Comrades, Unite!

Yeah- right. Still, if you had been in on the conference call between Yosi Sargent, of the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts), and several artists, you might be excused for thinking you were in on some communist propaganda meeting, where artists were asked very specifically to produce art designed to further our Tsar’s Dictator’s, traitor’s, Supreme Leader’s Resident’s agenda. This is, to my mind, unbelievable- back before I got palsy, I had thought to go into fine arts, with an emphasis on commercial art, since my father was in advertising- I had an in, so to speak- well that was not to be, but along the way I became fast friends with many artists.

Most were liberal at the time, but they would not have even thought in their wildest nightmares of working with ANY administration- and back then it was the Carter administration that was in power (if that is the term you wish to use)- but back then, although most artists were liberal, they were more consistently anti- establishment than anything else.

No more- now there are a bunch of “artists” who are willing to sell out for sheer propaganda purposes, each hoping they will do as well as Shepard Fairey, the “artist” who made the “Hope” propaganda poster for the Resident’s campaign.

The problem, as Andrew Breitbart and his Big has pointed out, is the collusion of the White House, and the NEA, which receives grant money, which it doles out to artists- that would be fine, but there is not supposed to be collusion with regard to a specific administration or that administration’s goals.

On August 10th, the National Endowment for the Arts, the White House Office of Public Engagement, and the Corporation for National and Community Service hosted a conference call with a handpicked arts group. This arts group played a key role in Obama’s arts effort during his election campaign, as declared by the organizers of the call, and many on the call played a role in the now famous ObamaHope poster.

Yes, in an effort that rivals that of Josef Goebbels in Nazi Germany, or the ubiquitous posters of “Workers of Communist Russia”, the NEA sought to form a solid partnership with artists so they could get those fabulous Art Deco- type poster art for cheap- and have all that wonderfully positive spin that comes from the appearance that this was a spontaneous “burst” of creativity on the part of the artists, and brought on by adoration of our Supreme Leader, Messiah, Chosen One, traitorLittle Hitler, Resident.

“We’re going to need your help, and we’re going to come at you with some specific ‘asks’ here,” said Buffy Wicks, deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement. “But we know that you guys are ready for it and eager to participate, so one we want to thank you, and two, I hope you guys are ready.”

Wicks, who did not respond to requests for comment, was one of several officials on the call — along with then-NEA Director of Communications Yosi Sergant and Michael Skolnik, political director for hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons — seeking focused efforts by the artists in health care, energy and environment, education and community renewal.

Sergant, who was reassigned by the NEA last week, said on the call that the effort was the first of a “brand new conversation.” 

He told the artists, “Pick — I would encourage you to pick something, whether it’s health care, education, the environment, you know, there’s four key areas that the corporation has identified as the areas of service. My ask would be to apply artistic, you know, your artistic creative communities’ utilities and bring them to the table.”

Yeahhhhhhhh, that’s the ticket, yeaaaa, pick something and let’s make us some propaganda! We will pay you to adore our Leader, traitor, Resident and his programs.

Can you say collusion? These brain- dead people in the WH staff have no morals, and no limits they will not cross in their efforts to advance their communistic agenda. What blows my mind is that there are artists who would actually go along with this- but I guess they want what they perceive as the short-cut to true fame. What a shame that principles are in such short supply.

According to the newly-released transcript, Skolnik told Courrielche and the other artists that he had “been asked by folks in the White House and folks in the NEA” to participate about a month prior to the call.

“You are the thought leaders,” Skolnik told the artists. “You are the ones that, if you create a piece of art or promote a piece of art or create a campaign for a company, and tell our country and our young people sort of what to do and what to be in to; and what’s cool and what’s not cool. And so I’m hoping that through this group and the goal of all this and the goal of this phone call, is through this group that we can create a stronger community amongst ourselves to get involved in things that we’re passionate about as we did during the campaign but continue to get involved in those things, to support some of the president’s initiatives, but also to do things that we are passionate about and to push the president and push his administration.”

Wow- “thought leaders”- also known as propagandists, which is more correct, if less “tasteful”. But socialist progressives like to “re- invent” words to make them more palatable, not just for the poster art, but for the “unwashed masses” as well. The idea, of course, is to bend people’s minds in the direction the administration wants them to go- rather much like grooming Bonsai trees, without all that messy trimming. Imposing one’s will on a populace is not a new story- we just generally hope there’s less of that in America, but these days we are looking more and more Communist in our artwork and propaganda.

I can just imagine if George Bush and his staff had tried to do this, the charges of “blatant propaganda” and “mind control”, and I am sure a plethora of other charges would have been hurled at the administration by the outraged Left.

I just can’t believe that the left would think this was a good idea- it just makes them look like a political “Inspector Clouseau”, bumbling around in the most idiotic way.

Perhaps that’s just the way they roll.
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Our “Beloved” Leaders

It would be funny if this was a film, with all the clumsy attempts at propaganda that the government tries to use, all to little effect. Indeed, one might say that they are hurting their cause by all of this manipulation, but still they persevere. Never before in our history have we had people as nakedly promoting their radical agenda  through their propaganda as these Marxists.

With Senate bill 773, which gives the Resident the power to shut down the Internet at his discretion, (whatever constitutes, in his mind, an emergency), this administration is trying its best to control and influence all information.

