Obama Takes Limbaugh’s Advice

After Barack Obama won the election Rush Limbaugh gave him some advice on the economy. OK, actually Rush gave Obama a proposal which Obama ignored. Limbaugh said that we should cut the Capital Gains tax to zero for a period of time and cut the corporate income tax in half. Limbaugh also said that cutting those taxes would put more money in the pockets of Americans and businesses would have more money to hire and expand. Of course this was ignored by Democrats even though cutting taxes always increases revenue to the Treasury and stimulates the economy.

I know a number of liberals who do not believe we should cut taxes. In fact, many of them say we should pay more taxes (somehow liberals always want more taxes but find ways not to pay them – see Obama administration for examples).

It looks like Barack Obama has finally taken some of Rush Limbaugh’s advice. Obama, in an effort to stimulate job growth, is pushing to eliminate the Capital Gains tax on small business for a one year period. The cut should be more and include many others but this is a good first step.

A major part of his package is new incentives for small businesses, which account for two-thirds of the nation’s work force. He proposed a new tax cut for small businesses that hire in 2010 and an elimination for one year of the capital gains tax on profits from small-business investments. Breitbart

Obama wants to cut taxes to zero for one year in order to stimulate job growth. Listen up liberals, your leader has just told you that cutting taxes stimulates job growth.

This is not the first time a Democrat has mentioned cutting a tax to stimulate the economy or stimulate job growth and each time they say it they are admitting that conservatives especially Mr. Limbaugh are right. Saying it is one thing and doing it is another and they seldom carry through with the plan but they do admit, probably unknowingly, that the conservatives are correct.

This economy would be on the mend in a big way had Obama listened to Limbaugh in the first place. Cutting Capital Gains taxes to zero for a year would cause a massive influx of money into the economy where people would spend it. Cutting the corporate tax in half would leave companies with a lot of money to expand and hire.

And the government would get its cut because people who have more money buy things that are taxed. People who get a job pay taxes and the revenue to the Treasury would skyrocket.

I know Obama is only talking about cutting the tax for small businesses but that is better than the path he has been on.

It would have been better if he took all of Limbaugh’s advice but baby steps, a little at a time and we will get there. Once the economy picks up Obama will take the credit but he will have shown that tax cuts are a good thing.

If Obama can cut the Capital Gains taxes on small business the job numbers should improve and the economy should start to improve. But that won’t do it all.

So, here is the piece Limbaugh wrote so Obama won’t have to search around. Read it Barry and follow all of it.

Big Dog

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Obama Is A Little Fuzzy On History

The Anchoress has a nice piece that describes the Obama ascension from lowly Christian candidate to a full blown “proud to have Muslim roots” politician. Alex Haley looks like a piker compared to the sainted one discussing his roots.

Speaking of self-revelation, in the past President Obama has written and talked about how he has been exposed to Islam all his life and has stated that the Muslim Call to Prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on earth”. He then recited the call in “a first-class accent” (that line no longer exists in the New York Times). Just recently Obama – who made a fuss if anyone mentioned his middle name, Hussein, during the 2008 campaign – has made much of his familial connections to Islam.

Don Surber points out that Rush Limbaugh took Obama to task on some of the “facts” the sainted one uttered during his 6000 word speech.

RUSH: “OK. I know we’re not supposed to criticize Obama’s speech here. I know it’s going way off the reservation here to do this. But, folks, that is outrageous. This is simply outrageous. It was absurd, in fact. Let’s see. here do we start here? ‘It was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra.’ No. The origins of algebra trace back to the ancient Babylonians. They were not Muslims. Algebra was temporarily developed by the ancient Greeks and later the English. ‘Our magnetic compass, tools of navigation,’ Islam gave us these? No. Recent research suggests that the compass may have been discovered by Central Americans, but if they didn’t do it, the Chinese are then its discoverers. In either case, be it the Chinese or the Central Americans, the compass was discovered centuries before the advent of Islam.

