Our “Beloved” Leaders

It would be funny if this was a film, with all the clumsy attempts at propaganda that the government tries to use, all to little effect. Indeed, one might say that they are hurting their cause by all of this manipulation, but still they persevere. Never before in our history have we had people as nakedly promoting their radical agenda  through their propaganda as these Marxists.

With Senate bill 773, which gives the Resident the power to shut down the Internet at his discretion, (whatever constitutes, in his mind, an emergency), this administration is trying its best to control and influence all information.

This includes scrubbing the Internet of all negative information that could be construed to be negative. The blog, Stop the ACLU has found an Organizing For America,(Nobama’s personal propaganda corps) E-mail (that has now been “scrubbed” from their site) that calls for “action” on (and this is soooooooo cute, they have selected, 9/11, or “Patriot Day”) Sept. 11, where each minion calls their Senators and “Swamp the switchboards” about the “Right- wing terrorists” who are apparently hogging all the healthcare, and denying poor people the healthcare they need. How ridiculous is that?

This is something I couldn’t make up- you have to view it yourself:

Stop The ACLU

The point of this post is not so much that they are lying blatantly- I have come to expect that. Or that they use their little OFA website to promote hate- I expect that also.

But what galls me is that they attempted to “scrub” their website of this offensive hate missive- and some liberals maintain that they simply wouldn’t , or couldn’t delete these things, like they maintain that Wikipedia and other sites can’t be scrubbed of information the government deems detrimental to their cause. 

These people will soon have the ability to shut off our free speech- right now, they are busy remolding their “reality” to fit their propaganda, their “class warfare”, because with Liberals, it seems to be the only way they know how to make their  disgusting ideas palatable to the public- pick a group- in this case, conservatives, and demonize them with baseless rumors and innuendo that is then deleted from their websites.

These are the people that apparently, a slim majority of people elected- actually, only one was elected- he has brought all his marxist, racist, radical people with him. What galls me, is that he has been friends with Bill Ayers for about 20 years- he sat in Rev. Wright’s pews for 20 years, listening to that race- baiter, he has formed friendships with the most radical people in this country, and he has the gall to call conservatives terrorists?

This man’s value system is so screwed up that a lifetime of sessions with Freud himself couldn’t even begin to peel the socialist onion that is our Resident. 

As I have said, he would be laughable if only he didn’t attract so many radical flies.

We need to stop this man’s hateful agenda now.
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The Unusual Suspects

Yesterday, I talked a bit about Peter Singer- an advisor to Cass Sunstein, the Resident’s Regulatory Czar, and John Holdren, the Science Czar, two of the people who have been advising the Resident during this Healthcare debacle. Just since yesterday, I have been attacked by left wing loons who say that what I have written was trash- but they cannot say that what I have written about was untrue, because those are their own words.

Today, we will speak somewhat of Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who reminds me some of Dr. Josef Mengele, the “Angel of Death” in Auschwitz concentration camp. Dr, Emanuel, (that’s right- the brother of the  SAME Emanuel that is the Resident’s Chief of Staff- nepotism is a wonderful thing if you can do it), has a theory that in a crisis, ( what constitutes a crisis here?), the lives of the very young and the very old are worth less than those in the 15- 40 year range. This is presumably because these people would be able to do more work for the state, and bring in more taxes.

Start with Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. He has already been appointed to two key positions: health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research.

Emanuel bluntly admits that the cuts will not be pain-free. “Vague promises of savings from cutting waste, enhancing prevention and wellness, installing electronic medical records and improving quality are merely ‘lipstick’ cost control, more for show and public relations than for true change,” he wrote last year (Health Affairs Feb. 27, 2008).

Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, “as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others” (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).

Yes, that’s what patients want their doctors to do. But Emanuel wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their patients and consider social justice, such as whether the money could be better spent on somebody else.

Many doctors are horrified by this notion; they’ll tell you that a doctor’s job is to achieve social justice one patient at a time.
Emanuel, however, believes that “communitarianism” should guide decisions on who gets care. He says medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those “who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens . . . An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia” (Hastings Center Report, Nov.-Dec. ’96).

Translation: Don’t give much care to a grandmother with Parkinson’s or a child with cerebral palsy.

He explicitly defends discrimination against older patients: “Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years” (Lancet, Jan. 31).     (Emphasis mine)


Yeah, but now that they are 65, having been 25 does not help them, in his mind. There seems to be too little compassion here for someone who is supposed to be formulating policy for Healthcare for all the people ( not just 25 year olds). Does that send a thrill up Chris Mathews’ leg, or is it a blood clot- we may never know if Zeke gets his way- Mathews is too old to save.

