Congress Gives Itself A Raise

Technically that is not exactly correct since the Congress gets the raise automatically unless it votes to stop it. They made it that way some years ago because people complained that the deadbeats were always voting themselves raises that they did not deserve. The cowards changed it so that they had to vote to stop it and that way they would be telling the truth when they said they did not vote for a pay raise.

Looks like the Congress has done it again. They failed to vote so the raise will take place. The do nothing Congress that has ruined the economy will be getting paid more money for its failures. This is the same Congress that bullies the leaders of the Big Three auto companies for wasteful practices and running their businesses into the ground. The big difference is that Congress has run our country into the ground and can confiscate taxpayer money as a reward without all the begging the automakers must go through.

I don’t believe the auto makers should get taxpayer money and I don’t believe Congress deserves a pay raise. This Congress has spent and spent until we have a huge deficit. Congress has set the conditions and fostered the environment where people with no money can buy houses and receive credit. This caused the collapse of the housing market and led to the financial disaster on Wall Street. The ripple effect is a direct result of the actions of Congress. The members were too busy taking huge donations from those they should have been watching. They were too busy allowing a few of their friends to get very rich at the expense of others and they were too busy running this country into the ground to keep focused.

What do they all get for their failed efforts? They get a raise of nearly $5000, all paid for by the very taxpayers they put the screws to.

Members of Congress work very few days during the year. They would like you to believe that it is a hard job that involves so much effort but the reality is they keep running for office because they can get rich once they are entrenched. Look at how many wealthy people run for office and how many more got wealthy once in office. They do it because they can be part of the elite and not have to work very hard. They do it for the prestige and they do it because it is easy money (that most of them do not need).

None of these jackasses work a full year. We are lucky if they put 100 days in. They spend the rest of the time on a vacation that they label “district days.” It is time they fly off to other countries on the taxpayer dime (or on the dime of a lobbyist) and they spend little time actually working.

The Congress loves when it has leaders of business begging for money. Then it can sit there and chide them for their excesses. How dare you fly in a corporate jet or make millions of dollars a year when the economy is bad and your employees are being laid off? How hypocritical can they be? They are taking a pay raise when the economy is tanking and people are losing their jobs. It is wrong and the practice needs to end.

We need a system where taxpayers decide whether their representatives get a raise or not and how much it should be. Members of Congress and the Sainted One have stated that the CEOs of the auto companies need to go as part of a deal. They ran the business into the ground and they need to go.

The Congress has done much worse for this country than the automakers have done for their businesses.

We need to demand that they change this automatic pay raise to one that requires a vote so we can hold them accountable.


The Hill

Big Dog

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