Protest Law Breaking By Breaking The Law

The Occupy Wall Street crowd currently residing in a place Michelle Malkin calls Kamp Alinksy is full of people who do not really know why they are there. They protest capitalism while using and wearing the materials produced by the capitalism they claim to detest. They demand that their debt be forgiven. They demand that the wealth of the rich be taken and redistributed. They claim that they want the banksters arrested for their crimes by protesting at the homes of people who are not part of the banking system. In short, they are disorganized and most likely showed up for the free sex and drugs.

One theme that continues is the anger at the bankers. The OWS crowd is mad that the bankers, according to them, caused the economic problems by participating in illegal activities. These people want those bankers arrested and held accountable.

How do these people protest the alleged illegal activities?

They do so by committing illegal acts themselves. They have vandalized property, disrupted traffic, participated in violence and have clashed with the police. Hundreds of them have been arrested for breaking the law. These people are demanding that their charges be dropped or they will all clog up the judicial system by demanding a jury trial. I previously wrote about this and stand by my position that the prosecution should push for maximum sentences for anyone who demands a jury trial.

But let me get this straight. The people who are protesting the bankers for allegedly breaking the law and not being held accountable have broken the law and are demanding not to be held accountable.

Does it seem right that these people think the way to express their anger over alleged illegal activity is to participate in illegal activity?

Does it seem right that they think it is wrong the bankers escaped punishment from our legal system but are demanding not to be punished by our legal system?

I do not agree with these people but could respect their position if they were not breaking the law to express their dissatisfaction at what they see as people who broke the law.

They need to go get jobs.

First they need long, hot showers.

The FLEA (Free Loading Enemies of America) Party…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit
Big Dog


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God Bless The Unruly Protesters

Nancy Pelosi has nothing but praise for the astro-turf Wall Street protests and the folks participating in them. She has favored their actions by saying; “God bless them.”

“The message of the protesters is a message for the establishment everyplace,” said the House Democrats’ leader. “No longer will the recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street.” The Weekly Standard

The former Speaker of the House has nothing but praise for the people who are breaking the law and committing acts of violence in an attempt to steal money from the wealthy in a Socialist redistribution scheme. The protesters, like Pelosi (as seen in her statement), blame Wall Street and the wealthy for the economic downturn despite the fact that this all started as a result of a burst housing bubble which was the result of Democrat policies. The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) forced banks to lend money to people who could not afford to pay it back just so they too could buy a home. The government sponsored entities of Fannie and Freddie bought up a bunch of the mortgages that had been bundled together. They ended up being worthless and the bubble burst.

This all occurred as the Bush Administration tried on more than a dozen occasions to reign in these entities and what they were doing. Democrats, including Barney Frank, defended Fannie and Freddie as financially sound and said they were in no trouble at all. Frank was sleeping with the guy in charge of one of those entities so he might not have been unbiased. Regardless, these Democrats allowed this to happen and now blame it on Wall Street.

The protesters are causing trouble and breaking the law and Pelosi has nothing but praise for them. She thinks it is great that people are out to collapse our system and force redistribution of wealth.

This is the same Nancy Pelosi who called TEA Party protesters un-American. Yes, the TEA Party folks are peaceful, have broken NO laws, have not destroyed property, and have cleaned up every place they have gathered but that is un-American to Pelosi. In addition, there has been NO violence caused by TEA Party protesters.

Pelosi called these folks un-American while she praises those who are violent law breakers. To her, the astro-turf Wall Street flash mobs and their spin offs across the country are American heroes.

This shows you what America is to Pelosi and the rest of the Socialists. Those who follow the laws, assemble according to their First Amendment rights and peacefully protest larger, out of control government are un-American while those who trash the place, fight with the police, commit acts of vandalism and engage in violence are to be blessed by God.

The left is engaging in violence and the politicians and their liberal supporters in the media and Hollywood are encouraging those acts. The people in these mobs are taking their cues from their political leaders who want the disruption and violence. It gives them a new crisis they cannot let go to waste.

These people are going to be very sorry if they bring their violence to main street America where Bible and gun clingers who have no tolerance for such stuff reside.

The National Guard put an end to this kind of mob violence in an incident at Kent State a very long time ago. It is time for the police to exert such force on those who commit acts of violence in the name of Pelosi (and Obama) and her Socialist agenda. That would put an end to the madness.

If these folks want to protest peacefully then they have the right to do so. When they cross that line they need to be smacked down and they need to be smacked down hard.

Remember this ladies and gentlemen, if this gets even more out of control and the police or others get hurt or killed, Nancy Pelosi gave them her blessing. If they cause mayhem they do so with the approval of Nancy Pelosi and others who astro-turfed this and are encouraging it (Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin, etc).

It is time to make these people live according to the rules and the laws. If they refuse then they need to be smacked down.

And Pelosi needs to be held accountable for giving them her blessing (and by extension, her permission) to act like animals.

Two other points. Obama’s rhetoric could spark violence and his people are protesting the entities that gave a lot of money to him in 2008.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Road To Hell

An absolutely great video that defines how the good intentions of progressives end up leading to hell…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Some People Gather For Socialist Rally In DC

The Socialists and the Communists and other backers of Obama and the Democrats decided to have a rally in DC to counter the very successful Restoring Honor Rally that Glenn Beck held on August 28th. This was heavily promoted by the Socialists, some teachers were able to attend because the unions paid part fo the cost and other union members were required to attend.

