Russian Aggression is Dick Cheney’s Fault

It looks like Russia is picking up some of the old tactics of the former Soviet Union in that it is blaming the attacks on Georgia on Dick Cheney. That’s right; the Russians are saying that the attack is all orchestrated under orders from Dick Cheney in order to help John McCain win the election.

The Russians have decided that they will blame their act of unprovoked aggression on the Vice President of the United States. They seem to be dusting off the old propaganda playbook in order to look less culpable for their foray into another nation. The unfortunate thing about all this is that many of the morons on the left will believe this as the gospel truth and will be posting that the evil Dick Cheney was behind this. There are actually morons in this country that will buy into this and will swear that it is true.

I guess it should not be so hard to believe that the left will believe that Dick Cheney was behind this. After all, they already blame Bush and Cheney for all the things that go wrong in the world.

Come to think of it, maybe it is not Russian propaganda. Perhaps it is just more left wing moonbat propaganda.

The ugly truth is that it is nearly impossible to tell the moonbats from the Communists.

Times UK

Big Dog

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3 Responses to “Russian Aggression is Dick Cheney’s Fault”

  1. Reason says:



    Most of the Moonbats would be right at home ideologically with the communists.

    1) Sweeping Government control over all aspects of people’s lives. Check.
    2) Wealth redistribution so that all are equal (except of course the Government Overlords) and there is “economic justice”. Check.
    3) Freedom of speech as long as you only speak what they agree with, otherwise its bullying, harassment, and death threats. Check.
    4) Government practices and programs that don’t work, are wasteful, and generally retard if not outright stop economic growth. Check.

    I think Buffoon has it wrong, Democrat != Socialist rather Democrat = Communist.

    God I hate sounding like McCarthy, but hey if the shoe fits…

  2. Joe reinhart says:

    Who cares what the far left thinks? They are going to vote for Usama Ben Obamma anyway.
    Nothing they can say will take me by surprise.

    These same people think GWB organized the 9/11 event. Thing is, many lefties don’t know THEY are the problem, some don’t even consider themselves to to be far left liberals, so I made a list for them, so they can discover how liberal they are;

    You Might be a Liberal!
    If you:
    are educated in The Arts,
    but still can’t connect the dots…

    If you drive an imported car
    because American corporations exploit foreign workers…

    If you have ever been accused of not facing the facts, and you can’t decide which interpretation of the facts they refer to…

    If you are against the death-penalty for convicted felons and for killing unborn babies…

    If you ever had a foight with a guy who howled “I love that Bush!”
    when it was YOUR lap-dance…

    If you have a job in the government
    and think government is the problem…

    If your clothing is coordinated
    but your politics aren’t…

    If you support gay rights
    because you think it is about love…

    If you think the Ten Commandments should be erased from public view and support the rights of grafitti artists…

    If you placed a hyphen in your name…
    If you take yoga lessons…
    If you give time to the “human shield program…
    If you dive with the dolfins and support animal rights…

    And never join the Big Sister/Brother programs.

    If you think Buddy Poppy is a member of the Grateful Dead.
    If you are glad Dan Rather got caught with his pants down because now CBS will stop bowing to conservative interests…

    If you think Ann Coulter is a crazy bitch
    and Michael Moore isn’t…

    If you can watch Obama without laughing out loud…


  3. Rosemary says:

    The moonbats were out in front of this, and they probably gave the commies the ideas. I hate them both. If you hate commies and something comes along that looks just like a commie, why not? These are the commies that were planted here.

    Where are the protesters? That should give you the answer you seek. Creeps.