Bald Faced Liars

Yep, that’s the Resident and his little posse of second- rate hucksters that trail behind him, begging for scraps- all liars. How can they even talk with each other? Would you trust anyone who has lied as much as this administration? God knows I do not.

The Resident has lied about 1)- the “stimulus”, 2)- THE “TARP”, 3)-Cap & Tax,  4)-the deficit, 5)- healthcare, and 6)- now, the CIA “investigation”, in which he claimed to want to look ahead.

His lackey, Eric Holder, the attorney general, apparently has gone off of the plantation in his investigation of the CIA. This will have a chilling effect on our ability to gather intelligence, but it seems as if Holder doesn’t know what intelligence is, because he surely isn’t displaying any.

The Justice Department released a long-secret report Monday chronicling abuses inside the Central Intelligence Agency’s overseas prisons, showing how interrogators choked a prisoner repeatedly and threatened to kill another detainee’s children.

In response to the findings, Attorney General Eric H Holder Jr. chose John H. Durham, a veteran prosecutor from Connecticut who has been investigating the C.I.A.’s destruction of interrogation videotapes, to determine whether a full criminal investigation of the conduct of agency employees or contractors was warranted. The review will be the most politically explosive inquiry since Mr. Holder took over the Justice Department in February.

Why would ANY real American go this route? Why destroy the intel capacity of the CIA at a time that we need to have ALL the facilities at peak performance? All because a couple of Al-Qaida scumbags got wet? Personally, I do not care how wet they got- indeed, I don’t care if they had their skin flayed off in long, slow strips- just so we got the intel.

The CIA knows how to get intel without flaying the skin off of these pigs, but now, even a little water is too much for the pantywaists at the Justice department. It is either that, or they are flat out traitors intentionally sabotaging our intelligence capacity- I know which choice I think these people are.

The attorney general said his decision to order an inquiry was based in part on the recommendation of the Justice Department’s ethics office, which called for a new review of several interrogation cases.

In what appeared to be a response to the Justice Department’s release, the C.I.A. later on Monday released previously secret agency reports from 2004 and 2005 that detailed intelligence scoops produced by the interrogation program.

One of the reports calls the program “a crucial pillar of U.S. counterterrorism efforts” and describes how interrogations helped unravel a network headed by an Indonesian terrorist known as Hambali. The other report details information elicited from Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, chief planner of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, saying it “dramatically expanded our universe of knowledge on Al Qaeda’s plots.”

Those reports, which former Vice President Dick Cheney had sought to have released earlier this year, do not refer to any specific interrogation methods and do not assess their effectiveness.

It is not the job of the CIA to be gentle- it is the job of the CIA to obtain information, and there are times where more coercive techniques need to be used. These are also, I might remind people, enemies that cut off our soldier’s heads after our soldiers have been captured. If we make them a little moist in our quest for info, that should not concern any American who cares for our citizens and soldiers. 

If you have no problem with our soldiers heads being cut off, perhaps you need to be waterboarded too, because no self- respecting American allows that without some reprisal.

As we can now see, Eric Holder is no self- respecting American, but a traitor bent on destroying the CIA and its intelligence capacity. He is not alone in this, however, since the Resident could tell Holder to cease, as he says he wanted to. The fact that he does not only reveals him to be Pontius Pilate in a suit, washing his hands while Holder crucifies the CIA.

In another session of questioning, the report said, one C.I.A. interrogator told investigators that Mr. Mohammed was told that if there was another attack on American soil, the C.I.A. would “kill your children.” Mr. Mohammed’s young sons were in the custody of Pakistani and American authorities at the time.

Among a litany of C.I.A. tactics, the report describes the “hard takedown,” when a detainee was grabbed and thrown to the floor before being moved to a sleep-deprivation cell. It details baths given to Mr. Nashiri, saying he was sometimes scrubbed with “the kind of brush one uses in a bath to remove stubborn dirt” to induce pain. In July 2002, the report says, a C.I.A. interrogator grabbed a detainee’s neck to restrict the prisoner’s carotid artery until he began to faint. Another officer then “shook the detainee to wake him,” and the “pressure point” technique was repeated twice more.

Interrogators also staged a mock execution in 2002 to intimidate a detainee. C.I.A. officers began screaming outside the room where he was being interrogated. When leaving the room, he “passed a guard who was dressed as a hooded detainee, lying motionless on the ground, and made to appear as if he had been shot to death.”

In 2003, C.I.A. officers began using another technique — called “water dousing” — that involved laying a detainee on a plastic sheet and pouring water over him for 10 to 15 minutes.

According to the report, an interrogator believed this was an effective technique, and sent a cable back to C.I.A. headquarters requesting guidelines.

