Cops Lives Matter Too

I am skeptical of the police. I respect them as a group of people who, for the most part, do dangerous jobs to protect people. But we have continually militarized them and they have a culture that sees them remain silent when some among them do wrong. There are far too many cases of police officers beating people and violating their civil rights.

[note]When you give police agencies items that are meant for war they will act like they are going to war.[/note]

That small group causes the good among them to be viewed skeptically. I believe all agents of the government should be viewed with a bit of skepticism but the bad actions of a small minority of cops has tarnished the good work of honorable officers.

It is also true that far too often police officers are extensions of the taxing authority of a government. They write tickets for nuisance items just to generate revenue.

But no matter how one feels about what policing has become the reality is these folks are men and women who have families. Their lives matter just as much as anyone else’s. They should not be targeted. Don’t get me wrong. I believe people have the right to resist unlawful acts by any agent of the government but I do not think police officers should be targets just because some segment of society does not like them.

Last night two officers in Ferguson MO were shot. They are expected to survive but they should not have been shot in the first place. This is not an issue where police issued some no knock raid and got shot by a scared home owner. No, these police officers were monitoring yet another protest in ferguson when some jackass shot them.

We saw all the protests and riots when people believed that Michael Brown was shot with his hands up. That turned out to be a lie and he was the aggressor. Unarmed or not he ws dangerous and Officer Wilson was well within his right to shoot him.

Will there be protests in favor of these cops? The race baiting poverty pimps are already making excuses and rationalizing the shootings.

People get up in arms when they think a cop shot someone (or their dog) unnecessarily (and their anger is justified when that turns out to be the case especially when the cop is cleared of wrong doing) but they find no issue with police officers being shot while doing their jobs.

Imagine if you will a scenario where a group of people has been arrested after a long police investigation. Say they all had tons of drugs and illegal firearms when they were arrested. The cops all testify and they think this is a slam dunk. But for some reason the jury finds the defendants not guilty and they walk on all charges.

How would people respond if the police waited for them to gather someplace and then gunned them down?

The people of Ferguson were fed a false narrative and they were led to believe they would get the verdict they wanted from the Grand Jury. When they did not they burned the place to the ground. How many of them were arrested for that?

In any event, the false narrative and all the negative statements from Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and plenty of other people has resulted in this violence against these police officers.

Their lives matter too and this should not be happening. They need to catch who did this and nail him to the wall.

Here is the key. Mutual respect. Police officers need to respect the people who pay their salaries and who they work for. They need to do their jobs with honor and dignity and without regard for ones color ar any other demographic.

The people need to obey the law and they need to respect the police.

If that happens people can work together to ensure their communities are safe.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Will This Be Another Trayvon Case?

The facts are not completely established in the Trayvon Martin shooting but the ones that have been produced clearly show that the uproar and race baiting that has taken place was unwarranted. It appears as if George Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense. Was Zimmerman partly responsible for what happened? Possibly so and that is why the legal system needs to be left alone to investigate and establish. What is not needed is a lot of hype, a lot of threats, and instigation, all of which have taken place from the race hustlers on the left and the militant, racist New Black Pansy Party.

In Birmingham a young black boy (13 years old) was shot and killed last Friday. The boy, Ja’Quares Cortez Walker (known as Little Tez), had his shirt wrapped around his head like a bandana and had a loaded and cocked firearm. He approached a car and ordered the driver to get out. The driver pulled a gun and shot and killed Little Tez.

Will this shooting result in the race hustlers amassing in Birmingham and calling for justice? Will this result in calls for more gun control and will the anti gun crowd call for an end to stand your ground policies?

A lot of this will depend on the race of the shooter as the hustlers only react when they can gain traction out of making things a race issue.

Other questions we need to ask are will members of Congress wrap their shirts around their heads like bandanas? Will members of the Congressional Black Caucus stand on the floor of the House and wear their shirts in this fashion? Will the race hustlers start wearing their shirts in this fashion like they did with the Trayvon hoodies?

The death of this young fellow is tragic. One wonders what kind of life he was living in order to commit an armed robbery at the age of 13. Who was he trying to impress and what was he trying to accomplish? Where were the positive adult influences in his life (or did any exist)?

While it is tragic that he was killed it would have been even more tragic had he murdered someone while committing his criminal act.

It is too late for him to learn because this lesson cost him his life. I can only hope that others will see this and decide that crime is not the way to go. Perhaps it will cause parents to look at their children and guide them in the right direction.

But that can’t happen if the race hustlers blame everyone else but the criminal and ramp up their manufactured race issues.

In other words, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NBPP, stay the hell home.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Finding Someone To Blame

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is in critical condition, many others are wounded and five or six are dead. A gunman began shooting yesterday and caused mayhem in Tuscon. Almost immediately a concerted effort from the left was made to place the blame for this tragedy and the fingers were pointed at the Tea Party, the right wing, and Sarah Palin. This was all coordinated and planned and it is inaccurate,

The left needs someone to blame and they love to pin violence on the Tea party and others even though these groups have not done anything violent (all the violence has been from the left). The website Daily Kos congratulated Sarah Palin for a job well done and displayed the map she used that had bulls eyes on seats that were targeted. While the little weasel at Kos was doing this he scrubbed a post where Giffords was dead to a constituent and failed to mention that he himself had put Giffords on a targeted list of Democrats who were not liberal enough.

The Democrats and its media wing ignored the reports of the shooter being left-wing and listing the Communist Manifesto as his favorite reading material. That would make him a left wing nut, not a right wing one.

I do not believe Kos or anyone else is responsible for what happened. I only point out their actions to show that if we are to believe the claims of talk causing the problem then these people are guilty of the same kind of talk. Therefore, they are as guilty as those they blame.

And if we want to carry it further then Barack Obama is just as much to blame because he is the one who labeled Americans as enemies and urged violence on behalf of his campaign and agenda. We bring a gun, he said. Get in their faces he said. Looks like the whack job who did this brought a gun and got in her face. He is as guilty as anyone else.

That is, if we are laying blame on anyone other than the lunatic who did this.

You see, I know that the only person who is responsible for this tragedy is Jared Loughner. He and he alone is responsible for what happened and he should be prosecuted and, if he is found guilty, executed for his crime. But the absolute truth of the matter is, he is responsible for what took place.

Not Sarah Palin, not Kos, not the right or left wing but Jared Loughner.

And it would be helpful to the political discourse if the politicians, the pundits and the media stopped trying to lay blame on anyone but Loughner.

Congresswoman Giffords and all those affected by this horrible tragedy are in my prayers. They deserve all of our prayers and not this senseless and unfounded finger pointing.

Washington Post
Guardian UK
The Other McCain: From DHS memo in case; * suspect’s mother works for the Pima County Board of Supervisors * the suspect has multiple arrests … But no criminal record? Intervention by someone?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.

Big Dog


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