Who Cares How Paris Hilton Spends Her Money?

Some people in Australia are in a snit because Paris Hilton went on a 40 minute shopping spree and spent nearly $4000. According to the story, some charities accused her of callous excess.

I guess she should donate her money to the charities instead?

I don’t follow Paris Hilton (though I stay in a lot of her hotels) and I don’t care what she does with her money. I have yet to figure out why she is such a big deal aside from her wealth. She is spoiled and cried her way out of a long jail sentence because she could not stand it there. Who could?

I will say that she had the best campaign ads during the last election and some of the things she said made more sense than what the real candidates were saying.

But one thing I am absolutely certain of is that she can spend her money any way she wants to. If she wants to give it to charity then fine and if she does not want to give it to charity that is also fine. If people had decided to give money to charity instead of Obama then charities would have had about three quarters of a billion dollars. But people chose to do something else with it and that is their right.

Paris Hilton lives a lavish lifestyle because she has tons of money. It is hers and I see no reason that she should be criticized for spending it however she wants.

Amazingly, Hilton was in Sydney to host an exclusive New Year’s dance party and she will get 100,000 Australian dollars for her appearance.

Why didn’t the charity criticize whoever decided to pay her that kind of money to host a party?


Big Dog

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2 Responses to “Who Cares How Paris Hilton Spends Her Money?”

  1. Anne says:

    Not a Paris Hilton fan in the least, but she did serve her time in jail and didn’t get out early.

    • Big Dog says:

      She went to jail on June 4th or 5th, was released to home confinement and then sent back to jail by the judge. She went back and started in the medical wing then went back to the regular jail cell (regular for celebrities). Then she was released on 26 June. Her sentence was 45 days and she did about 23 or 24 so she did half.

      She cried the whole time about the food and her inability to get a pillow or more pillows.

      I appreciate the comment. I did not mean to give the impression that she served no time.