“Now, what am I supposed to say? I’m not supposed to say this stuff. Now, let’s see, let’s see. ‘Our mastery of pens and printing…’ Has anybody ever heard of Gutenberg? I didn’t know Gutenberg was a Muslim. ‘Our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed…’? Are there Nobel Prizes for Medicine awarded to Muslims I have missed? ‘Islamic has given us some majestic arches and soaring spires…’ Well, sorry, folks, but arches and spires predate the arrival of Islam by centuries. I mean, come on, folks. Arches? Anybody heard of Rome? He also talked about the great gift, ‘timeless poetry and cherished music.’ The only problem there is that music — and musical instruments especially — are forbidden in most Islamic traditions. And it should be unnecessary to have to note Islam’s ‘religious tolerance’ has been demonstrated.”

One of the liberals who visits here regularly would say that Obama did not lie because we could not prove he intended to tell untruths. This is fair enough and I don’t want to start that debate again (suffice it to say that by this standard of proof, Bush never lied). I will just say that Obama is a product of several liberal colleges. He was taught this stuff and he does not know any better. He is evidently not as smart as everyone reports because if he were he might actually fact check before spewing these things.

Then again, he might be deliberately lying to deceive people. His base is full of people who have mush for brains and who would follow him off a cliff not to mention they are less educated than he. It would not be hard for him to convince them that what he is saying is true. In fact, all he has to do is say it and they believe it is true (see regular liberal commenter).

It would not surprise me. Obama is all in favor of helping the Muslims out. He lied about their history and he lied about how peaceful they are. He is actually being the front man for them. Not surprising since he has to help out his new found roots.

Big Dog

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Excuse The Rappers; Blame Beck Instead

I wrote yesterday about the liberal left and its assertions that people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity incite people to murder. The feeling of those on the left is that the “hate” speech of these talk show hosts incites people to go out and commit crimes, particularly murder. This is not a new thing as Bill Clinton tried to blame the Oklahoma City bombing on Rush Limbaugh instead of on Timothy McVeigh. The left looks everywhere to find someone to blame except the person who actually committed the crime.

The issue now is the death of three police officers in Pittsburgh who were murdered by some guy who was reportedly worried that Obama would take guns away. I have no doubt that Obama would like to do away with guns but this guy went about expressing his concern the wrong way. But he, and only he, is to blame for this terrible crime.

The rap world is full of gang bangers who sing about killing, shooting and all kinds of violence toward women and the public in general. In 1992 a song came out entitled Cop Killer. It was by a group called Body Count (with Ice T) and it was about a person who was fed up with police brutality so he took matters into his own hands. This is the first part of the song:

I got my black shirt on.
I got my black gloves on.
I got my ski mask on.
This sh*ts been too long.
I got my twelve gauge sawed off.
I got my headlights turned off.
Im bout to bust some shots off.
Im bout to dust some cops off.

Im a cop killer, better you than me.
Cop killer, f**k police brutality!
Cop killer, I know your familys grieving,
(f**k em!)
Cop killer, but tonight we get even, ha ha.
Lyrics Freak

There was an uproar about this song. Police survivor groups were not happy with it but there were those who defended it particularly against the tighty whitey George H W Bush administration and their political correctness.

For what its worth I don’t care about the song. The radio has a lot of stations and I know how to work the dial and no one was ever forced to buy it. However, the question is, does not this kind of music actually, directly, incite violence against cops?

People can claim that the conservative talkers play on the emotions and fears of people and put suggestions in their heads about becoming violent. I do not see it that way. These people are not causing anyone to commit crimes. If people are doing this they are doing so on their own. I don’t believe that there are veiled messages of hate and violence from conservative talkers any more than I think Obama is sending veiled messages of violence to people he tells to get in their faces, channel their anger, or if they bring a knife he [Obama] brings a gun because they like to brawl in Philly (which is actually what they did to intimidate voters in that city).

Should we claim that Obama caused Black Panthers to stand in front of polling places with night sticks to intimidate people? If Beck and the others are responsible for the recent violence then Obama is responsible for the actions of those who threaten violence in order to help him.

Should we now start blaming Hollywood and its assorted liberal actors who perfrom in violent movies that feature a lot of people, including cops, being killed. If conservative talkers are responsible for violence then the Hollywood crowd certainly shoulders the burden of blame for violence because a lot of their movies have overt acts of aggression. Where was the liberal uproar when the film about George W Bush being assassinated was released? That certainly gave a message of violence and could have triggered all kinds of violent behavior.