Now we get to Cass Sunstein, the Resident’s Regulatory Czar, who has some ideas of his own- many of these views are stifling and radical- for example, he wants to radically amend the boundaries of free speech:

 He thinks that the current formulation, based on Justice Holmes’ conception of free speech as a marketplace “disserves the aspirations of those who wrote America’s founding document.”[9] The purpose of this reformulation would be to “reinvigorate processes of democratic deliberation, by ensuring greater attention to public issues and greater diversity of views.”[10] He is concerned by the present “situation in which like-minded people speak or listen mostly to one another,”[11] and thinks that in “light of astonishing economic and technological changes, we must doubt whether, as interpreted, the constitutional guarantee of free speech is adequately serving democratic goals.”[12] He proposes a “New Deal for speech [that] would draw on Justice Brandeis’ insistence on the role of free speech in promoting political deliberation and citizenship.”[10]


That is just one view that is out of the mainstream, and meant to silence, or at least mute critics of this administration, as well as promote the “Fairness Doctrine”, in the name of “diversity”. But there are other aspects of his views that, while out of the mainstream, would not be foreign to organizations such as PETA, but bothersome in that he is helping shape policy for this administration. His views on animal rights are right in line with those of John Holdren, and bring a troubling aspect to his task of “regulating” in this government.

Sunstein has also written often in favor of animal rights. “Every reasonable person believes in animal rights,” he says.[13] He also says that human “willingness to subject animals to unjustified suffering will be seen … as a form of unconscionable barbarity… morally akin to slavery and the mass extermination of human beings,”[14] and that we might “conclude that certain practices cannot be defended and should not be allowed to continue, if, in practice, mere regulation will inevitably be insufficient—and if, in practice, mere regulation will ensure that the level of animal suffering will remain very high.”[13] Specifically he thinks that, “we ought to ban hunting.”[15] He also thinks that “we could even grant animals a right to bring suit”[16] and that it is possible that “that before long, Congress will grant standing to animals to protect their own rights and interests.”[17] This all stems from his claim that “animals, species as such, and perhaps even natural objects warrant respect for their own sake, and quite apart from their interactions with human beings.”[18]


What does this have to do with Healthcare? Simple,really- there would be less testing of drugs on animals, therefore fewer drugs able to help us in our time of sickness. I admit, there are some people I value less than some animals, but not in general, and not in policy, that is for sure.

When you combine these people with the other two people I wrote about yesterday, and add into the mix several others, like Van Jones, a convicted felon, and the “Green Jobs” Czar, and Carol Browner, an avowed socialist, and the Energy Czar, both of whom have radical agendas that will do nothing but impoverish us as we go forward, you have to be very concerned for our Republic and its future.

Our liberties are being stolen from us in the dark of the night, and they are grading Grandma to decide whether she is worth the care it will take to keep her alive. Meanwhile, as they decide that, they want to give animals more rights than they give Granny. The world is upside down, and we have truly gone down the rabbithole into Wonderland- although it is beginning to look a bit Satanic in its “answers” to the problems we face.

And I will reiterate the Resident’s own words yet again, because they bear repeating; ” If you want to see where I want to go, you need only look at who I surround myself with.”

Well, he didn’t lie about that, at least.
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Checks and Balances

Our form of government, as we all have been taught (at least those who have had a government and/ or civics course would know), has three branches of governmental powers and duties, all designed to split the power, so no one branch could rule over the other two. This truly took a lot of thought, and was revolutionary for it’s foresight in that day and time. It still is, or would be if the Socialists were not so intent on working around the strictres of this government.

The Executive branch is the titular head of the government, but has to answer to the Legislative branch- this is supposed to keep the President honest, and within bounds legally. The president proposes legislation- a laundry list of what he believes need to be done to keep this country on course. If he is an honest man, he proposes things we actually need, and things we can afford.

It is up to the Legislative branch to actually write the laws that the president wants done, but in addition, these lawmakers have yet another duty, a higher duty, and that is to the people they serve. If the president is proposing onerous laws, laws that would harm the people back in the Representative’s or Senator’s areas, it is their duty to oppose this. This not only gets them re- elected, but it serves the greater good of the people they represent.

This is admittedly a fine balancing act, where your duty to country and your duty to the people you represent can sometimes be seemingly at odds. But, if you are honest, and truly want what is best for all, you will be able to craft just laws that will serve the country well. Unfortunately, there are many lawmakers who will blindly follow this Resident and his Socialist agenda. Once upon a time you could count on legislators to protect their turf from even a president within their own party, jealousy being a strong emotion, and turf is something to protect- but not now, apparently.