A return cable explained that a detainee “must be placed on a towel or sheet, may not be placed naked on the bare cement floor, and the air temperature must exceed 65 degrees if the detainee will not be dried immediately.”

Now, in all of these techniques, not one of them involved separation of one’s head from one’s body– it is not the job of the CIA to be gentle, and I do not want to place undue restrictions on them. Would I like to endure this treatment? Oh hell no- but then, I am not the one who is trying to wage terrorism against soldiers of the United States, or wanting to commit terror attacks in the US against innocent men, women, and children. These people do, and they should not be treated gently- they should be ground down until we have gotten every bit of information we can, and they are nothing but empty, blubbering husks of flesh that we can safely discard.

Then we can take them back to their country of origin and dump them into the kind and gentle hands of others who might like to speak with them also.

Now that is justice.
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An Out For Pelosi And Others

Nancy Pelosi has been embroiled in a dispute over what she knew and when she knew it. She has lied about her knowledge of waterboarding being used and went so far as to claim the CIA lied to her and to Congress and that they lie all the time. She said mislead but as one liberal commenter noted when he discussed Dick Cheney, mislead is a polite way of saying lie.

Pelosi was aware of what was going on but she believed that her involvement would be kept quiet because what she was told was classified information. Unfortunately for her, Obama released the classified information to to discredit the Bush administration but the release swept her up in the process. When the CIA defended itself, it implicated Pelosi and demonstrated that she was a liar.

A former South Korean president has demonstrated a way for her to save face (not the Botox way she is use to) and this method is sure fire. It will remove her from the problem and remove the problem from her. In addition, it will save the American citizens the time this is consuming and the cost associated to determine which he said/she said is the right said.

Former President Roh Moo-hyun, embroiled in a penetrating corruption investigation, leaped to his death Saturday — a shocking fall from grace for a man whose rags-to-riches rise took him from rural poverty to Seoul’s presidential Blue House. He was 62. Yahoo News

[note]Funny how they said he leaped to his death and it was a fall from grace…[/note]

This is a great example for Pelosi to follow. She can do the right thing and jump off one of the bridges in her district.

Come to think of it, there are many politicians who could do the same thing in order to make America a better place.

They have to jump off a very high bridge and into water. What they are full of splatters and we don’t need to be cleaning up any more of their messes.

Big Dog

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Can You Botox a Brain?

Nancy Pelosi is still trying to walk back, re- define, parse her words, and find out just what the definition of the word “is” is, apparently, all regarding her knowledge of enhanced interrogations and when she knew about them.

Her behavior in attempting to explain, reminds me of some conversations I had with my daughter when she was sixteen, and rebelling against authority. There would be vociferous denials, after which, in excruciating slowness, the truth would finally emerge, in detail contrary to her earlier protestations. Now, my daughter has thankfully matured, and grown a set of brains that I am proud of, and even she would shake her head at the juvenile antics of the Speaker of the House, our number three in line, behind (shudder) Biden, and of course, our supreme leader, Barama the Mouth.

That she can blame this fiasco on her leader is just poetic justice, because Barama released the selected memos to keep embarrassing former President Bush, and so people wouldn’t realize that he was stealing the country, but in the process, the law of unintended consequences surfaced, and ensnared Pelosi in her blatant lies and medication induced ramblings.

Peter Goss, the then House Intelligence Committee Chairman, and later CIA chief officer, was briefed at the same time, and says that they were specifically told that water boarding was used against Abu Zubaydah, who was one of three prisoners subjected to these methods. She WAS told- now, if she was so drunk, or medicated that she didn’t remember, she should just say so and be done with it, but to be as blatantly hypocritical as to know in 2002 that water boarding was used, and not say a thing, then to now, in 2009, shrilly call for a “truth” commission ( a rather communistic reference, huh?), is so blatantly two faced, I have to wonder which one she applies makeup to in the mornings.

I have always wondered just how she got the power to be speaker of the House- it couldn’t be brains, as we have noted, so there must be another reason. No, I do not think she went all Monica Lewinsky on her fellow members of the House- the screams would be heard across the Mississippi, but perhaps she employed some sort of extortionate method, because, lets face it- she is not smart enough to do this on her own, nor is she, I believe, conscious enough half the time.

Now, here’s the deal- she isn’t the only liberal who lies like a prostitute in the headlights- the list is legion, and I find it beyond any words I have to describe how clueless and in locked goose step the left is. Nan’s lies won’t bother her base, for they are just as dishonest as she, with their mantra, “The ends justify the means”.
No- character counts, and the vast majority of the American people will see through this farce that liberalism is, and the blowback from the accumulated lies from Barama, Dodd, Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, Conyers, Waters, and others will come back to bite them in the butt.