People are responsible for their own actions. I know this is a difficult concept for the left because they always have to have someone to blame. There always has to be a victim class and there always has to be some evil person (usually Republican) who is to blame for it. Personal responsibility is not a strong suit of the left as finger pointing is their favorite past time.

Regardless, if conservative talkers have any blame for these acts of violence then rappers share that blame as does Barack Obama. We cannot have two sets of rules. If veiled messages from conservative talkers cause violence then the same kind of messages from Obama cause violence. If these are true then the blatant call for violence from rappers is definitely to blame for violence as is the overt violence in Hollywood productions. When a guy like 50 Cent is worshiped by young kids because he was shot 9 times then there is a problem that reaches far beyond anything conservative talkers say.

It is a tragedy that the people in Oakland, Pittsburgh and New York were murdered but the only people responsible for the deaths are the people who did the murdering.

Let’s stop the finger pointing and let’s stop trying to affix blame to people who are not responsible.

Big Dog

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Liberals Rush To Judgment On Limbaugh

The liberal weenies over on the left are very good at using half truths and taking things out of context. We saw this during the campaign when the liberals from the subservient Daily Kos to the so called leaders of the party continually stated that John McCain said we would be fighting a war in Iraq for a hundred years. McCain said that he saw no problem with us having forces in Iraq for 50 or 100 years as long as the violence had ended and they were not being shot at. He then said that we have troops all over the world in much the same fashion. The left turned that all around and that is not an isolated incident. They used McCain and Limbaugh completely out of context in order to paint McCain as anti immigrant when he is anything but.

The Obama administration has picked up where they left off during the campaign this time by taking the words of Rush Limbaugh out of context. Liberals can stop reading here because you will not agree and you will not believe anything other than what you have been told to believe by King Hussein and his people.

Rush Limbaugh has been the object of scorn lately and has been taken to task because he said he wanted Obama to fail. That is all you will hear of this from everyone on the left, as well as some on the right. They will not tell you that Limbaugh said he wanted the policies that Obama is pushing to fail and they will not tell you that Limbaugh said that he supported the president but not his policies. That is, after all, no different than saying you support the troops but not the war.

Limbaugh spoke at the CPAC on Saturday and he reiterated the idea that he wanted Obama to fail because the failure of what Obama wants to do will be good for America. One of the first responses came from RNC chair Michael Steele who told an interviewer who had asked about Limbaugh’s comment (of course by leaving out everything but fail). Steele said that Limbaugh was an entertainer and; “Yes, it’s incendiary, yes, it’s ugly.”

This drew a scathing response from Limbaugh who laid on the line exactly what the Republican party needed to do and what Steele in particular needed to do to get things back on track. This eventually led to an apology from Steele who had to explain what he meant.

This drama might provide a little entertainment for the left who are so perplexed by Limbaugh that they are trying even harder to demonize him. Obama has mentioned him directly in an effort to minimize him and the influence he has over conservatives. Limbaugh is a smart man who understands business and he understands what will and what will not work. He also understands politics and he knows what makes this country great. If Obama had any sense he would listen.

Instead, his Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took a shot at Limbaugh and, once again, told a half truth with regard to the “Obama fail” theme.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, who last month blasted CNBC host Rick Santelli from the podium in the briefing room, challenged reporters on Monday to ask Republicans if they agree with Limbaugh’s desire.

“Do they want to see the president’s economic agenda fail? You know, I bet there are a number of guests on television throughout the day and maybe into tomorrow who could let America know whether they agree with what Rush Limbaugh said this weekend.”

Gibbs said he thought “it would be charitable to say he doubled down on what he said in January in wishing and hoping for economic failure in this country.”

“I can only imagine what might have been said a few years ago if somebody might have said that on the other side relating to what was going on in this country or our endeavors overseas,” Gibbs said. The Hill

I know Gibbs was trying to reduce the impact of Limbaugh’s speech and that he needed to paint the people who were listening to it as out of touch or radical. He wants to divide Republicans which is why he wants them asked if they agree with Limbaugh (want Obama to fail). Gibbs, of course, lied and said that Limbaugh was hoping for economic failure. This is a blatant lie and a gross mischaracterization of what Limbaugh said. In fact, Limbaugh has maintained that Obama’s actions will CAUSE economic collapse and that he [Limbaugh] did not want that to happen. Gibbs concluded by saying how the other side might have reacted if the left had made similar statements about Bush and what was going on here and overseas.

