Why We Equate Obama With Divinity

The Right has portrayed Barack Obama as the Messiah because of the fanatical following he has and the accolades he gets from his party. He has been called a gift from God and he himself has talked using words of divinity. Obama even said that he would heal the planet and turn back the water. John McCain made waves when he labeled Obama “The One” and put up two ads with many Biblical references that depicted Obama as a Messianic figure. The Obama camp was none too pleased and, of course, called this stuff distractions.

The problem is that the people who support Obama think he is Jesus Christ. They believe he was a gift sent from God to cure the ills of the world. The proof is now in the Congressional Record.

Democratic Representative Steve Cohen of Tennessee spoke in the House and he said this:

“If you want change, you want the Democratic Party,” Cohen said on the House floor. “Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister just prayed about. Pontius Pilate was a governor.” Washington Post [Video]

I do not believe that Jesus was a community organizer. He was much more than that but I will accept it as true for the argument.

Before I get into the comment the first thing I want to know is if this is legal. Members of Congress are not supposed to use their government provided equipment for their campaign and I would assume that extends to campaigning while they are supposed to be in session. They are there to work and Cohen is campaigning for Obama. They just had 5 weeks off from work and they could have campaigned at that time so why did he do it there and was it legal?

But let us look at his words. In logic we are taught that if A=B and B=C then A=C. This is a pretty simple concept so let’s see how it applies. Pontius Pilate = Governor. Governor = Sarah Palin. Therefore, Pontius Pilate = Sarah Palin. In other words, Palin and Pilate are one in the same. Before the liberals get their collective panties in a wad I am not making an issue of this obvious attack on Palin. What I want to know is, how do they deny that Obama is the Messiah when we can say:

Jesus = Communtiy Organizer. Community organizer = Obama. Therefore Jesus = Obama. This is a logical argument and this is what a Democratic member of the US House of Representatives said. He asserted that Jesus and Obama were one in the same because they were both community organizers. He is denying that he meant to make that claim but he meant to equate Palin to Pilate so yes, he was making the connection.

This is what happens when liberals get mixed up with logic or trying to use religion because they know little about either. However, the logic is undeniable and whether he “meant” it or not he said Obama was Jesus. Even if the logic were not this clear, by equating Palin to Pilate he automatically set the same standard of equation for Obama.

Now, as for Jesus the community organizer. Jesus was the son of God sent to Earth to suffer and die for the sins of all mankind so that those sins would be forgiven. I think that is a little above the pay grade of community organizer.

There is a slogan that asks; “What would Jesus do? (WWJD)” One thing is for damn sure. Jesus would not allow aborting children or allow those that survived an abortion to be left on a table to die, community organizer or not. And Jesus definitely knows when life begins.

To paraphrase the late Texas Senator, Lloyd Benson:

I know Jesus. Jesus is a friend of mine. You, Senator Obama, are no Jesus.

Thanks to Bruce Elliott of WBAL. He mentioned the logic angle on the radio today and it allowed me to pull together the thoughts swirling around for this post.

Big Dog