Obama Funded with Drug Money

The Democrats love to tell stories about how they are for the little guy, the working class schmoes who only need the government to help them move along. The Democrats love to tell everyone how companies are screwing them over at every turn. According to the left the problems with oil right now are because of the oil companies and not the policies of Congress. One favorite of the left is the pharmaceutical companies. The liberals love to take shots at drug manufacturers and how Republicans favor them and let them charge whatever they want. Drug prices, the left says, are high because of the drug company’s policies that hurt the working class. Once again, the policies of the government that contribute to the mess are overlooked.

While they are out there accusing the right of taking drug company money the left is raking it in themselves. For the first time in quite some time Democrats are getting more money from the drug companies than are Republicans. Barack Obama has received $639,124 from drug and medical device companies and that is the highest amount given to any of the three.

Have we heard anything about Obama giving the money back? Have we heard anyone suggest that Obama is the reason drug prices are high? Have we heard about how he must be in bed with them and that he is responsible for the problems of the middle class and working poor who just want reasonably priced medication? No we have not and we likely never will. Political donations from big business are only evil when they go to Republicans. Democrats accept the money to do God’s work.

I want all the liberals out there to keep this information in mind when Barry Obamessiah starts talking about health care and drug companies and how evil they are. I want you to remember this when he talks about drug companies giving money to Republicans or how drug companies have too much influence in Congress.

I would say that Obama’s position of criticizing Congress for taking the money and then taking it himself amounts to nothing more than the Audacity of Dope…

WBAL (via the AP)

Big Dog