Its Official, Crist Is A Liar

Three weeks ago in a Fox News interview, Charlie Crist of Florida was asked five times if he was going to run as an Independent in the Senate race. Five times Charlie Crist answered “No”. He looked into the camera and said that he was running as a Republican and that he would run as one in the Senate primary.

Today Crist is expected to announce that he will run as an Independent in the Senate race. There is a good chance that he will win because the Democrat is a weak candidate and the voters in that party might decide the only way to get someone who thinks the way they do into the Senate is to vote for Crist.

This departure, especially after five consecutive denials, should cause any Republicans who were considering voting for Crist to reevaluate their positions. He cannot be trusted. How can anyone listen to anything he says or promises and believe that he is telling them the truth?

It is time for conservatives and Republicans in Florida to move over to Marco Rubio, the only real conservative in the race, and leave Crist behind. I would also think that it would be only fair for those who donated to Crist to ask for their money back. He took it when he was running as a Republican and today he will leave the party.

A piece of advice to Mr. Rubio. Get the footage of the interview Crist gave where he said that he would not run as an Independent and make a campaign ad out of it.

Washington DC needs people who are concerned about the country and will work to make it a better place. America does not need self serving people who think only of themselves.

We have enough of them in DC already.

Fox News

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Will Do What He Was Opposed To

I realize that campaign promises are just that and I never took Obama seriously. He is an inexperienced hack, a joke who does not know how to lead. He has a community organizer mentality in that as a community organizer he worked in a small community with no regard for money, no budget to worry about. Just organize and someone pays for it. He is an organizer in a larger community now and he still thinks that money is no problem because someone else will handle it.

We saw how he was opposed to ending the filibuster when Republicans wanted to do it. We saw how he criticized Bush for the Patriot Act and then he signed to extend it and we see him doing a number of things Bush did that Obama expressed dissatisfaction with. Obama promises come with expiration dates and he will say anything and do anything to get what he wants.

Obama told us in 2007 that getting 50 plus 1 vote was not the way to get things done. He said that they would not achieve things by getting 50 plus 1 vote. Obama even said that this kind of thinking was what Karl Rove engaged in because did not like government.

But Barry is firmly committed to using a process to get 50 plus 1 vote to pass his agenda. It is rather Rovian (by Obama’s definition) and must mean that Obama does not like government. According to his own words, he is now unable to govern. Obama specifically said that he was going to build a working majority and that he would not use the 50 plus 1 strategy to pass health care:

We are not going to pass universal healthcare with a 50 plus one strategy. We’re not going to have a serious, bold energy policy of the sort I proposed yesterday unless you build a working majority.” –Sen. Barack Obama, October 2007

Watch the video and listen closely to the jive talk. Obama is telling us what he thinks we want to hear. He is saying that he will get a working majority so he will not use the 50 plus 1 strategy that he NOW favors.

Why is Obama so hell bent on destroying his party? Why is he hell bent on doing something that so many oppose? Why will he not start over and build that working majority?

There are several reasons. He wants to impose on America social programs bigger than FDR and LBJ so that he can stake his claim in history as one of the progressive heroes. He knows that he will lose seats in November and the election of Scott Brown ushered in the reality that he could lose the majority in one or both chambers. He wants to do it now or he will not have the progressive legacy he believes is his birthright.

The other thing is that he believes that if he tanks on health care he will be seen as a failure. Republicans said this issue could be his Waterloo and now some Democrats are expressing the same thing. He is more worried about his image, his legacy and whether he is viewed as a failure than he is about America or his own party. Obama is so worried about passing his agenda that he is embracing a procedure that violates Senate rules. The way this bill has been amended and will be voted on (vote on Senate bill, add amendments and send to Obama) is not how legislation is supposed to be accomplished but none of this matters because Obama wants it done at all costs.

There are people in Congress who have been there for years who will lose their jobs this November and most of the blood will be on Obama’s hands. Some were going to lose anyway, no matter what, but there will be huge losses because of what Obama is doing. Some people who would otherwise win reelection are going to be gone because of Obama and his legacy. Others are quitting rather than be part of the bloodbath.

