Clinton: Obama is Establishment Man

This is rich. Hillary Clinton was hoping for the endorsement of the largest union in Nevada but it went to Obama so Bill Clinton says it shows Obama is an establishment man. This is just too funny to be true. If Hillary had picked up the endorsement Bill would have been saying that the workers recognized her commitment to the working class folks who make America what it is. Hillary has other endorsements and some of them are from unions so does this also make her an “establishment” woman?

Clinton also had a few other interesting comments while speaking about his contractual spouse.

Bill Clinton said he talked with many of the 60,000-member Culinary Union’s rank-and-file who intend to ignore the endorsement and vote for his wife.

“In this case the establishment organization is with him and the insurgents are with her.” USA Today

It is interesting that Bill would make a big deal out of the fact that a few people he talked to in the Culinary Union are voting for Hillary. This happens all the time. If a candidate gets an endorsement from a union some members vote for another person. Bill acts like this is a big deal, as if any union that endorses Hillary has 100% of its members vote for her. I also doubt his claim that he spoke with “many” of the members given that there are 60,000 of them. It is also interesting that the insurgents are voting for Hillary. I believe we can make that claim world wide. The terrorists would certainly side with a candidate with a familial history of selling out our country. It is also interesting that he took a swipe at the union leadership in this fashion. The leadership of a union never bothered him when he was getting their endorsements.

I wonder if any of the MSM will ask Bill if Hillary is an establishment candidate because of any of the endorsements she holds or any she might receive. This could be a double edged sword. If Hillary gets the nomination this union is certain to endorse her because she is a Democrat. Then she will be the establishment candidate and we have Bill’s words to verify that claim.

The Clintons are sellers of snake oil and they will say or do anything to get back in the White House. Bill Clinton feels he owes Hillary the dedication after he embarrassed their family and since they had a lifelong pledge to help each other become president. Hillary, for her part, believes she is entitled to the presidency and that Obama should wait his turn as if people in America get turns at the office. All this talk of Hillary being the candidate of the people is pure BS. She is on a power trip and a quest to make this country a bastion of socialism.

Hillary Clinton has a dismal record. She has done very little as a Senator and she did very little as the US First Lady and the First lady of Arkansas. All this blather about helping kids or some other program is a smoke screen. She has no record that is worthy of the presidency and she acknowledges this by refusing to release her records from the time she was in the White House. Bill’s claim that she is able to work with republicans is hollow when one considers that she could not do that with health care. She even had Democrats who did not support her plan.

Yes, Hillary has been in the Senate, her gift for enduring an adulterer rapist husband. Let’s face it, she would not have been in the public’s eye if it were not for the fact that she slept with the president and she would not have won the Senate seat in New York if her husband had not had sex with an intern. Her stints as First Lady (of Arkansas and the US) were the result of her marriage so any accomplishments she has, and there are very few, are the result of her marriage of convenience.

Hillary will lose Nevada. She is Satan.

Big Dog

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