Obama Shuns Fox News Until He is in Trouble

The Democrats have not been very Fox friendly in that they have refused to participate in any debates sponsored by the network. Only Democrats in the throes of death or trying to recover from some gaff have made any appearances on the Fox network. Barack Obama froze out all Fox reporters for a report that the network aired in January 2007 about Obama attending a madrassa. The story said Obama attended an extremist madrassa and he took offense because it put him in the Muslim league, a place he started in with his daddy. In any event, Obama did not want anything to do with Fox News and the balance of the Democrats decided that they did not want to debate on Fox opting for more liberal friendly networks like MSNBC or CNN. It should be noted that Republicans have not refused to debate on any network. Which party is afraid?

Interestingly, it appears as if Fox News now serves a purpose to the new Messiah of the Democratic Party. Obama refused to appear there since very early last year and he has refused to allow Fox reporters to interview him but now he is having a bit of trouble because of his racist pig pastor and where does he turn to try to straighten this out? Why Fox News of course. The story of the racist pastor Jeremiah Wright has spread around like wild fire. He hates America, is Afro-centric, blames whites for all the woes in the black community and he called on God to damn this nation. Obama has been going to this church for 20 years, Wright married Obama and Michelle and Obama baptized their children and that means that Obama is part of the church and its beliefs. Obama has never repudiated those beliefs before other than to say he did not agree with a few remarks made by Wright. Now that the tapes of Wright have gotten attention people are not happy with his Islamofascist like hatred for America and his racist remarks about whites.

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