Even if not, there is the third branch, the Supreme Court, where all the laws can be looked over to see if it passes the Constitutional Test- does it co- exist within the framework of the Constitution? The Supreme Court is supposed to be the arbiter of All Things Constitutional. In recent years, there has been a distinct ideological split in the makeup of the court, and that makes for often close and contentious decisions- when they do make decisions.

Unfortunately, the Court doesn’t take every case- just those where there could be a question of constitutionality from lower courts, so there is a lag on the time something becomes law to when the Court might rule on it, and Hussein is going to try and pack the Supreme Court so the “empathy” factor favors him.

If Barry can tilt the court, and he maintains the party majority in the legislature, he can be King in everything but name- he can pass whatever laws he wants, and tax us until we bleed, and I believe he will. I have no sense of ease in his ability to govern with an even hand, I do not believe he wants to- at least not until he has made over our country into something we do not recognize, a faint ghost of what we once were.

When that happens, you can be sure of one thing- we will have war(s)- the rest of the world will see us as weak, and they will be right, and we will have fights with Mexico in the south over the borders, N. Korea, China, Iran, and of course Russia will all test our will and our ability to deter their plans.

Russia will begin to try to take back the satellite countries like Lithuania, Estonia, the Ukraine, and Poland. It has already begun to creep into Georgia again. China practically owns us- at least our debt, and we have a Resident who is all talk. Whoop-de-do.

Just when we need to be strong, Hussein will wussify us, I guarantee this- this is already happening.

We are writing checks we can’t cash, because we have nothing in our balances.
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Conscientious Objectors Not Allowed In Health Care

The Obama administration is great at manipulating the media. Of course, that is not an overly difficult task because most of the media are drinking from his Kool Aid dispenser. It is well known that the way to slip stuff in with little media attention is to slip it in on a Friday evening. Fortunately we have the Internet where people look for things and post about them. The latest turd was dropped last night:

Taking another step into the abortion debate, the Obama administration today will move to rescind a controversial rule that allows healthcare workers to deny abortion counseling or other family planning services if doing so would violate their moral beliefs, according to administration officials.

The rollback of the so-called conscience rule comes just two months after the Bush administration announced it late last year in one of its final policy initiatives. The Anchoress

The administration of The Evil One is doing this under the guise that the Bush initiative is misleading and confusing. They, of course, need to rewrite the thing or get rid of it all together.

This rule allows those health care professionals who are opposed to abortions to refuse to give counseling for them or to provide them. There is nothing wrong with people in the health care arena refusing things that they are opposed to. It is up to the health care professional to inform the patient of this and to indicate that the patient will have to look elsewhere for those services. It might go like this:

Patient: I really don’t want to have a baby and I have given it a lot of thought and I want an abortion. Can you schedule me for that?

Doctor: I’m sorry, I don’t believe in abortions so you will have to find another provider who does them.

What is difficult about that?

Those who oppose this method are worried that the conscience of some people will keep them from doing their jobs. The oft cited example is a pharmacy worker who will not dispense contraceptives, especially the “morning after” pill.

First of all, there are plenty of workers at pharmacies that will dispense the medication. Secondly, there are plenty of pharmacies for people to go to. There will be NO complete denial of services but people might have to go to a different place to do business. Scientologists do not believe in the use of psychotropic medication but I imagine that does not stop them from becoming pharmacists or from working in one. The government has not stepped in to ensure the people who need medication for their mental health are protected.

This is a slippery slope which might end up having the government dictate to health care providers that they have to provide abortion services even if they are opposed to them.

What will happen if health care providers are not allowed to practice within the confines of their beliefs? There will be fewer doctors in fields where abortions are performed. How will this extend? There are a lot of hospitals that are run by religious organizations. Will they be forced to provide abortions (or any other) services to which they are opposed?

King Hussein of America is already known to be in favor of unlimited abortion. He opposed legislation that allowed children born alive after a botched abortion to receive care. Despite what people say, and no matter why, he opposed it. His entire platform on this subject is pro abortion though he skillfully lies about it. There is a “Pro Life Obama” website that was funded by George Soros designed to specifically obfuscate The Evil One’s position on the subject. Gateway Pundit points this out.

This is one piece of a bigger puzzle. First they will tell doctors that they must provide services that they are opposed to. Then they will tax us to death to provide “cheap” health care for everyone to put private insurance providers out of business. After that everyone will be on the government’s health care rolls.

It won’t be long before some bean counter is deciding what treatments are allowed based on age, lifestyle and cost.

The United States of America will become the United Socialist States of America and we will have a “wonderful” system like they do in England.

Socialists do not take over all at once. They slowly chip away at things until one day the population wakes up and realizes it no longer has control of its own destiny.

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” Norman Thomas

Obama and his liberal comrades are working on making this happen.

Big Dog

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