I will look forward to a “Truth Commission” of our own, when we regain power in 2010. I know this will be a full time job, due to the sheer amount of lies, but it will be so satisfying, and like they say Mz. Speaker-
Payback- like you, is a bitch.
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Pelosi Lied About Knowledge Of Interrogation Techniques

Nancy Pelosi was for waterboarding before she was against it. The Speaker of the House has maintained that she only knew that the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques had been deemed legal by the Bush legal folks but that she never knew they were actually used. Pelosi has railed against the techniques and those who used them in her continued efforts to discredit the Bush administration.

The reality is, Pelosi was briefed on the techniques AND that they had been used.

In a 10-page memo outlining an almost seven-year history of classified briefings, intelligence officials said that Pelosi and then-Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.) were the first two members of Congress ever briefed on the interrogation tactics. Then the ranking member and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, respectively, Pelosi and Goss were briefed Sept. 4, 2002, one week before the first anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The memo, issued by the Director of National Intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency to Capitol Hill, notes the Pelosi-Goss briefing covered “EITs including the use of EITs on Abu Zubaydah.” EIT is an acronym for enhanced interrogation technique. Zubaydah was one of the earliest valuable al-Qaeda members captured and the first to have the controversial tactic known as water boarding used against him. Washington Post [emphasis mine]

The memo clearly indicates that Pelosi knew more than she admits. It would be reasonable to assume she could not reveal the classified information but her denials of any knowledge indicates she is lying about it. She could have easily stated that she cannot discuss what she hears in classified briefings but chose instead to lie.

The memos were released by intelligence officials and I believe they did so to protect people from prosecution. Pelosi and her ilk want blood but the memos are a way to say that if anyone goes down Pelosi must go with them.

This might be because Obama has ticked off the intelligence community by releasing the classified documents with the detailed legal opinion on EITs. The release clearly demonstrated that a well thought legal opinion was rendered deeming the techniques legal however, the release also told our enemies what we do and gave them information on how they can beat enhanced interrogation. This really ticked off the intelligence people.

This is what happens when a rookie in the White House tries to undermine our intelligence efforts. The intelligence community can make him look like a great man or a goat.

Pelosi is already looking bad and it will not be long before Obama is a goat as well.

Stop the ACLU

Big Dog

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Dems Knew About Waterboarding in 2002

Members of the Democratic Party including now House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were well aware of the technique of waterboarding and expressed no complaints about it when briefed and shown the technique. In late 2002 certain members in leadership were given virtual demonstrations and none expressed any concerns and in fact, several wanted to know if we were pressing hard enough.

That was then and this is now with Democrats saying that waterboarding is torture and demonstrates how evil the Bush administration is. Many of the members (from both parties) who were present during the briefings now claim they do not remember being told about the process or that their recollection, in general, is vague. That is a very convenient dodge to cover up their approval of the technique. Before anyone says that they did not approve keep in mind that failure to express and objection to the procedure is approval by omission.

The recent uproar involves the destruction of video showing certain CIA operatives using various techniques. Some in Congress (Democrats) are calling this a cover up and that it shows that the CIA knows it was breaking the law. The tapes were from 2002 and waterboarding had not been eliminated as a method that may be used. The whole debate on torture and the limits came much later so it is unlikely that the CIA was worried about guilt for something that was not illegal at the time. It is more realistic that they were protecting identities, just as they claim (maybe Valerie Plame was in the videos). In order for the tapes to show guilt any law forbidding waterboarding would have to be made retroactive and I cannot see that happening. I find it amazing that Ted Kennedy would chime in saying one can only conclude there is a cover up given his history of covering up the murder he committed. I also think it is interesting that the same Democrats who are screaming that no one is above the law were dead set against Bill Clinton being impeached for breaking the law. I guess no one is above the law unless it is a Democrat who broke it.

The article about this indicates that waterboarding was used on our troops in the past to show them what to expect if captured by the Soviets. The article gives the impression that we do not do this any longer. Our troops get waterboarded in training and it is training authorized and funded by the Congress. The same people who are crying about a terrorist getting wet are authorizing this technique to be used on our troops. It is authorized by those who have seen it and now cannot recollect what they saw or said. I propose we waterboard those members of Congress to help them remember what they saw and what their positions were.

Hmm, concern for the enemy but not for our soldiers. That is a trademark of the left.

Washington Post

Big Dog

Others with similar items:
Outside the Beltway, Stop the ACLU, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Chuck Adkins, Pursuing Holiness, The Uncooperative Radio Show! Special Weekend!, Adeline and Hazel, , third world county, The Pink Flamingo, Celebrity Smack, Right Voices, Church and State, Blog @, 123beta, Adam’s Blog, , Cao’s Blog,, The Bullwinkle Blog, , Nuke’s, Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Global American Discourse, Wolf Pangloss, High Desert Wanderer, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.