Some Animals are More Equal

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.Well, you know, there’s zero-tolerance, and then there’s “zero tolerance.” It’s amazing to see, in America, the doublespeak that goes on. After all, political correctness is supreme.

Did you read about the case where a fourth-grader was caught with a saber hidden in his clothes at an elementary school?

The principal initially allowed the child to keep the sword but the Plymouth-Canton School District later determined [it] resembled a weapon and was officially banned.

In other words, the fourth-grader had a sword, a weapon, at a government school, and the sword was banned. Nothing happened to the child. Oh, and they almost let him keep the weapon at the school! How can this be possible in today’s schools, where you can be suspended or kicked out of school for having a pocketknife locked in your trunk or when you take your Dad’s lunch and have a knife for cutting an apple open? After all, these principals claim that it’s zero-tolerance, and they HAVE to suspend and expel those students. But the sword was okay?

In case you didn’t read the story, here’s why the sword was fine: The student was a Muslim. The school officials don’t want to offend them, so they get special rules. Currently the community and school are planning on finding a compromise that will allow their children to carry weapons to schools, but not allow any other children to carry weapons. We’ve already lost this country, we just don’t want to admit it.


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