Truth Boating Hillary

It is time for the world to know the truth about Hillary Rodham and there is an effort underway to do just that. The blog campaign “Truth Boating Hillary” is being launched and the very first information available is the criminal activities of Ms. Rodham that were caught on tape. All of the crimes in the tape revolve around a fund raising event that she denied having advanced knowledge of and whose organized she pretended not to know when the law started investigating the illegal donations. The tape has Hillary clearly discussing the event in detail (prior to it happening) and she is discussing it with the guy she would later pretend not to know.

Here is the email I got:

We are launching a blog campaign “Truth Boating Hillary” to break through the media blockade about the pending civil fraud law suit against Hillary, Paul v Clinton, currently before a California Appeals Court. Hillary’s felony misconduct- captured on video tape- is being reviewed by a three judge panel for the first time when a September 7 oral argument takes place in Los Angeles.
Please link to and to get the word out to the blogosphere that Hillary has hidden through the MSM

We need to remove the grip the MSM has on the stories. They are protecting her because they want her in the White House. We can not let that happen.

Big Dog

Stop the ACLU

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4 Responses to “Truth Boating Hillary”

  1. Thanks for posting this, Big Dog. We have very compelling evidence, and I will be reporting from the courtroom.

    …Doug from Upland

  2. Patsy says:

    Somehow I just don’t believe Hillary or Bill Clinton will ever be held accountable for their malfeasance. Call me completely cynical, Big Dog.

    But after that entire first Clinton Administration got away scot-free, even though Bill surrendered his license to practice law, BIG WHOOP-DI-DOO, I find it hard to see how they’ll be convicted or found responsible for this.

    Look how many people who’ve worked for and with the Clinton’s who have wound up flat broke, bankrupted, their reputations destroyed and incarcerated. Meanwhile, the Clintons continue leading their reigns of terror.

    Everything the Clinton’s touch turns to excrement for everyone else; the American people, foreign government officials who’ve had dealings with them, their friends, their business associates, their subordinates, their political opponents, even some of their own family members; they destroy everyone in their wake. They manage to emerge relatively unscathed.

    I don’t understand why the Justice Department didn’t pursue the perpetrators of the vandalism done to the White House as they vacated the premises when President Bush moved in. Why weren’t the Clintons charged for the items they removed from the White House that were property of the White House? These were serious offenses and had they been pursued, the Clintons political power would have been greatly diminished, if not completely destroyed. Why didn’t the Justice Department go after them?

    What about the Chinese government and all of that crap they did with them. The satellite missile technology which was sold to them in exchange for campaign contributions. Shouldn’t that have been investigated? Our top secret national security was breached, I don’t care if Bill Clinton was the Chief Executive, he broke the law.

    If all that was overlooked, and here he was impeached, yet not convicted in the Senate, so he remained in office.

    They’re just never going to be held accountable for anything they do. They’re dangerous as hell, too. It makes me sick.

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  4. Patsy, you are correct that they will never be held accountable criminally. They are simply above the law. What we can do, however, is present the truth to enough people to keep her out of the White House. With her political machine, ruthlessness, mainstream media, and unlimited amount of money from Soros and other billionaires, it will require a monumental effort.