win big next year.

So what is a demented old fool to do? Well, he will beg OPEC to produce more fuel so the price will go down and we can import it from them. Seems to me we would have been better off producing our own and keeping the price low that way. Joe’s drug addled son Hunter worked for an energy company. Surely with all that experience he could have told the Big Guy to keep it at home.

Then again, the recent admission by Hunter Biden in another sex tape of his, that his laptop was stolen by Russians (his third laptop to be compromised) is probably why Biden approved the Russian pipeline. Remember though, Trump was the one compromised by Russia. By my count the Bidens are compromised by AT LEAST Russia and China.

We now have the leader of the US begging for oil. According to an unidentified official:

The president recognizes that gas prices can put a pinch on the family budget,” a senior White House official, who asked not to be identified told CNBC. “He’d like his administration to use whatever tools that it has to help address the cost of gas, to help bring those prices down. ~ Gateway Pundit

He will use every tool except:

  • Reopen energy development in ANWRAllow the Keystone XL pipeline to proceed
  • Remove the ban on developing energy on federal lands
  • Reopen the sale of energy leases in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Allow energy development in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Alabama

Glad to see he is so committed.

Those are all things Biden shut down, things Trump told you he would do. Biden denied it and said you can trust him because when he says something he does it. The guy has a history of lying but people trusted him because he was not Trump. Those people deserve to pay higher prices and to live in boxes under bridges.

Joe Biden and the Democrat Communists are rapidly destroying this country. I think if the American Patriots do not have an intervention soon we will be another footnote in history.

IOW, our Founders would have been shooting by now.

One source

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