Of course, the best laid plans sometimes come undone. Obama has a problem with the Senate and that is why the sleight of hand. But he might lose this in the House. There are Democrats who will not vote for this and right now it looks like they will be shy a few votes. Pelosi might start beating people up or sending the mob in to break some knees but until then, the votes are not there.

[note]Note to Frank Kratovil, vote for this and you are gone and we will be welcoming Congressman Andy Harris to the 1st Congressional District.[/note]

Obama will do absolutely anything it takes to get this through. He will begin campaigning (did he ever stop) for this mess on Monday.

“Whatever it takes to get health care done,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said of the president’s schedule. Washington Post

And when I say he will do whatever it takes I mean legal or otherwise. He was not upset at the bribes passed around the Senate to get it through the first time and he is not above payoffs to get what he wants either:

Tonight, Barack Obama will host ten House Democrats who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he’s obviously trying to persuade them to switch their votes to yes. One of the ten is Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House just sent out a press release announcing that today President Obama nominated Matheson’s brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Weekly Standard

This might just be a coincidence but I doubt it. Obama will do what it takes and he is all about Chicago style politics.

Keep an eye on Matheson because if he now votes for it then he was bribed because perception is reality.

In 2004, Kerry was for it before he was against it. Obama was against 50 plus 1 before he was for it.

Remember America, this is about control and nothing else. They need control to collapse the economy and replace it with what they want.

Let’s deny them the chance. Call your Congress critters and tell them that all the temple monkeys will be replaced if they vote for this. It is an election year, the only time they listen (or pretend to). They know we do not like it so ask them if they are willing to fall on their swords for Obama who is not up for reelection for three more years or the likes of Pelosi who is in a safe seat.

If they screw us with this we need to make them pay.

And revenge is a dish best served cold…

Thanks to:
Flopping Aces
Breitbart TV

Big Dog


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Save The Senate? Better Save Himself

Barack Obama faces the real possibility of losing not only seats but the majority he enjoys, especially in the Senate. It is a long way to the election and anything can happen but Democrat Senators are dropping like flies (there are slightly more Democrats not returning than there are Republicans) and Obama is still stinging from the loss of the people’s seat in Massachusetts.

So Obama is embarking on a “save the Senate” tour where he will campaign for Democrats in peril of losing their seats.

President Obama kicks off what might be called his “Save the Senate” tour this week, heading west to campaign for two embattled Democrats trailing badly against Republican challengers – including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Washington Times

Considering that he is 0-3, he might want to skip the campaign appearances if he wants to actually help them.

Obama has much more to worry about because a new CNN poll shows that 52% of the people polled do not think he deserves a second term. He has three years to fix that problem so now is not the time to panic but considering he has only been in office for 13 months, it might be time to worry a bit.

Obama will certainly triangulate and work to appear moderate so that he can garner more support. There are people who will forget that, to many, he appeared moderate during the campaign only to become more radical upon taking office. He was (and still is) radical all along to those of us not receiving the Kool Aid IV.

This November the clout of Barack Obama will be put to the test. If he can muster enough votes to keep the majority then he might be on semi solid ground. If he loses a lot, and particularly loses one or both chambers, he will be in trouble.

Then again, Republicans in the Congress helped Bill Clinton with a make-over that gave him a second term.

The economy will not be healed any time soon, particularly with the policies of this administration and once inflation hits things will be really bad.

No wonder Obama is sporting more gray hair.

Big Dog


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Democrats Run From Obama, Maybe This Is Why

When Barack Obama took control of the White House he had everything going for him. He had majorities in the House and Senate that were so large the minority party could not stop any legislation. Infighting among Democrats and the desire to protect vulnerable seats are the only reasons that legislation did not pass. The Democrats, and only the Democrats, are responsible for any failures to achieve Obama’s agenda. Republicans could not stop them. The Democrats blame Republicans and call them the party of “No” but the Republicans were not needed to get anything passed. Democrats blame Republicans for not supporting issues that would hurt America and allow Democrats to claim bipartisanship. The votes on legislation that people do not want fall squarely on the shoulders of the Democrats.