This includes scrubbing the Internet of all negative information that could be construed to be negative. The blog, Stop the ACLU has found an Organizing For America,(Nobama’s personal propaganda corps) E-mail (that has now been “scrubbed” from their site) that calls for “action” on (and this is soooooooo cute, they have selected, 9/11, or “Patriot Day”) Sept. 11, where each minion calls their Senators and “Swamp the switchboards” about the “Right- wing terrorists” who are apparently hogging all the healthcare, and denying poor people the healthcare they need. How ridiculous is that?

This is something I couldn’t make up- you have to view it yourself:

Stop The ACLU

The point of this post is not so much that they are lying blatantly- I have come to expect that. Or that they use their little OFA website to promote hate- I expect that also.

But what galls me is that they attempted to “scrub” their website of this offensive hate missive- and some liberals maintain that they simply wouldn’t , or couldn’t delete these things, like they maintain that Wikipedia and other sites can’t be scrubbed of information the government deems detrimental to their cause. 

These people will soon have the ability to shut off our free speech- right now, they are busy remolding their “reality” to fit their propaganda, their “class warfare”, because with Liberals, it seems to be the only way they know how to make their  disgusting ideas palatable to the public- pick a group- in this case, conservatives, and demonize them with baseless rumors and innuendo that is then deleted from their websites.

These are the people that apparently, a slim majority of people elected- actually, only one was elected- he has brought all his marxist, racist, radical people with him. What galls me, is that he has been friends with Bill Ayers for about 20 years- he sat in Rev. Wright’s pews for 20 years, listening to that race- baiter, he has formed friendships with the most radical people in this country, and he has the gall to call conservatives terrorists?

This man’s value system is so screwed up that a lifetime of sessions with Freud himself couldn’t even begin to peel the socialist onion that is our Resident. 

As I have said, he would be laughable if only he didn’t attract so many radical flies.

We need to stop this man’s hateful agenda now.
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Obama Enlists Supporters From Military For Staged Affection

There was a recent comparison as to how Resident Obama was greeted by the troops and how President Bush was greeted. The troops were much more enthusiastic with Bush, golf clap warm for Obama. The left made the excuses, about being at attention (no clapping at attention by the way) and all that. The reality is that an overwhelming number of troops are conservative and vote Republican. Black troops voted Obama about 70% (compared to nearly 95% of the general black population) but over all the numbers were much greater for McCain.

The MSM and the Obama administration were well aware of the comparisons. These people scan the web looking for things that are unflattering to The Won. The MSM were certainly aware of the comparisons. So what do they do? Obama goes to Baghdad and the reports are that wildly cheering troops greeted him, blah, blah. The reporting made it sound like the troops were having orgasms because Obama showed up. MacRanger has a post up and he indicates that he received an email from a soldier who was there. It might explain a few things:

“We were pre-screened, asked by officials “Who voted for Obama?”, and then those who raised their hands were shuffled to the front of the receiving line. They even handed out digital cameras and asked them to hold them up.”

Take a look at the picture at AP and notice all the cameras are the same models? Coincidence? I think not.

The Obama propagandists got there, screened the troops, gave them cameras and then told them to hold them up (so everyone can see how many troops are taking pictures).

I saw raw footage of his speech (could not understand the audio) but the claps and HOOAHs for him were rather restrained. The enthusiasm is not what I would expect from an Army crowd.

I know that Obama would just love to have the troops on his side but most of them do not agree with him and they do not like what he is doing to their country. They will not support him in the next election and I am sure there will be more efforts to disenfranchise them (like went on in New York last week).

No matter. Resident Obama got his photo op. The MSM got its staged photos and can now make the claim that Obama is loved by the troops.

No, they respect the office but so far the reception for the man has been lukewarm at best.

I know he thinks he knows what he is doing but most of those 20 year old men and women have more leadership experience than Obama does and have experienced things in life he will never come close to.

Perhaps one day he will get the big, warm reception but not while he is apologizing to every country in the world and blaming America. Our troops are not too keen on folks who blame America for the ills of the world.

I figured most of them would leave the service if he won but I guess his Democratic buddies have helped him make the job outlook so bad that the troops have to stay in to keep getting paid.

The will continue to succeed (something Obama tried to keep them from doing as a Senator) despite the incompetent boob in the White House.

As an aside, Obama used a lot of phrases that Bush used. Did his speech writers decide sounding like Bush would be better for Obama?

Big Dog

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Russian Aggression is Dick Cheney’s Fault

It looks like Russia is picking up some of the old tactics of the former Soviet Union in that it is blaming the attacks on Georgia on Dick Cheney. That’s right; the Russians are saying that the attack is all orchestrated under orders from Dick Cheney in order to help John McCain win the election.

The Russians have decided that they will blame their act of unprovoked aggression on the Vice President of the United States. They seem to be dusting off the old propaganda playbook in order to look less culpable for their foray into another nation. The unfortunate thing about all this is that many of the morons on the left will believe this as the gospel truth and will be posting that the evil Dick Cheney was behind this. There are actually morons in this country that will buy into this and will swear that it is true.

I guess it should not be so hard to believe that the left will believe that Dick Cheney was behind this. After all, they already blame Bush and Cheney for all the things that go wrong in the world.

Come to think of it, maybe it is not Russian propaganda. Perhaps it is just more left wing moonbat propaganda.

The ugly truth is that it is nearly impossible to tell the moonbats from the Communists.

Times UK

Big Dog