Al-Reuters Fails To Mention Iran’s Threats

I will say one thing for Iran, the country has a lot of nerve. Iran complained to the UN about the threats from Israel and stated that these threats violated the UN Charter. The country wants action taken against the violent Zionist regime. Israel earlier indicated that it would attack Iran’s nuclear facilities if something was not done about them. Al-Reuters reported on the offended nation and its complaint.

In the entire al-Reuters article not one mention was made of all the threats that Iran has made against Israel. The whiny leaders of Iran are running around crying about threats from Israel when Iran threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Al-Reuters did not see fit to mention this threat or any of the others made by the terrorist nation of Iran.

This should not surprise anyone because al-Reuters is an anti Semitic organization and their “news” always slants to favor anyone but Israel. So let me clear it up.

Shut up Iran. You have been threatening Israel for a very long time and your surrogates have been waging war against that country practically non stop. You are already attacking them by proxy. Just because al-Reuters does not see fit to mention your constant threats does not mean they never happened.

If I were Israel I would wipe you off the map and be done with it.

Big Dog

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A Crime To Insult Islam

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs is reporting that the UN has passed a resolution calling for the criminalization of any criticism of Islam. Islam is the cult that pretends to be a religion while causing violence and destruction around the world. The resolution only names the cult of Islam as the potential aggrieved party to which the crime will apply. Under this UN resolution would it be illegal to profile, like this?

Islam is nothing more than a sick cult that was founded by a child molesting pervert who fooled everyone into believing he was a prophet. He was a blood thirsty tyrant who spread his cult by killing those who refused to join it, a practice that is still in existence today.

The UN wants to protect the members of this cult so that people who criticize it will be criminals instead of the cult members who murder at will.

Screw Islam and its cult members and screw the UN.

Now, come and get me Ban Ki-moon. I just broke the Islam Insult Law…

Big Dog

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Israel Tells UN To Take A Hike

Israel rejected a UN resolution to end the hostilities in Gaza saying that the resolution was “unworkable.” It is not surprising that the UN has come up with a resolution to stop Israel but what is surprising is that Israel did not accept it. Usually, Israel is involved in kicking the snot out of radical Muslim terrorists and they stop action because of a UN or world outcry and then the terrorists claim victory and continue attacking Israel.

Where are the UN resolutions calling for Hamas to stop firing rockets and mortars into Israel? If they exist, where are the diplomats and their demands that they actually be adhered to? You see, when an Islamic country is the target of a UN resolution the country generally ignores it. Then the UN ignores the country and allows it to continue or they issue another resolution. Iraq had 14 years of resolutions and it violated them. Now the US is the bad guy for enforcing them.

The same is true with regard to Israel. The UN ignores the terrorists firing rockets into Israel and allows that to take place. Hell, blue helmets seem to have helped the terrorists in the past. In any event, there is never a huge outcry from the UN or international community when Israel is being attacked. Let Israel retaliate and the UN has spasms and issues resolutions about disproportionate response.

Screw the UN. The United States should have pulled out of that rat infested organization decades ago (we should have never joined). We should stop paying them, kick them out of the building they use and send them packing.

[note]Hamas is wearing civilian clothes and mingling with non combatants. It is also hiding under hospitals. This is why civilians die.[/note]

Israel should continue to ignore the UN and continue to pound the snot out of Hamas. Israel needs to keep up the use of “disproportionate” force until Hamas is destroyed and can no longer effectively organize. Anything less will be seen as an Israeli loss in the Islamic world and will lead to continued attacks against the small country. Israel needs to send a message and they can do that by destroying Hamas. They already sent the message to the UN that needed to be sent:

Screw You.

Hamas needs to be completely and utterly destroyed. If there are civilian casualties then it is the fault of Hamas and those who acted as its enablers by ignoring what it was doing and by giving approval by inaction. Iran should be watching closely because it is the silent backer of Hamas and could be in Israel’s cross hairs.

In any event, kudos to Israel for telling the UN to take a hike.


