Hillary’s Birthday, a Hot Time in California

Media Mogul David Geffen was once a big time Clinton supporter to the tune of 18 million dollars. In 2005 he stated that Hillary was too polarizing and could not be elected. In February of this year Geffen had some harsh things to say about both Clintons. It would seem that Mr. Geffen is fed up with their games and he has decided to back B. Hussein Obama. Now I will not say that this was a wise choice because, as my friend The Bull points out, Hussein Obama cannot figure out how to render proper respect for our Flag (FWIW Hillary probably learned this when she was raised in a Conservative household).

Geffen is another Liberal but he has a good streak to him and this streak shows the sharp contrast between him and the Hildebeast and is best represented by what took place in the hellish inferno that we call California. Geffen has an inn in Southern California and he has opened it to people who need shelter as well as a bunch of firefighters. He has provided them a place to sleep and is not charging them one red cent.

With the outbreak of fire, Geffen opened the inn to two dozen evacuees for free, as well as to 80 firefighters who slept there in shifts.

“Why be empty? I’d rather it go to good use,” managing director Alan Goldschneider said. “They try to throw down money and their credit cards, but we’re not charging a soul. They’re saving our houses.” al-Reuters

While all of this was going on, while hundreds of thousands of people were affected and losing everything they have and while Liberal medial mogul Geffen was putting up people for free what was Hillary, the compassionate, people person doing? She was at director Rob Reiner’s house celebrating her birthday at a fund raiser the ultra liberal set up in her honor. While people were losing everything, she was raking in a half a million dollars from the liberal elite in Hollywood.

I know there are Hillary supporters who will ask what she was supposed to do and that is a fair question because Hillary did not start the fires and she certainly could not put them out. To Liberals, she is not like George Bush who, in their minds, is able to conjure up a hurricane and then a failure because he cannot swoop in and stop a flood or be there on a moment’s notice to bail out the people who were failed by their liberal state leaders, but I digress. If I were running for the office of President and these same circumstances presented themselves (OK let’s be real, it would have to be a Conservative celebrating my birthday) I would have told everyone that I was flattered that they would come out to support me but that I had a better idea. Instead of donating money to my campaign donate it to the relief efforts for the folks affected by the fire. The I would remind them that while there is a limit on how much they may legally donate to me, there is no limit to how much they could give for that worthy cause.

Then again, that is just me but the whole thing begs the question; Does Hillary care about anyone but herself?

I think it was a no-brainer before and this weekend just made it that much clearer.

I guess Hillary is only compassionate when she is giving away other people’s money for social programs.

ABC News Blog

Big Dog