On Economics, He Knows Not What He Does

BHO, our “Beloved” Resident, has been tinkering with the economy, and like a child who doesn’t know when to step away from his finger-painting, has been producing mud, instead of something we might want to put on the refrigerator with magnets.

His biggest problem is total ignorance of life in general, and the lessons of the Great Depression in particular. That would be OK if only he had advisors who were steeped in real- world economics, but instead, he chose to surround himself with cronies who believe as he does, a dangerous thing if you are trying to run a country, especially a country in economic trouble.

Now, because he has been listening to the wrong people, and also because he chose to string this crisis along, so people would have their attention diverted, and he could (hopefully) push through pet causes while we were distracted, we could be looking at another Great Depression, one that reduces our capacity as a country to respond to the world’s needs.

This is not good, and only serves to point out the ineptness of this administration.

There are “troubling similarities” between the US President’s actions since taking office and those which in the 1930s sent the US and much of the world spiralling into the worst economic collapse in recorded history, says the new pamphlet, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs.

In particular, the authors, economists Charles Rowley of George Mason University and Nathanael Smith of the Locke Institute, claim that the White House’s plans to pour hundreds of billions of dollars of cash into the economy will undermine it in the long run. They say that by employing deficit spending and increased state intervention President Obama will ultimately hamper the long-term growth potential of the US economy and may risk delaying full economic recovery by several years.


Too true- but then one asks the question, “Is this intentional?” I mean, if you take Rahm Emanuel at his word, where he states to “Never waste a crisis”, you have to ask yourself if the “crisis” is being extended artificially merely to push through more of an agenda than the people would freely accept. If so, then this administration is deceptive at best, and treasonous at worst, allowing the people they are supposedly “governing” to suffer needlessly.

The paper, which recommends that the US return to a more laissez-faire economic system rather than intervening further in activity, has been endorsed by Nobel laureate James Buchanan, who said: “We have learned some things from comparable experiences of the 1930s’ Great Depression, perhaps enough to reduce the severity of the current contraction. But we have made no progress toward putting limits on political leaders, who act out their natural proclivities without any basic understanding of what makes capitalism work.”


Bingo! An economist who gets it- not some Krugman poseur economist wannabe, who just happened to get a prize for “showing up”- rather than for real world economic theory. Hussein’s administration, rather than listening to Soros and his ilk, (and yes, he is part of an ilk), should be listening to economists who know what they are talking about- that’s always a good start.

The policy responses to the debt bubble demonstrate crude political consideration rather than economic understanding. If excessive government indebtedness is a major source of the problem, why increase the government debt? Why encourage households to go yet further into debt?

The prognosis is catastrophic if projected government policies are not cut back. According to the White House’s own estimates, the federal budget deficit in 2009 will be $1.6 trillion, approximately 11.2pc of the overall economy, the highest on record since the end of the Second World War. In 2019, the national debt will represent 76.5pc of the US national economy, the highest proportion since just after the Second World War. In such circumstances, the international reserve status of the US dollar will not survive. As it fades, so interest rates on government securities will rise and the real burden of servicing the debt will increase. In such circumstances, the US economy will teeter on the edge of a black hole.


We are already there, and  falling fast- what this administration has done has not helped, but rather pushed, or as one of the Residents really great “advisors”, or Czars, Cass Sunstein, has said, describing his technique of “social engineering”- “nudged” us towards the precipice. 

Prosperity and full employment in the US will only be restored by a return to laissez-faire capitalism. Our study outlines a radical, but politically feasible, approach. Monetary policy should be expansionary. But, on the micro-economic side, tariffs and other trade barriers should be repealed unilaterally; a “Right-to-Work” Act should reduce the minimum wage and curtail the powers of unions; and business regulation should be reduced. Individual banks and their counterparties should not be bailed out, although the system should be protected by ensuring that failing banks are wound up in an orderly fashion – this is the only way to restore market discipline.


This administration should listen to these people- they actually make sense, rather than the “Looking Glass” theorists there are now. Quit naming “Czars”, and start learning how to govern- something that has been remarkably lacking from your agenda until now. Yes- I know that this will really piss off your “base”, but most of them can be placated with just a slight increase in their meds. 

Do it, do it now, do it for your country.

And quit listening to those idiots.
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Open Letter To Soros and Winfrey

Dear Mr. Soros and Ms. Winfrey,
I am writing to you because you are both extremely rich people who have enough money to make a lot of people millionaires without batting an eye. I appreciate the hard work you have done to earn that money and for all the years I have been political I have believed that you should keep as much of it as possible and that your tax rates should be the same as the guy making 50k a year. I mean, we all receive the same benefit from the country so why not pay the same percentage.

