God Bless The Unruly Protesters

Nancy Pelosi has nothing but praise for the astro-turf Wall Street protests and the folks participating in them. She has favored their actions by saying; “God bless them.”

“The message of the protesters is a message for the establishment everyplace,” said the House Democrats’ leader. “No longer will the recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street.” The Weekly Standard

The former Speaker of the House has nothing but praise for the people who are breaking the law and committing acts of violence in an attempt to steal money from the wealthy in a Socialist redistribution scheme. The protesters, like Pelosi (as seen in her statement), blame Wall Street and the wealthy for the economic downturn despite the fact that this all started as a result of a burst housing bubble which was the result of Democrat policies. The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) forced banks to lend money to people who could not afford to pay it back just so they too could buy a home. The government sponsored entities of Fannie and Freddie bought up a bunch of the mortgages that had been bundled together. They ended up being worthless and the bubble burst.

This all occurred as the Bush Administration tried on more than a dozen occasions to reign in these entities and what they were doing. Democrats, including Barney Frank, defended Fannie and Freddie as financially sound and said they were in no trouble at all. Frank was sleeping with the guy in charge of one of those entities so he might not have been unbiased. Regardless, these Democrats allowed this to happen and now blame it on Wall Street.

The protesters are causing trouble and breaking the law and Pelosi has nothing but praise for them. She thinks it is great that people are out to collapse our system and force redistribution of wealth.

This is the same Nancy Pelosi who called TEA Party protesters un-American. Yes, the TEA Party folks are peaceful, have broken NO laws, have not destroyed property, and have cleaned up every place they have gathered but that is un-American to Pelosi. In addition, there has been NO violence caused by TEA Party protesters.

Pelosi called these folks un-American while she praises those who are violent law breakers. To her, the astro-turf Wall Street flash mobs and their spin offs across the country are American heroes.

This shows you what America is to Pelosi and the rest of the Socialists. Those who follow the laws, assemble according to their First Amendment rights and peacefully protest larger, out of control government are un-American while those who trash the place, fight with the police, commit acts of vandalism and engage in violence are to be blessed by God.

The left is engaging in violence and the politicians and their liberal supporters in the media and Hollywood are encouraging those acts. The people in these mobs are taking their cues from their political leaders who want the disruption and violence. It gives them a new crisis they cannot let go to waste.

These people are going to be very sorry if they bring their violence to main street America where Bible and gun clingers who have no tolerance for such stuff reside.

The National Guard put an end to this kind of mob violence in an incident at Kent State a very long time ago. It is time for the police to exert such force on those who commit acts of violence in the name of Pelosi (and Obama) and her Socialist agenda. That would put an end to the madness.

If these folks want to protest peacefully then they have the right to do so. When they cross that line they need to be smacked down and they need to be smacked down hard.

Remember this ladies and gentlemen, if this gets even more out of control and the police or others get hurt or killed, Nancy Pelosi gave them her blessing. If they cause mayhem they do so with the approval of Nancy Pelosi and others who astro-turfed this and are encouraging it (Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin, etc).

It is time to make these people live according to the rules and the laws. If they refuse then they need to be smacked down.

And Pelosi needs to be held accountable for giving them her blessing (and by extension, her permission) to act like animals.

Two other points. Obama’s rhetoric could spark violence and his people are protesting the entities that gave a lot of money to him in 2008.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Big Oil Obama Allows Gas Prices To Rise

Barack Obama is in bed with Big Oil and he is allowing them to manipulate oil prices so that we have to pay more at the pump. The price of a gallon of gas is inching up to the $4.00 mark which it has eclipsed in several localities including Washington, DC. It looks like this is the result of having an oil man in the White House, a man beholden to the Big Oil companies.

I will pause while the Obama supporting liberal/progressives catch their breath and work on their defense of Big Oil Obama.

When George Bush was the President and gas prices went up (to $2.80 a gallon when Democrats began complaining), the liberals were fond of going in front of the cameras (often leaving their tax payer funded gas guzzlers running to stay cool inside) and bashing George Bush and Dick Cheney as Big Oil men who were allowing their buddies in the oil industry to manipulate prices so that the cost of gasoline would go up and make their buddies rich.

McCumber joined Speaker Pelosi Monday to dramatize the tough times businesses are having because of fuel costs. The speaker blames what she labels the Bush-Cheney big oil agenda, using graphics to point out gasoline prices have more than doubled in the Bush administration.

“This is a scam of the greatest magnitude,” says Speaker Pelosi. ABC 7

Now that Obama is in the White House this MUST be the reason for the rise in gas prices. There can be no other explanation because the liberals already told us that the rise in gas prices is the result of having a Big Oil man in the White House. It is they who made the claim so they cannot change the reasons now.

Barack Obama must be a Big Oil puppet who is allowing his friends in the oil industry to manipulate gas prices so they can get rich.

More liberal Bush gas price info here, here, here, and here.

I am willing to bet that these liberals will not be out bashing Obama the way they bashed Bush. They will have some excuse to present for the spike that has nothing to do with their messiah.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Pelosi; Elections Should Only Matter When Democrats Win

Nancy Pelosi is a dyed in the wool liberal who is very rich and believes it is her duty to take the money from others and give it to those who are less well off. It is in her blood as it is in the blood of all liberals. They never met a tax they didn’t hike.

When her party won control of Congress and she was made Speaker of the House we were told that the American people had spoken and that this was a rejection of the Bush policies and mismanagement by Republicans. She and her Democrats had a mandate because elections matter.