Here is a little newsflash for this pasty twit, the left did say a number of things dealing with failure. The left WANTED our troops to fail and they wanted us to lose the war. They proclaimed the war was lost on a number of occasions and Obama and Biden both opposed the surge and said it would not work. The left took every opportunity to oppose Bush and to throw obstacles in his way. They wasted time on the Plame Game, they continually opposed funding for the troops, and they worked hard to ensure judicial nominees were denied confirmation.

In total, the left opposed Bush and attempted to cause him failure. They opposed the war (after it was no longer politically good to support it) and they did not support the troops.

So Mr. Gibbs, before you open that yap of yours perhaps you should do a little research and know what you are talking about.

Yes, Limbaugh opposes Obama and wants him to fail because Obama’s plans will be an economic and financial disaster. If Obama fails at what he wants to do, it will be good for the country.

On the other hand, if your liberal buddies had succeeded in causing failure for our troops we really would have lost the war and many more of them would have died.

Big Dog

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Race Based State Of The Union, Where Is AG Holder?

The Attorney General of the US, Eric Holder, said that we needed to stop being cowards and discuss race with each other. He thinks that part of the problem is that while we work with people of other races we all tend to go home and spend our time with folks who are the same as we are. His assumption is that our down time does not include people of other races.

Perhaps there would not be these racial divides of which he speaks if he would help to end some of the practices that give preference to minorities. Perhaps if he could help put an end to things like the Congressional Black Caucus (and Congressional Hispanic Caucus), the UNCF, NAACP, Black History Month, Black Pride Day and any number of other items that are divisive, things might be as he wants.

The icing on the cake is the “State of the Black Nation.” It is an event that has been going on for about 10 years and Obama recently gave an address there. The question is, are we not ONE Nation under God? Why is there a Black Nation that we need a state of?

At the event Obama told the audience that the economic problems will be harder on blacks. Obama told those in attendance; “tough times for America often mean tougher times for African-Americans.” He left out that times are tough for blacks because of their blind devotion to the Democrats and their policies that have held blacks down. The rate of black households without a father is around 70% and black on black crime is extremely high. Blacks attend the public schools run by unions and the teachers in them and the black community has a high drop out rate. The black community is failing its own because the Democrats have put into place programs that keep them down. Yes, many non blacks go to these schools and they have failures as well. Perhpas the biggest indicator of success is a house with TWO parents.

Rush Limbaugh addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday and said this:

Let me tell you who we conservatives are: We love people. [Applause] When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don’t see groups. We don’t see victims. We don’t see people we want to exploit. What we see — what we see is potential. We do not look out across the country and see the average American, the person that makes this country work. We do not see that person with contempt. We don’t think that person doesn’t have what it takes. We believe that person can be the best he or she wants to be if certain things are just removed from their path like onerous taxes, regulations and too much government. [Applause] Rush Limbaugh

I believe this to be true. We do not look at a group of people and see blacks, or Hispanics, or victims of any kind, we see Americans. We see people who can achieve great things if government would step aside and quit telling them they are aggrieved and can only make it with the help of the government. The left will call us racists and say we are a party of old white men but the reality is, the Democrats are the ones who constantly tell groups they can not make it on their own. It is the Democrats who ensure that groups of people are kept downtrodden so that they continue to depend on government to live. Look at how any black who dares to be a conservative is treated.

It is all done in the name of votes.

As for Obama’s claim that tough times for America means tougher times for African Americans, perhaps that is because those tough times include out of control spending and oppressive taxes on the very people who create jobs. Perhaps it is because people with a good education get the best jobs, particularly in a bad economy because employers need the best value for their money. The educational system has failed all students across the board but has hit the black community particularly hard. Obama wants to send nearly 100% of students to college when in reality a large number of them from the black community will not finish high school.

It is time to stop governmental interference and to allow people the freedom to achieve.

There are many problems but one thing is certain. They are not caused by the relationships people have outside of work.

They are caused by the oppressive nature of government.

If Eric Holder wants to demonstrate some of that change we have heard so much about he should concentrate his efforts there.

Big Dog

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