The purpose of my letter is to ask you for your support on behalf of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Ms. Winfrey (I watched you on WJZ in Baltimore when you did local news) I know that you are liberal and support the Obama/Biden ticket and that is your right. Mr. Soros, there is no doubt that you are liberal and so far to the left that you are holding up the wall. I need your support per the guidance of the Democrats on the top of the ticket.

Joe Biden said that people who make more than 250k should pay more in taxes because it was patriotic. This past week Barack Obama told a plumber that he wanted to redistribute the wealth because he believes that is how you make everyone successful.

Keeping this in mind, I am asking each of you to demonstrate your patriotism by sending me one million dollars. That is only 500k a piece and a drop in the bucket with regard to your total wealth. This will help you to do what Joe and Barry want. You will demonstrate you are true patriots and you will spread the wealth around (to me) so that this guy who is not rich can do better. Barry wants this, Joe wants this and I want your money. By sending it to me you will avoid the middle man known as government, an entity that seems to cause a mess when it has taxpayer money. Sending it direct is best for all concerned (especially me).

I realize that this will be a burden to me because then I will be a millionaire and have to pay higher taxes but that is a burden I am ready to bear if it will make me patriotic and help spread the wealth in Obama’s perverse version of trickle down economics. I am certainly ready to bear that burden if it means I can become a millionaire.

Before you dismiss my request outright, I again remind you that this is what YOUR candidates want you to do.

With warmest regards,
Big Dog

Obama’s 527 Ad, Lil Alex

MoveOn.org, one of those 527 groups Obambi swears is going to play dirty with regard to his funny name, color and inexperience (the only concern of the three) has put out an ad but that ad is disparaging to John McCain. I guess Obamaessiah forgot to tell MoveOn that it was the right who would be doing the hit jobs.

In the ad a mother is holding a baby and she states:

“Hi, John McCain. This is Alex. And he’s my first. So far his talents include trying any new food and chasing after our dog. That, and making my heart pound every time I look at him. And so, John McCain, when you say you would stay in Iraq for 100 years, were you counting on Alex? Because if you were, you can’t have him.”

Bill Kristol already pointed out the obvious like McCain will not be in office when the kid is old enough to serve, that our military is an all volunteer force and that McCain never said we would be fighting in Iraq for 100 years. That matters little to the idiots who produced the ad and the saps who will slobber all over it. I decided that I should add a few lines here and there to make this more accurate.

How about if it started off with “Hi John McCain, this is Alex. He is my first to be born because I aborted the others. They were a nuisance.”

I wonder if the ending would be better if it was; “Were you counting on Alex? Because if you were, you can’t have him. I don’t mind murdering my children in the womb but I will not let them die defending the country that gave us so much.”

Or maybe, “”Were you counting on Alex? Because if you were, you can’t have him. I raised him to have a sense of entitlement and he knows that he does not need to defend America because she is a capitalist country that deserves to be defeated. I want my little boy to grow up just like my hero Bill Clinton in that I want Alex to shun military service so some other kid can get sent in his place. My boy is not going to give back to this country, that is what the uneducated do, just ask John Kerry.”

Maybe she could just end by saying she is going to raise him to be a homosexual so he understands diversity and knows the love of a good man, something his mother never knew because those pregnancies and abortion costs got in the way. “You can’t have him because he is a flamer and does not believe in don’t ask, don’t tell. Besides, all that hard work will break his nails.”

Here is my response to the ad. Look lady, we don’t need your kid. If you want to raise him to be ashamed of his country and not to take responsibility for the safety and well being of this great nation you are entitled to do just that. He will not have to enlist and there is no draft so unless you know something the rest of us don’t why don’t you shut your pie hole. Don’t worry about your son’s safety, better men than he will ever be will stand watch to ensure the wolves don’t get in. Men he will wish he could be will do harm on a moment’s notice to ensure your little child is protected and makes it to adulthood. On the off chance he decides to join the service don’t worry about him. He made it out of a liberal’s womb which is the most dangerous place in the world for a child. Over 40 million of them never made it out alive so he got the hard part out of the way.

The people who agree with this ad are the ones who live their lives under the blanket of freedom and safety provided by our military. They will never truly understand freedom because they have no appreciation for our country. To those who fight for it ever day, life has a special meaning the protected (like lil Alex) will never understand [author of quote unknown].

Only in America could a foreign schmuck like George Soros gain so much wealth and then use it against our country only to be hailed by the left as a wonderful guy.

