Joe Biden Is A Coward

Biden likes to talk tough. He said that if he were in high school he would take Trump behind the bleachers (to beat him up). He asked a person questioning his Second Amendment position if he wanted to go out back. He challenged an old overweight guy to a push up contest and he loves to tell his story about Corn Pop who was a bad dude and had some bad boys that Biden allegedly stood up to over a bathing cap or some blah blah stuff.

Turns out when you have secret service agents protecting you around the clock you can make threats and act tough because you really never have to back up your mouth with actions. If Biden actually fought with Trump, MAGA-laDon would stomp a mud puddle in Biden’s rear end and then walk it dry. You could swing and miss and he would fall like a ton of bricks.

When the time came to actually be tough Biden turned out to be a coward, a pussy, a yellow belly, a spineless jellyfish and any other word that means coward you can think of. He got punked and became subservient to a bunch of sand dwelling 7th Century goat humpers. Biden is in the easiest position in the world to live up to his bravado. He could make all the threats he wants to the Taliban because he does not have to actually carry out the actions himself. He can send people who are actually brave, our military, in and they will carry out his threats.

Circleback Psaki briefed us today and in her attempt to make “tough guy” Biden seem like he is doing the right thing she said well, the Taliban is in charge in Afghanistan. Well duh Jenn. Who the hell let them get in charge? That demented coward you are covering for. Oh but Joe Bien has so many tough choices to make.

The toughest choice Biden makes each day is what flavor Jello he wants after Dr. Jill “Ratched” Biden feeds him his lunch.

XidenWhat? You picking on her? Yes. She foisted this demented moron on us. The Dem Commies all want us to think Biden was perfectly with it when he ran for and took (literally) office. That way when they run him out they can say he developed dementia. No, it does not come on that quickly. They knew all along he was a few pancakes short of a stack but they needed him to get back into power.

His wife was part of this and her actions are nothing less than elderly abuse. She is upset because someone at Fox pointed it out and she wants an apology. Really Jill? America wants an apology from you for pushing that demented husband of yours on us and allowing him to ruin the nation.

So here we have alleged tough guy Joe who needs a bib to eat and a regular Depends change (“my butt’s been wiped“) who bowed down to the Taliban and is allowing them to crow and claim victory while he bends over and allows the Taliban to give us the collective shaft. Rumor has it that Jill talked Joe into keeping the 31 August deadline to have everyone out of Afghanistan. The tough guy is letting his caretaker tell him what to do.

Biden is a worthless stain on the history of our great country and every person who worked to put this fraud in office via a rigged election is also to blame. If the terrorists infiltrate us and harm you or yours blame Joe and look in the mirror.

Just don’t beg Joe to help you. He is too busy hiding in the basement, in a fetal position, sucking his thumb and dreaming of bad dude Corn Pop.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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