Obama won in 2008 and one of his first retorts was that things are being done his way because he won. He made that clear to John McCain as well at a meeting when he told McCain, the election is over. Obama believed he had a mandate and that the election mattered.

Now that the Democrats took a historic beating Pelosi has a different tune. She told an audience that elections should not matter as much as they do.

…Because there are so many things at risk right now — perhaps in another question I’ll go into them, if you want. But the fact is that elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do…But when it comes to a place where there doesn’t seem to be shared values then that can be problematic for the country, as I think you can see right now. The Weekly Standard [emphasis mine]

Sorry to say that elections do matter as many liberals reminded us on a daily basis as we complained more and more about the Socialist agenda of Obama and the Democrats. They matter and he won, we were told.

So why the change of heart? It is because Pelosi and her cohorts see our Constitution and form of government as an impediment to what they want to do to our country. These roadblocks prevent them from doing things that most folks do not want or appreciate. One needs only look at Obamacare to see how the Democrats rammed it down our throats despite overwhelming opposition.

The idea that the will of the people (which after all, is what elections express) should not matter as much as it does is a scary thing to hear from an American politician. When the will of the people is ignored or trivialized countries end up with people like Chavez, Hitler and Il in charge.

These are the kinds of words one expects to hear from dictators.

Then again, they are also the kinds of words one hears before getting one…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Once Again They Ignore Reality

Nancy Pelosi had something to say about the anti net neutrality rule voted on in the House on Friday. She said she did not think it was going anywhere. Imagine how Pelosi would have reacted if the Republicans had said that even though the House voted for Obamacare it was not going anywhere and then they decided to ignore what took place. Republicans are using legal methods to defund and repeal the albatross. Pelosi and her cohorts just ignore laws, procedures and the will of the people.

They have ignored a judges’ ruling on drilling moratoriums and they have ignored the ruling that Obamacare is unconstitutional. Here is how Pelosi sees it:

“No one should be guarding the gate on the Internet,” Pelosi said. She said despite the House vote, the resolution isn’t likely to gain support in the Senate. “I don’t think this bill is going anyplace,” Pelosi predicted. National Journal

Funny, but politicians want to give Barry Obama an Internet kill switch and they want the government to be able to control the Internet, reportedly in the event of an emergency. However, her tune changes when she says that no one should be guarding the internet.

As far as I am concerned, companies provide access to the Internet and people pay for it (which might be considered guarding it by some). If those companies want to restrict certain access or control what goes on over their networks then it is their business.

The last thing we need is government intervention in the use of the Internet and we certainly do not need politicians controlling the Internet via kill switches or anything else.

I know that the Internet provides instant information (a lot of it wrong) and that does not bode well for people like Obama, Pelosi, Reid (and most other politicians) who like to say one thing at one event and a totally different thing at another. A hundred years ago communications were slow and these things were attributed to misquotes or miscommunication.

Today we have them in their own words and we can use those words against them. They do not like it one bit.

To control the people the government controls things like their health care and their communications.

What better way to get us closer to Socialism than to stifle messages they do not like. Remember, if government can decide how the Internet operates then it can decide what is on it and who can post to it. It can also decide who can access it.

Very dangerous indeed.

Pelosi is a moron.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Bush’s Fault Democrats Lost

With the lunatics in liberal land two things are certain. Every weather related item in the world is because of global warming and all the bad things that happen in politics are George Bush’s fault.

George Bush has been out of office for almost two years and has had very little public exposure except when he was out selling his book. The Democrats continue to use this man as a punching bag for every issue that is bad. The bad economy, his fault. The unemployment rate, his fault. Jesus nailed to the cross, his fault.

I just figure that somehow, in liberal land, that too had to be Bush’s fault.

Nanny Pelosi said that the reason Democrats lost in the last election is because of, wait for it, George Bush. According to Nanny, it was the policies of Bush and the compliant Republicans who caused all of this. The other implication is that the only reason Democrats lost is because of the economy.

The Democrats lost because of a number of things and the economy is one of them. It is important to note that Democrats were in charge of Congress, both chambers mind you, when things took a turn for the worse. The Democrat policies of allowing people to buy homes they could not possibly afford were continued and all warnings about the failure were met with Democrat resistance.

Fannie and Freddie were in bad shape and the Bush Administration pointed this out over a dozen times but calls to rein in these two were ignored by many Democrats who claimed they were strong and that nothing was wrong. The Democrats were completely responsible for all of this mess which caused the meltdown (despite what Democrats and their “economists” say when rewriting history).

The reality is, the last election was not George Bush’s fault. Even if we were to accept the blame as true it would not explain why the Democrats ignored the economy and jobs for nearly a year in order to ram the health care takeover bill through. The Democrats focused on those things they needed to ram through while they had the opportunity to destroy the country.

Obama and others acknowledged that they would likely suffer some losses in the midterm elections as a result of the agenda but that the losses would be acceptable in order to get the agenda items passed. It is always those in safe seats asking others to take risk.

The American people do not like the health care bill and they do not like the way in which it was passed. They do not like the out of control spending and they do not like the stimulus. Democrats went full steam ahead on those items and paid the price.

No matter where you sit on the political spectrum, this was not Bush’s fault.

And it was not Bush’s fault that Democrats had to address an economic downturn.

That happened on their watch and it happened as a result of their policies and their unwillingness to rein in their programs.

But this will not stop idiots like Nanny Pelosi from blaming Bush. Which should show just how out of touch she is.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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