A Crime To Insult Islam

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs is reporting that the UN has passed a resolution calling for the criminalization of any criticism of Islam. Islam is the cult that pretends to be a religion while causing violence and destruction around the world. The resolution only names the cult of Islam as the potential aggrieved party to which the crime will apply. Under this UN resolution would it be illegal to profile, like this?

Islam is nothing more than a sick cult that was founded by a child molesting pervert who fooled everyone into believing he was a prophet. He was a blood thirsty tyrant who spread his cult by killing those who refused to join it, a practice that is still in existence today.

The UN wants to protect the members of this cult so that people who criticize it will be criminals instead of the cult members who murder at will.

Screw Islam and its cult members and screw the UN.

Now, come and get me Ban Ki-moon. I just broke the Islam Insult Law…

Big Dog

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