Joe Biden Has Exceeded His Authority

Suppose for a moment that the federal government said that they would not allocate federal money (read confiscated citizen’s tax dollars) or provide modern equipment to any police department in any state that turned illegal aliens in to ICE for deportation. Then imagine that the state of Texas said they would provide funding and equipment to any state that ignored the federal government.

Now tell me how much uproar there would be from the feds. They would scream that immigration is an item specifically granted to the federal government and that states should not be interfering. Biden and his minions would be screaming about how a state (in this example Texas) was going beyond what it is allowed and involving itself in a federal matter. The US Attorney General would be making threats and trying to bully Texas into stopping its overreach.

Joe Biden has promised school systems in Florida that ignore the legal mandates of the Florida governor regarding masking of children in school will receive federal dollars to make up for the money Governor DeSantis has threatened to withhold from any system that defies his orders.

The federal government has no authority to interfere in state matters. The Governor of the State runs the state, not the President or any other person in DC. This is a blatant overreach and another example of how Biden has exceeded his authority.

This comes on the heels of Biden stating that it would be UNCONSTITUIONAL for him to extend the eviction moratorium and then doing just that while stating he knows it is illegal but if it buys them time to do as they wish while it winds its way through the court then it is worth it.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a violation of his oath of office and it is an overreach of his authority. No one can violate the Constitution or ignore laws in order to achieve a political goal no matter how noble it might be. To be clear, I do not think it is noble or legal for the federal (or state) government to say a landlord can’t collect rent and evict people who do not pay it. The people involved have a contract and they should honor that contract. What will happen is the federal government will use our tax dollars to pay these things for some landlords while others will lose their properties. It is wrong and the Supreme Court stated it was wrong and could not be extended. Biden did it anyway to achieve a goal.

It is likely the demented old fool got an earful from the socialists in his party and capitulated.

If Nancy Pelosi and the democrat communists are still looking for a reason to impeach this is it.

This is not a one off or a two off. Biden praised jurisdictions in Texas and Florida that disobeyed the lawful orders of the governors of those states. Biden made these people out to beheroes for ignoring the lawful orders of the governors.

As an aside, keep this in mind when I and many like me ignore anything Biden puts out that we do not want to do. I think most mandates violate my rights (the Constitution is not void during an emergency) so I expect Joe to praise me when I ignore him.

So folks, these are just two examples of Biden exceeding his authority. If you are liberal please ask yourself how you would have reacted had President Trump stated he knew what he was doing was unconstitutional but he did it anyway. Ask yourself how you would act if Trump used federal tax dollars to usurp the authority of the states as Joe Biden has offered to do.

We all know how you would have acted and we know you would be screaming for impeachment. If you are not doing that now then you are a political shill and not a patriot. You statements about Trump or any future Republican president MUST be ignored.

Joe Biden must go. In six months he has ruined our nation. He was an inept Senator. He was a bumbling Vice President and now he is a doddering old fool occupying a seat he is not prepared to be in and a position he is nowhere near qualified to have.

He, in all honesty, is a post turtle.

An old Virginia farmer sat in his doctor’s office when the doc asked him his opinion about Joe Biden and his role as our new president.

The farmer said, “Well, ya know, Biden is a ‘Post Turtle.’”

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, “What is a ‘post turtle’?”

The old man said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle’.”

The doc looked puzzled, so the farmer explained, “Well, you know he didn’t get up there by himself. He doesn’t belong up there. He doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there. He‘s elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there in the first place.”

That my friends, is President Post Turtle Biden. ~ News with Views

Time for this senile man to go.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
