Too Late To Make A Difference

There was widespread fraud across battleground states during the 2020 election. Joe Xiden was the beneficiary of ballot dumps and machine manipulations and he was helped immensely by the mail in ballot fraud and the lax rules, rules that run contrary to the Constitution.

The rejection rates for mail in ballots were substantially lower than in years past. Now this is not just compared to the last election, it is compared to the history of mail in ballots. This was by design to ensure that Xiden had as many votes as possible and those were still not enough. That is why a number of battleground counting places “closed” at the same time and sent the watchers home. They needed to cheat and cheat they did.

I had remarked that this would not be resolved, the allegations would be ignored, the election would be certified and THEN Republicans would say; Ya know, we need to do something to tighten up elections. There was cheating in the last one and we need to pass some laws to fix that.

As an aside, the same people who say there was no evidence of widespread fraud will now work to change laws because of the widespread fraud they say did not exist.

Snap back to reality. In Georgia, a state with massive election fraud, a newly elected Republican state Senator has introduced legislation that would require a copy of two forms of ID for a mail in ballot.

Since the GA Secretary of State and Governor ignored the law and changed things instead of having the legislature do it (as required by the US Constitution) how exactly will this solve anything? They could just as easily ignore an ID law. They could say well we entered into an agreement that if only one ID is there to go ahead and accept it.

Until states write laws that have teeth to them and include provisions for adjudication (like allowing the legislature to convene without anyone else’s permission) of claims of fraud then there is nothing to look at here.

If the people who cheat can do so with the knowledge that they will not be caught and if they are (they were caught on video in GA) they would be safe from prosecution they will keep doing bad things. If they know that even if caught the cheating will not be addressed or overturned then there is no reason for them to stop.

Try having laws that allow the legislature to act independently for election issues and that provide for very long prison sentences for people who engage in fraud. Prison sentences with no chance of early release.

Look, this thing in GA is a start but we are well past doing any good. The left used Dominion voting machines to manipulate results and engaged in good old ballot stuffing while changing the rules (all justified by Covid doncha know) and were successful. Unless we widescale prosecutions with public disclosure of all the fraud this will just continue until people get upset.

And the people are like the Incredible Hulk. Don’t make them angry, you wouldn’t like them when they are angry.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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