How Hillary Will Leave Our Country

Hillary Clinton claims that she has the most experience is the best qualified person for the job. If John McCain wins the Republican nomination then that is out the door because he has been there a lot longer and has more qualifications. Make no mistake, I am no McCain fan but I felt a comparison, based on Hillary’s claims, was warranted. In any event, she claims that she will lead us to prosperity and that she will give everyone everything (mostly by coercion) by taxing rich people to pay the poor. A genuine Robbing Hood, she is.

I believe that a Hillary Clinton presidency will leave this country weaker and in economic ruin. Sure, she will lob a few missiles around to show she is tough but eventually she will be cutting the defense budget to increase social programs. She learned from the best though he lobbed missiles to keep the focus away from his various transgressions.

If you want to know how Hillary will leave this country you only need to look at how her campaign left a rented office in New Hampshire. The office was rented for $100 a day for five days. The place had a warehouse and office space as well as a full kitchen and shower. Keep in mind, it was only rented for five days.

The man who rented it out to the campaign stated that he has not been paid the rent for the use of the property (I guess Hillary’s staffers are not the only ones not getting paid). Dr. Terry Bennett rented the property out but the campaign did not pay the money due when they turned the keys into the rental agent. In addition, the place was left a filthy mess. The place was trashed and there were campaign signs all over. Trashed is how the Clintons left the White House. The Clintons and their supporters believe that cleaning up is best left to the minions (or the ILLEGALS) because they are far too important to clean up after themselves.

This building represents a microcosm of a Hillary Clinton presidency. She will leave us trashed and unpaid for. To think, Hillary said it would take a Clinton to clean up after a Bush (at least there will not be stains on the rug). How interesting that the Clinton folks can’t clean up after themselves.

First they don’t leave a tip and now they don’t pay the rent.

She couldn’t keep her own house in order and she can’t keep her campaign in order. How in the name of God is she going to keep the country in order?


Big Dog

Others with interesting items:
Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Midnight Sun, The Random Yak, Right Truth, Shadowscope, A Newt One- BIG THURSDAY GUEST!, , Cao’s Blog,, , Adeline and Hazel, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Allie is Wired, third world county, Nuke Gingrich, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, , The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, A Newt One, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.