Obama; I Need To Earn Troops’ Trust

Back during the campaign Obama was interviewed and he said that he would have to earn the troops’ trust. I wrote at that time that this would be hard for him to do. He has never supported the war, he has never supported the troops surge and to this day he refuses to admit it was a failure. In fact, when one listens to him speak, as he did at Camp Lejuene, one can’t help thinking he is taking credit for all the good stuff.

Obama said he had to earn the troops’ trust but he first might want to work on gaining their respect. Obama received a lukewarm, if that, response when he visited Lejuene. There were golf claps but the speech, as one commenter at BlackFive noted, had pauses in it where it looked like Obama stopped for applause but the troops did not respond to, what appeared to be applause, lines. People on the stage clapped and then the light applause trickled back through the place. It was not sustained. George Bush never received that kind of welcome. Here is a short video that compares the kind of reception Bush received with that The Evil One got.

John Kerry might think the troops are stupid and uneducated and that is why they are in Iraq but they know a poser when they see one. They were respectful enough of the office to lightly clap but that is all they did. For Bush the reception was warm and loud. God Bless these Marines. They are tough, wise, ready to fight and they love America. They are all the things Obama is not.

There were all these stories about troops giving more money to Obama and they believed in him. No one can really know who gave what because Obama accepted money from all over the world and there was no real accountability. He cooked the books in the campaign like he is cooking them now.

I doubt the troops gave him more money but one thing is certain, they did not give him much of a reception. They obviously don’t care for him and they don’t respect him. They respect the office and they acted professionally but it was not what anyone would call a rousing endorsement.

I wonder if he will wait a while before he invades another military post. That rebuke had to sting.

The troops want a Commander in Chief and instead got a Community Organizer in Chief.

Big Dog Salute to BlackFive. There are a couple of other good videos there as well.

Big Dog

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