*The 527 does not belong to Obama. It is working for his victory so the ad is for Obama.

Big Dog

Is Ahmadinejad a Tutored Mouthpiece?

Recently, I wrote an item about Iranian President Ahmadinejad and how he was “insulted” at his Columbia University speech. He might have felt insulted but how he felt was nothing compared to how many in this country felt about he appearance. A regular commenter, Patsy, made an interesting observation:

I’ve been thinking about something recently, and I’d like to run it by you. The PR moves Ahmadinejad has been making, related to his recent United Nations trip, look and seem like they’ve been choreographed by MoveOn.org’s public relations department. Is it possible that George Soros, or rather whoever/whatever is behind Mr. Soros, is advising Iran and Iran’s President? After hearing him speak, seeing his lack of magnetism or auctoritas [sic], it doesn’t appear that the moves he’s making or the words he’s speaking are his own.

When I listened to I’m a dinner jacket speak on 60 Minutes I felt he was parroting the talking points of the left. He used phrases and discussed things that are right in line with their game plan and while I might dismiss his rhetoric as his desire to align with the left against President Bush, when he mentioned Katrina, I could not dismiss his rants that easily.

It was evident that Ahmadinejad was here to bolster the anti war crowd and to ensure it was harder to attack his country, a prospect that has him trembling, despite his claims that Iran will beat us. Just prior to his trip to New York his country had a huge display of military weapons that are supposed to scare us but many know that the Iranians are no match for us in the arena of technologically advanced weapons. He can hit Israel and our troops in Iraq and we can hit his country from our continent. I think we have the advantage and I think he knows it. The Syrians and the Iranians are in fear because Israel attacked a military target in Syria, one that was well into Syria, and they did it undetected. None of the advanced anti aircraft weaponry that Syria uses (which is the same Iran uses) even detected the intruders. They all realize that the bluster they managed has been dampened bu the fact that they are not as protected as they thought they were. Couple this with the reports that the US had a hand in silencing those weapons and there is reason for those sponsors of terror to cower.

But did Ahmadinejad have help with his appearance? We might never know because the media only reports secrets the US government is trying to keep. It would not be surprising to find out that George Soros or his minions had a hand in helping the Iranian President craft his appearance. They are against this country and are actively working for our defeat so helping the enemy would be right up their alley. Soros spent a great deal of money in an attempt to give John Kerry a win in the last presidential election and Kerry consorted with our enemies in the past. Ted Kennedy met secretly with the Russians in an attempt to derail the goals of Ronald Reagan and a number of our members of Congress have been to the Middle East and bashed our country, its policies, and our president so the Democratic Party is no stranger to aiding and comforting the enemy.

How could anyone, though, not see that Ahmadinejad was disingenuous? He claimed that Iran had no homosexuals and we know this to be a blatant lie. What Iran actually has is no openly gay people, or at least none who are openly gay for very long because they are executed by their government. He claimed that the women in his country were the most free in the world and yet they are arrested if they fail to cover themselves. They are jailed or killed if they are victims of rape and the testimony of a man is superior to the testimony of a woman. I am willing to bet that very few “free” people in his country would be in good shape if they protested him in the fashion our people did. Ahmadinejad talks of wanting peace and that there will be no war but his country is shelling Iraq. His military is shelling deeper and deeper in order to harass and kill the Kurds. These are provocative acts and I would like to see a few projectiles head in the other direction. Perhaps if we ended up killing a slew of their military forces they might think twice before shelling. Maybe not, Hezbollah and Hamas don’t seem to learn every time their get the snot kicked out of them. They still lob rockets into Israel.

There was a lot of talk about Ahmadinejad’s appearance and how he was entitled to free speech. This, of course, is ridiculous. Free speech in this country is for those who are citizens. We are not required to give any non citizen a platform from which to speak (except under treaty at the UN). We are not required to invite them here or to allow them any time to say anything. We do not have to give them a place to speak or to allow them access to our media. These things are for our citizens. I dare say, none of us would enjoy such freedoms in his country. I also think he and all these other despots who think they rule the world should consider giving their people back home the freedoms that they enjoy when they visit here. As I stated, they are not free to speak and we are not obligated to give them a venue but, our citizens and organizations are free to invite whomever they wish.

I have to believe, lacking any evidence, that no one officially helped Ahmadinejad with his visit. It is more likely that the reason he sounded like a Democratic mouth piece because he and the Democrats have common goals. They want the US to lose in Iraq, they want President Bush to suffer defeat, and they want Iran not to be attacked.

Assisted, No. Common ideologies and goals, Yes!

Big Dog