The Bishop Takes The Queen

Queen Nancy

Queen Nancy Pelosi made some rather ridiculous statements regarding the Catholic Church’s position on abortion and despite being corrected by sever members of the clergy, she continued with her misguided statements. Now her Archbishop would like to have a word with her. San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer wrote a letter to the Queen requesting an audience with her to discuss whether she should receive communion. Pelosi agreed to the meeting.

The Church is pretty clear on its position regarding abortion. How Nancy Pelosi got the idea that she was qualified to challenge that position is beyond me. Perhaps she was trying to rationalize her pro murder position but whatever the reason, this was clearly “above her pay grade.”

Here is a novel idea. Perhaps Pelosi should stick to her duties as a Congresswoman and leave the religious stuff to the experts. I am sure the Archbishop will agree not to get involved in Congressional business if Pelosi stays out of the Church’s business.

The Hill

Big Dog

Queen Elton Pimps for Queen Hillary

As anyone knows by now Hillary Clinton is running for the presidency but is having a hard time getting the nomination. Ms. inevitable ran into a freight train known as Obamamania and unless things go very wrong, she will lose to a junior upstart with little time serving at the federal level. Queen Hillary is pulling out all the stops and she recently had Queen Elton John pimping for her. John believes that Hillary is losing because people in this country have a hatred for women.

“I never cease to be amazed at the misogynist attitude of some of the people in this country,” he said. “I say to hell with them.” Politico

Since Hilary is running in the Democratic primary it is important to note that those who he thinks hate women are, for the most part, Democrats. The Democrats have a hard time of it in this primary because those who do not support Obama are racists and those who do not support Clinton are misogynists. They are truly between Barack and a hard place.

Of course, there are plenty of Republicans who do not like Hillary but to be fair they don’t like Obama either. This does not make them racists or misogynists, it just means they do not like the political views of the two candidates. Elton John has trouble with all this because to him there is no reason not to like Hillary except that we are all women haters.

John is not capable of seeing any other reason for not electing Clinton because he must find an excuse for failure and the blame must be placed on anyone but the person who is actually at fault. Hillary Clinton has run a miserable campaign and she is a terrible candidate. She is not a leader and she has terrible ideas for our country. Elton John cannot see all this because to him there must be a reason for all the dislike of the candidate and that reason must be misogyny. Elton John goes from Crocodile Rock to Crocodile Tears…

Elton John is not a citizen of this country and though he is entitled to his opinions, he is not entitled to label Americans as anything regardless of the reason.

Any non citizen, like Elton John, who comes here and talks badly about Americans is an American hater and I say to hell with them.

If one hates Elton John is that person a misogynist as well?

Big Dog