Biden Hiden While Taliban Raises Flag

Joseph Biden is out of his league. He has been in government for nearly 50 years and during the campaign he, more accurately his surrogates, told us he had the experience. He could do what needed to be done in ways a buffoon like Donald Trump could never imagine. Why ole’ lunch box Scranton Joe knows all the world leaders, he knows how to deal with them, he knows how to do things and he knows how to do it in a gentle and kindly manner that is not familiar to a rube like Trump.

Now anyone with a half an ounce of brains knew this was all bull squirt. Biden has been in government for nearly fifty years and has accomplished very little. He has lied about everything and he has embellished his record. All of this has been discovered and shown but people do not listen and they do not care because he is not Donald Trump.

The radicals on the left were so engaged to get rid of Trump by any means they cheated on the election, the ignored valid treatments for the Covid Virus (that they might have had a hand in developing through FrankenFauici). They collapsed the economy, turned the sheep into subjects and allowed people to die to regain power. Just to be clear, Hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc works as does Ivermectin. But if they were approved the big pharma vaccines would have to go through the normal vetting process and could not get Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Yep, they allowed people who could have been saved to die to win.

Well Biden has been in office for about 7 months and he has botched everything. He has made things worse by turning over everything Donald Trump did. He screwed the southern border so badly we have hundreds of thousands of illegals entering this nation and infecting people with Covid. They are being sent all over the nation so they can vote for Democrat Communists. You know it is true. If illegal aliens voted for Republicans the Dem Commies would build a wall to the stratosphere and ensure no one entered this nation illegally.

The most disastrous thing that Biden has screwed up is the situation in Afghanistan. Joe Biden claims he followed Trump’s plan but this flies in the face of reality. Biden has gotten rid of everything Trump did so it is not credible that he would follow Trump’s Afghanistan plan. He is LYING. Biden told us his strong suit was foreign policy. He just got his ass handed to him by a bunch of goat humpers. Biden left those people billions of dollars in equipment. We spent 85 billion dollars in funding the Afghan Army. The Taliban made off with 600,000 weapons. 75,000 vehicles and 200 aircraft. The Taliban is our enemy and they are waging war against us and Biden armed them so they could do so. He gave aid and comfort to our enemies.

As Joe Biden commits treason the world is laughing at us. Joe Biden hides in his basement and gives incoherent press conferences and the media covered for him. Well, until now because some of their folks are in Afghanistan. We have been weakened and every bad actor on the world’s stage is going to test us in the very near future. China is threatening Taiwan and Russia is eyeing the former members of the USSR.

It will get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better. Look at what is going on. The Taliban is harming Americans (and a lot of other people) and they are flaunting the capture of our equipment. They recently dressed up in military uniforms left by the American military and reenacted the raising of the Flag at Iwo Jima BUT they are raising the Taliban flag.

Biden is demented. He is being run by the puppet masters hellbent on destroying our nation. You know this is true because Biden is so far gone he could hide his own Easter eggs.

If one American is murdered by the Taliban in Afghanistan Biden should be charged with murder. I pray that this nation does not devolve into civil war but I see that coming if things do not change.

I blame Biden for what is happening in Afghanistan but I also hold anyone who voted for him just as accountable.

As an aside, Biden said he is removing the troops from Afghanistan. When he started there were 2500 and now there are 6000. How is that for failure?

Here is a parody song for you to the tune of the Candyman by Sammy Davis Jr.

Taliban K. MacGowan and Big Dog

Who can take on Biden?
Kick him in the teeth
Chase off our military
Take a country in a week,
The Taliban
The Taliban
The Taliban can cuz they’re all medieval thugs this won’t turn out too good

Who can take a shaved goat
Spread apart its thighs
Treat it like a woman and give it a cream pie
The Taliban
The Taliban
The Taliban can cuz their all medieval thugs this won’t turn out too good

The Taliban leaves
And everything bleeds
Destructive and pernicious
Talk about their life suspicious
They will even kill your bitches

Who can take a scimitar
Rip it in a spleen
Separate the marrow
And end your family seed
The Taliban
The Taliban
The Taliban can cuz their all medieval thugs this won’t turn out too good

And the world is sliden’ because of Joe Biden

Be prepared because there are dark days ahead and it has nothing to do with Covid.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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