Big Dog

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Political Pressure To Disinvite Palin Succeeds

Hillary Clinton was invited to speak at a stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons rally but backed out when she learned that Sarah Palin was also an invited speaker. Was Hillary upset that she would have to share the spotlight, was she worried about how it would affect Obama, was she concerned Palin would be better received or give a better speech or was she afraid?

No matter what the reason, Hillary played partisan politics on an issue that should unite and not divide. The organizers tried to get Joe Biden but he was unable to attend so, under pressure from external sources, the organizers “disinvited” (this is not a word) Palin.

We collected over 20,000 signatures in 24 hours asking Iran Unity rally organizer Malcolm Hoenlein to take Sarah Palin off the schedule for Monday’s rally, and he caved to our pressure on Thursday afternoon citing the fact that the rally had become too partisan.

This is the right decision. A unity rally to express communal solidarity is no place for partisan politics. And to give such prominence to Sarah Palin alone would have spoken neither to, nor for, the American Jewish community. J Street

There was no petition or concern about the rally becoming partisan when it was believed that Clinton was the only invited political speaker. Once she withdrew the issue suddenly became partisan and Palin had to go. I wonder if this group would have felt it was the right decision had Hillary been the lone speaker and subsequently petitioned and “disinvited.”

No matter. Palin will speak at a rally sponsored by Women United. The Israeli Project has withdrawn from the original event over the removal of Palin. The following is a statement from Morton A. Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America:

“The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly opposes the disinvitation of Vice-Presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin to be one of many speakers at a “stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons rally.” This rally will also protest the presence of Iran’s president Ahmadinejad at the United Nations on Monday, September 22. This is an anti-Iran rally, not a partisan political rally, as Democratic Senator Hilary Clinton was invited as was vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden and later Democratic Congressman Robert Wexler of Florida. Clinton withdrew and Biden apparently couldn’t attend.

“Under tremendous pressure from Jewish Democrats and liberal Jewish groups, Palin’s invitation was withdrawn with a decision made not to include any politicians. Why are we excluding political leaders who have the real power to act on this critical issue? The ZOA believes this was a serious mistake.

“This was not a political rally for any party or individual. All Democrats and Republicans are united against Ahmadinejad developing nuclear weapons which he indicated he would use “to wipe Israel and America off the map.” We thought that one of the themes of Democrats this year was “promoting unity” and “bringing people together.” Well, here was an opportunity to do just that on an issue we can all support and certain groups and interests have caused us to fail. The ZOA is so disappointed by this unnecessary and harmful outcome.

“At this rally, there would be no implied or explicit endorsement of any candidate or party, only a unified condemnation of Ahmadinejad. No one was going to speak about politics, only about loving America and Israel, and fighting Iran, and standing up to evil.

“The ZOA deeply regrets that certain Jewish groups and individuals believed the inadvertent benefit that would accrue to Sarah Palin outweighed the enormous benefit that Israel and the United States would receive when a Vice-Presidential candidate and others give visibility and power to this life and death issue.

“It seems for these people politics and their personal political agenda were more important than Israel and America’s security. This wrong-headed action of cancelling the appearance of major political leaders hurt Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad must be delighted that those who oppose his policies are so divided they can’t even stand on the same stage to condemn him. I assure you, if we were holding a rally to condemn an internationally-known racist, anti-Black leader, no one would dare disinvite a speaker and no speaker would dare back out.

“The ZOA strongly urges that Sarah Palin be reinvited along with any other key Democratic or Republican leaders.

“Otherwise, this will become a day of shame and humiliation for the Jewish people instead of a day of Jewish pride, strength, courage, and will. On this day, we should have put aside all other political interests and together fight against this existential threat against Israel and major threat to the United States and the entire western world.” Atlas Shrugs

There is no doubt that the president of Iran desires the elimination of Israel and there is no doubt his country is working on obtaining the means to do just that. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be in New York and will be hosted by Obama’s campaign finance committee’s chairwoman.