Late Round Up Star Date 2021.245

1. The American Nurses Association has decided that nurses have an ethical obligation to their coworkers and their patients to get the Covid vaccine. It seems the ANA thinks that some altruistic notion that one should put themselves in danger for the alleged benefit of others is in order here. I say the ANA had an ethical obligation to protect nurses who worked during the most horrific days of the pandemic and to ensure they were safe BUT that did not happen. Nurses (along with many other health care workers) were forced to work with Covid patients without having the proper PPE and for very long periods of time. This led to illness both from Covid and from burnout. Where was the ANA then? Where were they with THEIR ethical obligation to protect nurses? The ANA wants all nurses to join it (they are liberal and support mostly liberal causes) and they love taking the dues money and dictating what the nurse’s ethical obligations are. They just don’t live up to their own ethical obligations. They will do what the political machine says because they are part of the problem. If the ANA were more than a political arm then they would be advocating for nurses who have natural immunity because of infection, infection they got working the entire time when vaccines were NOT available They would be pushing for the allowance of medical or religious exemptions and fighting places like New York that has stated religious exemptions are not allowed. They would, in a nutshell, be advocates for the nurses and not for the political machine. I have seen the ANA parrot these liberal talking points for decades and this is no different. How dare they tell anyone what their ethical obligations are. The ANA should be listening to the nurses and their worries about long term effects of the vaccines. You see, they have not studied these drugs and this method (mRNA) has never been used for vaccines and no matter how many times someone tells you the vaccines are safe and effective they cannot possibly know that. Nurses are rightly worried about the long term issues that are not yet evident but might pop up in the future and impact their quality of life. They know that if this happens the hospitals, the government and the ANA will not be there to compensate them. The way the Pfizer drug was allegedly approved should give pause to everyone who is paying attention and it should cause the ANA to rethink its position on ethical obligations. Perhaps the ANA could point out the ethical obligations the FDA has to the public. This huge push is taking place at a time where the hospital admissions from the Delta variant are decreasing just as they have all over the world. This is cyclic and that allows the government to use fear in pushing each new (but less deadly) variant. I think the nurses who do not want the vaccine should organize across the nation and coordinate a day or a few or a week even, where they all call out sick. Have a nationwide sickout of nurses and let the turmoil caused by that register in hospitals and other facilities around the country. Let them see what will happen if people are bullied into getting a drug they do not want. Let the CEO or the mayor or the ANA show up and empty bedpans, give bed baths and administer medications. Let them do the admissions and care for the patients. Make them understand in the harshest way possible that they can’t do without the nurses. If the vaccinated nurses support their fellow nurses they can call out as well. A nationwide strike for even one day would break their backs. Time to fight aggressively.

2. Just a few weeks ago, Biden said a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was “highly unlikely” & his Secretary of State said our embassy would remain open with robust diplomatic presence. Now it has all collapsed and Biden and his clown show are telling us this is how they intended it all along. The Biden handling of this entire episode was a tempest of fecal proportions. They left BILLIONS of dollars worth of lethal equipment for the Taliban, they left pallets of money for the Taliban and they stranded Americans and left them at the mercy of the Taliban (and the Taliban has no mercy). This is not what was intended no mater what they say. If this was the expected outcome then Jenn “Circleback” Psaki would not be telling us no on was stranded while a Pentagon spokesperson tells us that people get stranded in other countries all the time.

Jen Psaki, August 23: “I think it’s irresponsible to say Americans are stranded. They are not.”
Pentagon Spokesman, today: “We have Americans that get stranded in countries all the time”

