Detroit Mayor is typical Liberal; Play the Victim

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has been embroiled in a bit of controversy since it was discovered that he had a sexual affair with a co-worker and sent her sexy text messages. Evidently, there has been a lot of talk about this on the radio stations because the mayor is in trouble and could be indicted for perjury because he lied under oath about the affair. This has been going on for some time and Kilpatrick has refused to step down. He continues to run the city into the ground (if it is possible to get it any further into the ground) with his extravagances and his trysts.

During his state of the city address he went off script at the end and he played the victim. Here is the end of his address:

And finally tonight, and this may be the most talked about part of the speech after laying out all of that. But I feel that I cannot leave this auditorium with my wife and my sons sitting there without addressing this issue.

In the past 30 days, I’ve been called a nigger more than any time in my entire life. In the past three days I have received more death threats than I have in my entire administration. I’ve heard these words before, but I’ve never heard people say them about my wife and children.

I don’t believe that a Nielsen rating is worth the life of my children or your children.

This unethical, illegal lynch-mob mentality has to stop.

And it’s seriously time. We’ve never been here before. And I don’t care if they cut the TV off. We’ve never been in a situation like this before where you can say anything, do anything, have no facts, no research, no nothin [sic] and you can launch a hate-driven, bigoted assault on a family.

I humbly ask members of council. I humbly ask the business community. I humbly ask the religious community. I humbly ask the brothers and sisters of the city of Detroit. I humbly ask that we say no more together. I humbly ask that we say no more together.

I love this city with every part of my being and I will continue to stay focused on building the next Detroit.

God bless you.

Detroit, I love you.

Kilpatrick is saying that he has been called a nigger and that things have been said and his family threatened all for ratings. I cannot imagine anyone broad casted the word nigger or made threats on the air. If these threats were made in public or to him personally, while wrong, they are not intended to increase ratings. I doubt he has been the victim here, at least not as much as he is saying. He is trying to rally the brothers and sisters (his words) to get behind him and help. He wants them to believe he is being persecuted because he is black. He threw in the part about having no evidence to make it more convincing.

The fact is, there is plenty of evidence. A few months back the text messages between him and his sex toy were made public and printed on one of the news sites. He is alleged to have been involved in spending city money unwisely and causing it further economic trouble. He lied under oath about his relationship with the other woman (if he did not have the affair then he could not have committed perjury). He is guilty of doing exactly what people are saying he did and he deserves to be held up to their scrutiny regardless of what color he is. Governor Spitzer is certainly being held up to the light for inspection after the recent bombshell dropped by him. He is not claiming that he is a victim because he is white or Jewish or any other thing he might be. And people are calling for his resignation (well republicans are).

Kilpatrick is guilty of having an affair and if people want him out of office it is their right to remove him. They put him there and he works for them. He violated their trust and they do not want him around. that does not make people racists and it does not make him a victim.

He is a jackass who got caught doing something wrong and he needs to be a man and stop playing the victim card.

I wonder what his momma, Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick of Michigan’s 13th District, thinks of her son?


Big Dog