Will They Say McCain Staged this to Scare Us?

Every time there is a major event and the threat level increases the Democrats claim that it is fear mongering. The Democrats make these claims because they know that America views them, and rightly so, as weak on national security. The believe that Republicans trump up threats in order to scare up votes.

Obama recently had the opportunity to show how he would handle the, dare I say it, 3 am call when Russia invaded Georgia. He gave three different responses form his Hawaiian vacation spot and each one was progressively sterner. He blew his chance to look like he had a clue and it is likely his poor performance led to his selection of Joe Biden as a running mate.

Now the Russian president is claiming that American missiles placed in ally countries close to Russia will elicit a military response. Russia is saying it will respond to us with military force because it does not like what we are doing in sovereign nations (with their blessings). The countries agreeing to missiles had been on the fence about them until Russia invaded Georgia. Then they decided they needed protection though the missiles will be there to deter threats from nations other than Russia (but could be used if Russia invades).

Russia is playing a dangerous game. They should think twice before they attack our interests or they might not like the response. The Russian president does not want a Tomahawk missile hitting his house.

Anyway, how long will it be before the Democrats claim that Bush and McCain manufactured the events in Georgia in order to scare Americans? How long will it be before they claim that the Russians are helping us by showing how weak Democrats are on defense? They have claimed crazier things.

Maybe if we are lucky we can get Obama to cut short his convention and go over to Russia and scream Hope and Change until they convert.

Big Dog

Russian Aggression is Dick Cheney’s Fault

It looks like Russia is picking up some of the old tactics of the former Soviet Union in that it is blaming the attacks on Georgia on Dick Cheney. That’s right; the Russians are saying that the attack is all orchestrated under orders from Dick Cheney in order to help John McCain win the election.

The Russians have decided that they will blame their act of unprovoked aggression on the Vice President of the United States. They seem to be dusting off the old propaganda playbook in order to look less culpable for their foray into another nation. The unfortunate thing about all this is that many of the morons on the left will believe this as the gospel truth and will be posting that the evil Dick Cheney was behind this. There are actually morons in this country that will buy into this and will swear that it is true.

I guess it should not be so hard to believe that the left will believe that Dick Cheney was behind this. After all, they already blame Bush and Cheney for all the things that go wrong in the world.

Come to think of it, maybe it is not Russian propaganda. Perhaps it is just more left wing moonbat propaganda.

The ugly truth is that it is nearly impossible to tell the moonbats from the Communists.

Times UK

Big Dog

Let’s Leave Iran Alone

The report is out and the intelligence community has weighed in on Iran and it has determined that Iran has no nukes and that while they might acquire the capability to build them, they are not yet at that state. Basically, according to the intelligence community, Iran does not pose a threat. Never mind the fact that this is the same intelligence community that said Iran was working on nukes and never mind the fact that Israel has a vastly different opinion. We should also ignore the fact that Iran stopped working on its nuclear program and then started back up without anyone knowing and that they deliberately took actions to keep from being detected. We should also forget that the people telling us Iran is not a threat is the same community that missed 9/11 completely.

I think we should just leave them alone and let them do whatever they want because if we try to stop them now then everyone and their brother will scream that they had no nukes or no WMD. We will be looked at as aggressors rather than the liberators that we have been throughout history. People have used the “we found no WMD” mantra to question the validity of the war in Iraq despite the fact that WMD constituted a very small portion of the resolution for going in there and people seem to forget that Hussein actually used WMD on his enemies as well as his own people. Iran has shown that it cannot be trusted but that should really be none of our business. No matter what they build it is unlikely it can reach the US or that they can get it here so we should be safe.

Let the Russians and the Europeans worry about the fallout from a nuclear blast, should Iran develop a nuke. If they never develop one then it was prudent not to go after them and if they do build one then those who said they would were right and those affected can pay the consequences for not listening. However, any person (or nation) who opposes interfering with Iran and its nuclear ambitions now will have no right to blame their development of nuclear weapons on George Bush. Any member of the US Congress that does should be immediately taken to Gitmo and left there until they die. Any nation that has the audacity to blame it on him should be cut off from the world. This scenario is not beyond belief. Bill Clinton gave nuclear technology to the North Koreans and then Bush was blamed for “taking his eye off them” when they ended up testing a nuclear device.

I say the hell with Iran and let’s just ignore them. We will have proof of their nuclear ambitions when they announce they have the weapon (they wouldn’t lie, now would they) or when they launch one. In any event, we will then have the provocation we need to send about a hundred thousand Tomahawks toward their country and wipe that miserable place off the map. I bet then the naysayers will want action.

Of course, this all assumes that Israel is going to play the wussy games that the US is playing and sit idly by while Iran develops a weapon that will be used to destroy that country. If Israel gets fed up Iran might not exist too much longer.

Tough sanctions are needed right now and without them the world will be getting what it asked for. We need members of the UN Security Council to sanction Iran and we need the damned Russians and Chinese to get on board with the program instead of selling the Iranians what they need to make war.

I believe we should try diplomacy first but sine the diplomats are cowards and will not go practice diplomacy we are left with few choices should things get dicey.

The old Goodwrench commercial used to say; “You can pay me now or you can pay me later.” If we don’t do something now (like sanction Iran) then someone will pay for it later. It will be harder, of course, because Iran looks at the latest intelligence report as a declaration of surrender.

The only way to deal with Muslims is to be tough and to never back down. Thanks to the spineless people in our intelligence community and the greedy rulers of Russia and China, we will have a tougher road to travel from this point forward.

Big Dog