Gore Wants Another Recount

Pat Sajak wrote a piece for Human Events where he reports that Al Gore’s people have filed several lawsuits alleging that the voting for the Time Person of the Year was tampered with and that people who were going to vote for Gore were told they could not vote. I do not like the idea that Putin won the thing but I would rather see him get it than Gore.

My question is why does this buffoon need to be named Time Person of the Year? He has already won an Emmy, an Oscar, and the Nobel Peace prize, none of which he deserved. He won all these things for the junk science he passes off to the less informed so that he can make millions of dollars. Regardless, why is this so important? Does he need his ego stroked so badly he will sue over a meaningless award? If his ego has not been stroked enough from winning the other awards, especially since he did not deserve them, then he needs mental health counseling. Maybe though, winning those awards made Al believe he is entitled to win everything. He still believes he won in 2000 and his people have even indicated they think President Bush might be behind the Time issue:

Some Gore supporters have accused Republicans of using dirty tricks to manipulate the results. One close advisor, requesting anonymity, claimed, “Putin is just the kind of civil-rights-trampling dictator the GOP loves to see in power. It would be interesting to sit down with those who voted and find out just how many have been subjected to Guantanamo-like coercion. Republicans knew Bush wouldn’t win, so this was the next best thing.”

Isn’t it nice the advisor was so repugnant with regard to views about the GOP? Isn’t it also convenient how the coward spoke on the condition of anonymity? This usually means that the person is not authorized to discuss an issue (usually breaking the law) or the person is a coward and does not want his name associated with the comment. I am not surprised though because any person who would support Al Gore or work for him has to be brain damaged and the kind of person that makes one wish birth control was retroactive. There also seems to be this belief that anyone actually gives a damn about the Person of the Year.

I was Time’s Person of the Year in 2003 and I don’t think it was a big deal.

Al wants another recount. How did that work out last time?

Maybe he needs to win everything to cover up feelings of inadequacy caused by being a LOSER.

Big Dog