Listen To Powell, Not Limbaugh?

Colin Powell betrayed the party that enhanced his career and took good care of him over his career in order to vote for Barack Obama. Powell said that it was because of Sarah Palin but the real reason is that he voted color over party. At least that is what I felt when he endorsed Obama. I have always believed that Powell was not conservative and that he might be better off as a Democrat and it looks like that might be the case. It would appear that Powell endorsed Obama because of his color and his political beliefs.

Powell recently told people that the Republican party needed to change and that we needed to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. Powell asserts that Limbaugh spews fear and hatred. This is a bunch of hogwash but Powell asserts it as so because Limbaugh has not been kind to Democrats. Truth be told, he has not been kind to Republicans who are not conservative. Powell can believe that Limbaugh and people like him hurt John McCain but Limbaugh was not on McCain’s side. When he had only a choice of two McCain beat out Obama (as is the case with many Republicans) but Limbaugh has always been tough on McCain for his lack of conservatism.

I guess we are now suppose to listen to the wisdom of Powell because he will save the party? He has liberal views and he was never truly conservative. Couple that with him turning his back on members of our armed forces left behind in Vietnam (something McCain also did along with John Kerry) and one is left to wonder why we need to listen to what he says.

Colin Powell was a mediocre officer who had a successful career (military and civilian) because he was taken care of by people in the Republican party. Powell is smart and competent but it was Republicans, not Democrats, who elevated him to high office. Powell turned his back on his party in order to vote for a man of color. I stated before that voting for (or against) a person based on color is as valid a reason as any but at least have the guts to say that is what you are doing.

Powell probably did not have to worry about that because he was able to throw insults at a capable politician in Sarah Palin in order to cover his real motives.

That and he really leans liberal so she gave him cover there as well.

Rush Limbaugh is not going anywhere. He makes more money in a year doing what he does than Powell will make in a lifetime and Limbaugh has quite a following which is much larger than any following Powell might have.

Though after he endorsed Obama he became a darling of the moonbats who only a few years ago called for him to be charged with crimes for the Iraq phase of the war on terror.

I guess he is no longer an Uncle Tom to the black community who blindly follow Democrats to the plantation.

Powell wants the Republican party to retool and move left. What we need to do is move more right and stay with our conservative principles.

A good start is by getting rid of Powell and ensuring he has no platform in our party.


Big Dog