Even with required attendance and a plethora of Socialist organizations and unions (but I repeat myself) backing this rally it could not get attendance numbers anywhere close to what Beck brought in. The AP reports that there was a sparse crowd and that it was not as densely packed as the Restoring Honor crowd.

I don’t care how many people they drew or that they had a rally but after Restoring Honor Ed Schultz, one of the speakers at the Socialist Rally, claimed he could draw 300,000 easily. I don’t think his TV show gets that many viewers but he assured us he could draw that many for a rally.

It is highly doubtful he drew that many and this rally was supported by a number of Socialist organizations and labor unions (there I go again). Still, they could not do it.

How do we know? If this had been as huge a success as Beck’s rally the MSM would be trumpeting the numbers and proclaiming how great it was. We would have non stop coverage of the great masses and they would be telling us it is America speaking out.

Instead, the MSM reports it drew thousands and that it was not as densely packed. If it was anywhere near as many the MSM would inflate numbers and try to make people believe that more were there than actually were (like the Million Man March). Even with deflated numbers the MSM assigns to conservative rallies and the imaginary numbers it invents for liberal (Socialist) ones, the MSM could not invent enough people to show this did better than Restoring Honor.

I am sure Schultz will be on the air Monday telling us about the millions of people who attended but we all know that it will be a lie.

At least he gave some fringe moonbats a chance to take shots at conservatives. Too bad not very many were there to listen.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Birds Of A Feather

Socialists like each other. Socialists will protect each other, even while saying bad things about each other, but all the bad talk is ending in a group hug with all the socialists in the Western Hemisphere schmoozing and practically having a group grope.
The fly in the ointment, or lotion, has been the ouster of Manuel Zelaya, the former President of Honduras. 

A member of the Commie club was tossed out of his own country for attempting to subvert the Constitution of Honduras by asking their Supreme Court to change the law to continue to allow him to, in effect, be President for life. His own party tossed him out of the country in his PJs- that is how outraged they were.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced Thursday that the United States would formally suspend nearly $30 million in aid to the coup-installed government in Honduras. She also suggested for the first time that the United States might not recognize the country’s elections this fall if the ousted president was not returned to power by then.

That’s it, Billary- you go girl- Save The Socialist! The fact that Zelaya was prepared to go around the term limits of his country’s Constitution in an unlawful manner, and attempt to become a Dictator, is of no concern to our government, indeed, Nobama is cool with the idea,as that seems to be in vogue now, what with all the tin pot Dictators popping up like Orville Redenboker Kettle Corn. Castro (he’s old hat), Chavez, Morales, Zelaya, Ortega, and more I can’t remember right off the top of my head.

All of them want to be Dictator for Life in their respective countries, at least. And all of them are driving their countries into the ground. Great examples to follow, to be sure.

Zelaya even had the ballots for his spurious legal challenge to his Constitution printed in Venezuela- they were confiscated by the authorities when he attempted to smuggle them into Honduras, and that apparently was what triggered the coup, if you wish to characterize it as such- I prefer the term, “Expedited Impeachment”.

It was his own party that followed their lawful Constitution, and now they are being punished by the “Freedom loving” United States? The US wants to re- impose a dictator? Yes, Virginia, there is a Satan, and I think he resides in the White House- if not Satan, at least his retarded son. 

Who else would punish a foreign government for following its laws, and attempting to protect their Democracy? Sometimes, looking at what our government is doing, I feel as if I am in the middle of the film “Idiocracy”- a film I couldn’t watch all the way through, simply because it was too painful to see liberals portrayed so nakedly realistic.

But here they are acting stupidly in real life, endangering not only our own country, but a democratic neighbor, one of the “good guys”- how backwards is that?

The announcement amounted to a gamble that the threat would finally force the de facto government to back down. So far, that government, led by longtime congressman Roberto Micheletti, has resisted intense international pressure, both economic and political. Its members argue that Zelaya’s removal was legal because he had violated the constitution by organizing a referendum that could have allowed him to evade the one-term limit for the presidency.

But the reasons for the coup supporters’ vehemence go deeper: They fear that the leftist Zelaya would have introduced the socialist-style agenda promoted by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, a Zelaya ally and leader of an anti-American bloc in the hemisphere.

Kind of reminds you of Ted Kennedy and his attempts to manipulate the laws to suit him, doesn’t it? Those crazy Socialists- they don’t feel as if they are bound by ethics, or laws, or even morals, do they? As I have said before, they are trying for a Hemispheric Kumbaya with Global reach- around here, and it is repugnant on several levels, the first and most disturbing is that the beacon for Freedom, the “Shining City on the Hill”- the United States of America, would even participate in this farce, much less take the side of a Chavez wannabe, and then try to force the issue with the withholding of monetary aid to the country.

Even the Unions, bastions of Communism that they are, are participating in this, refusing to unload the Honduran ships that dock in our harbors.

This is shameless, classless and clueless behavior on the part of this administration. But that is now par for the course, sadly- our government is no longer something we can look to with pride, but now, with shame and disgust.

You go, Honduras- Keep up the good fight!
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