Why Aren’t Democrats Fuming Over This?

Several weeks ago Hillary Rodham Clinton caused an uproar by saying that it was not unusual for a primary to go into June. She mentioned that her husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until June and that it was June when Bobby Kennedy was assassinated (40 years ago today). Her point was that he was still campaigning in June but the left wing lunatics went nuts and claimed Clinton was saying that she stayed in just in case something happened to Obama.

Of course it is a sin to mention assassination in anything that deals with Obama. People are hyper sensitive about the issue and act as if someone is lurking around the corner just waiting to bust a cap in this guy’s arse. Unless he goes into the inner cities that Democrats have established, he should be safe. The black on black crime in the liberal bastions would be a concern. Of course, the race baiters want us to believe that some racist will kill the Obamessiah before he fulfills his manifest destiny.

I wonder then, if the liberal jackasses will be as upset with the Sun out of the UK. That publication is having an Obamasm over his winning the nomination. They are just beside themselves with the idea that America has a black nominee which will put us in a better light in the world and that Obama is finally fulfilling the dreams of Dr. King (who was a Republican). But here is where they go all Clinton on us:

He is now a step closer to realising the ambitions of Martin Luther King, the black civil rights leader assassinated in 1968. The Sun

Will anyone on the left make a big deal out of this like they did when Hillary mentioned Kennedy’s assassination? This publication mentioned Obama and assassination and that might incite some wacko to take a shot at Obama. They are so serious about this they shut down an artistic display dealing with the assassinations of the characters of Obama and Clinton.

I am willing to bet that since the publication is praising Obama and not saying that it is awful he won that nothing will be said. Since it is a favorable story by people who like him nothing will be made of it. Hillary was the opposition so her historical reference had to have a hidden meaning. Incidentally, the Sun calls Obama the real American Idol.

Given that he is from Chicago with its history of election fraud and given that on American Idol one may vote as many times as he wishes I would say that this might not be a bad assessment of young Obama. He will get a lot of votes from dead people and their pets while others vote early and often. Chicago politics has played its part already when Obama put a hold on an FEC nominee. No quorum, no investigations…

That is one thing that Obama Hopes does not Change soon.

Big Dog

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One Response to “Why Aren’t Democrats Fuming Over This?”

  1. David M says:

    The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 06/06/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

    David Ms last blog post..And They Still Want To Be a State!