Biden promised Americans he would not leave them behind and he promised the Taliban that we would be out of there by August 31st. He broke his promise to the Americans and kept his promise to the Taliban. Who does he really work for? Biden and his people don’t really care about anyone over there. Biden left them behind, gave the Taliban lists of names of people who were there and left our biometric equipment there so the Taliban can identify those who helped us AND MURDER THEM. As an aside, why can’t they disrupt the connection between the devices and the database? It appears as if he cares little about the people here as well. The planes brought in nearly one hundred thousand Afghanis and not all of them are good people. One of the people who made it here is a convicted rapist. How many of them are terrorists infiltrating our nation? Do you really think these people will be properly vetted? Biden gave his creepy why I did it speech and departed for his Delaware basement while turning right to domestic issues and spending. He put Afghanistan in the rear view mirror and kept moving forward with his domestic political agenda. The corruption goes deeper as the Biden administration has scrubbed all government websites of lists and information on the amount and cost of equipment left behind for the terrorists. Biden has made America weaker and those of you who voted for him along with those who cheated are to blame. To top it off these people hate America so much Pelosi prevented the names of the fallen from being read on the floor of the House. When she dies I hope they do not allow her to lie in state and they do not mention her name on the floor of the House. Those Marines did more for this nation than she ever has.

3. There is an aversion to medications that can actually help people with Covid. Hydroxychloroquine works (when combined with zinc) and Ivermectin works. These drugs make the symptoms less severe and allow people to recover more quickly and without ending up in the hospital. Studies in other countries where Fauci can’t stop such use demonstrate that these medications should have been used at the beginning and we would have saved tens of thousands of lives. They could not do that because an effective treatment should have meant no EUA for vaccines. That would have required the drug makers to go through the normal process and that takes years and years. Hell, Covid might be a memory by the time they were done. So, no approval for the inexpensive drugs we have that work. All at the cost of lives but we already know the government does not care about saving lives. They care about how they can all get rich and how they can obtain power and use it tyrannically against YOU. Ivermectin is not only a drug used on humans for certain parasitic infections, it is also used in animals and of course, the doses are different (animals usually weight more and require higher doses). BUT, Ivermectin is not an animal only drug. It is approved for use in humans and has been used to treat things like lice and scabies. Since the government forbade the use of Ivermectin (and the others) people turned to veterinary drugs and of course, took too much and got sick. The CDC put out a message that leads people to believe the drug is only for animals:

You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.~ CDC Tweet

As you go through the variants that are sure to keep popping up (surprise, Mu is the new one) to keep you under the rule of tyrants keep in mind the vaccines do not keep you from getting sick (and they do not keep you from being hospitalized), the claim is they make the symptoms less severe, you know, like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin actually do. Maybe the tide of tyranny is turning. Courts wait a long time so you are screwed and the mess is over before you get relief but maybe, just maybe, it will prevent a repeat performance by the tyrant patrol.

4. As the dust starts to settle in the Afghanistan debacle a number of things are going on. Afghanis are celebrating the US departure from their country. They are free to do that but the only reason we should ever go in there again is to get our citizens back. We can wipe out Taliban members along the way with drone strikes and bombardments just for fun but you see, I looked at the pictures of tens of thousands of fighting age males on those airplanes. Why didn’t they pick up weapons and fight the Taliban? If an invader attacked my country I would not flee. I would pick up a weapon and fight them until they were gone or I was. While Biden was assuring us the Taliban would not take over (something he now says was in the plan all along) a recent release of a transcript of a conversation between him and the Afghan president shows some collusion to lie to the American people. Biden knew that the Taliban were steamrolling the country and he asked the president of Afghanistan not to make that public so it would not interrupt our plans to leave. This is the same guy who addressed the nation telling us that the Taliban was not going to take over and that things were under control. He knew it was a lie all along. I seem to remember Trump being impeached for a perfectly good conversation. It is time for Biden to be impeached. His lies and deception led to the deaths of 13 American heroes and he should pay heavily for that. The only damage so far is that the once solidly democrat main stream media are now attacking Biden and his administration for the inept way they handled this. It appears as if many of them, all the ones who voted for this demented fool, are upset at how this went down. OK, some are calling him a hero but most are not. Morning Joe was all over a Biden crony about leaving people behind to the Taliban. Morning Joe is the worthless bit of excrement who was all Trump is bad vote, for Biden he has experience and will save us. The chickens came home to roost, Morning Joe. Too bad you were not one of the people left behind. Actor Scott Baio called out fellow actors on their silence regarding the man they wanted in the White House. Too bad they were not in Afghanistan as well. You should pay for your stupidity. I do not expect the MSM to be on this for long. Soon Biden will pick lint out of his navel and the MSM will swoon over how tidy he is.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