This is an election year and the Democrats are pretending to be fiscally responsible. Obama has called for a freeze on a small part of the budget in order to appear as if he is trying to control costs. While he puts on the phony show he continues to spend like a drunken sailor. The difference is, a sailor spends his own money and stops spending when he runs out.

A number of Democrats are distancing themselves from Barack Obama and his latest budget. The Baltimore Sun reports that vulnerable Democrats are voicing their opposition to items in Barack Obama’s budget proposal in order to play to their constituencies back home and improve their prospects for reelection in November.

As Congress begins picking through President Obama’s vast election year budget, many Democratic incumbents and candidates seem to be finding something they love — to campaign against.

The Democrats mentioned have seen the writing on the wall since Scott Brown was elected to the Senate in Massachusetts. They were prepared to steamroll the health care takeover until that upset win. The vulnerable ones seem to have gotten the message while Obama, who is tone-deaf to the desires of America, seems to have a different opinion. He believes the answer to Brown’s win is not to do nothing. Perhaps so but Americans want the right thing done.

Perhaps these Democrats realize that if a Republican can win in Massachusetts then no seat is safe. The Washington Times is reporting that the prospects of Republicans in Senate races is looking better and that they have a chance to pick up ten seats.

The long-shot bid by Republicans to retake control of the Senate is suddenly in play, as the prospect of high-profile Republican candidates entering the fray has pushed the GOP even or ahead in polling for 10 races.

The potential candidacies of former Republican Govs. George E. Pataki in New York and Tommy G. Thompson in Wisconsin are improving the polling fortunes of the party as it pursues seats long in the hands of Democrats, while the anti-government “tea party” movement has provided momentum to Republican challengers in states such as Florida, Arkansas and Pennsylvania.

“If the election were held today, the Republicans could come close to winning back the Senate, if not actually win it,” said pollster John Zogby.

There are still many months to go before the elections in November and anything can happen. The tack to the middle by some Democrats might be viewed as positive by fools who will cry foul if they are reelected and then move back to the left. But the reality is that things are, as of this early date, looking good for the Republican party.

This has to be particularly chilling to these Democrats especially after the surprise win by Brown.

I don’t know if Republicans will take enough seats to win back the Senate but they will gain at least a few more and move the filibuster-proof number farther from the Democrats.

I would like to see the Republicans win back the Senate but I will settle for a few more seats and I particularly want the one held by Arlen Specter. He switched parties solely for the purpose of winning reelection so it would be great to see him lose as a Democrat.

Big Dog


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The Salem News Endorses Brown

When I read this I figured it was the only conservative paper in Massachusetts but this paper endorsed Barack Obama. In this particular instance they are going with Brown because the paper believes he will be the best candidate to stop the bleeding

There’s a need to restore balance to the debate in Washington and bring a contrarian voice to the all-Democratic Massachusetts delegation. Voters can achieve that by electing Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate Tuesday.

Brown, however, would be much more than a “no” vote in the Senate.

A former selectman, state representative and now state senator from Wrentham with a 30-year record of military service, Brown has a keen understanding of the unique challenges facing Massachusetts. His time spent as a Bay State Republican has taught him how to work across the aisle to get things done (a trait for which the late Ted Kennedy was justly praised). That experience would help him become an effective voice for moderation and bipartisanship within the halls of the Capitol.

Brown is the kind of Republican — fiscally conservative, but middle-of-the-road on social issues in the Ed Brooke/Bill Weld mold — that Massachusetts voters have endorsed in the past with good results. The Salem News

The polls have swung in his favor and Coakley’s campaign looks like its wheels are falling off. The people of Massachusetts have had enough and this Tuesday will prove to be very interesting indeed.

Coakley is in such bad shape that Barack Obama is going to go to the state to stump for her. If all goes well this will work out as well as it did in New Jersey and Virginia. The Democrats are desperate so they are sending out the union thugs and the thug in chief to help their lowly candidate.

The Democrats are also in spin mode. The internal feeling is that the bottom has fallen out of the Coakley campaign and operatives are already working on distancing Obama from the impending doom like they did with Deeds in Virginia. The plan is to claim that Coakley ran a poor campaign (which looks to be true) and then deflect blame from Obama should she lose.

Of course, if she wins they will claim he saved the day.

Big Dog


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