Terrorists Getting Taste of Own medicine

Hamas and Fatah have been fighting for a few weeks and now Hamas has overrun the Fatah security compound. According to reports members of Fatah are being dragged into the street and executed in the name of “justice and Islamic rule.” People are telling these stories as if the world is supposed to be surprised and horrified when in fact, this is Islamic justice and rule.

Fatah officials said seven of their fighters were shot to death in the street outside Preventive Security. A witness, Jihad Abu Ayad, said the men were being killed in front of their wives and children.

“They are executing them one by one,” Abu Ayad said. “They are carrying one of them on their shoulders, putting him on a sand dune, turning him around and shooting.” Breitbart

The people from this part of the world and their terror buddies in organizations like CAIR stand silent when these animals execute people around the world in the name of Allah and his child molesting prophet Mohammad. There was no outrage among them as Americans and others are executed by beheading and the gruesome act is shown all over the Internet. No, now I guess we are supposed to be unhappy that these animals are dragging each other out into the street and ending their lives.

As far as i am concerned we can let these animals kill each other off until there are none left. I am not going to boo hoo over Muslims killing each other when they kill non Muslims regularly and take pride in their acts.

I would just hope our country will not give one cent to these people. Let them figure a way to make it on their own. In the words of Kos, Screw them.

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