Obama’s Global Welfare

As if it were not bad enough that Barack Obama wants to tax the hell out of Americans so that he can pay for billions in new social welfare spending in our country he is now advocating that the US set up welfare for the entire world. Senator Obama sponsored Senate Bill 2433 which would, in essence, take money from Americans through increased taxes and send that money to the United Nations so that the UN can redistribute it all over the world to end global poverty. Obama believes that we can make nations be more friendly to us by giving them money. In his world that is how things work and considering all the friends he has because they paid him for something, it is easy to see why he would feel that way.

I am opposed to welfare (government provided) in general but I am vehemently opposed to global welfare paid for by American taxpayers. The left in America keeps telling us that we are not the world’s police but they seem to think we are the world’s nanny. It is not up to America to solve the problem of poverty in other nations. It is up to the often corrupt governments of those nations to solve their problems. Americans have their pockets picked every day by government and this bill would allow them to stuff their hands even deeper in order to extract more of our money. It is time for our government to stop wasting our money, not just on stupidity like this, but on all kinds of wasteful projects. It is OUR money and we need to demand that they be more fiscally responsible with it.

To top this off, Obama’s Bill would have the UN handling the money. The UN is second to none in corruption and mismanagement (though the US government might be a close second) and giving them all that money is an open invitation for more illegal activity. The oil for food scandal should cement this in everyone’s minds. The UN is comprised of people from all over the world, many of whom are corrupt and care only about achieving wealth by picking American’s pockets. Obama’s Bill would allow the UN to send our money to places like Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba and any other place where human rights are non existent and people are led by brutal people hell bent on maintaining rule by aggression.

This Bill is one more example of Obama’s overt Socialistic beliefs and should be a reminder to all Americans, regardless of party, that Obama will implement Socialistic policies that will ruin our country.

People achieve through hard work and that work provides satisfaction that cannot be replaced by a government program. America has been around for a much shorter time than many nations but has achieved more than they ever have because of hard work and self reliance. Those traits will disappear under a Socialist leader and soon everyone will be at the trough of government. Only the elite, ruling class will have wealth while the rest of us wallow in mediocrity. If other nations are not able to achieve then they need to try what worked for us and made us great.

One things is for certain, they should not be living on our hand outs any more than should our own citizens.

Politicians from both parties support this Obamination. Contact your Senators (and Representatives for H. R. 1302 which passed on a voice vote) and tell them not to support this gross misuse of American taxpayer money.

American Thinker

Big Dog