The Only Thing Transparent Is Pelosi’s Lie

Nancy Pelosi is a liar. She is not making mistakes and her advanced age is not responsible for her untruths. She is just a flat out liar.

Recently, videos surfaced of a man named Jonathan Gruber of MIT (who was involved in the crafting of Obamacare) where he discusses the underhanded tactics used to get Obamacare passed and where he calls the public stupid. He basically confirms what the thinking among us knew and that is the Democrats deliberately lied in order to pass Obamacare and they banked on the stupidity (their perception) of Americans for it to happen.

Nancy Pelosi was asked about Gruber’s comments and she said she did not know him and that he was not involved in crafting the bill.


In 2009 Pelosi cited Gruber when talking about Obamacare. She also named him on the Speaker’s website.

So yes, she knows who he is.

As for him helping to craft it:

A 2012 article in the New York Times states:

After Mr. Gruber helped the administration put together the basic principles of the proposal, the White House lent him to Capitol Hill to help Congressional staff members draft the specifics of the legislation.

This would be the same Capitol Hill where Pelosi was Speaker of the House. She or her staff more than likely worked with the guy.

Regardless, she mentioned him by name and had his name on the Speaker’s website. How could she discuss his work and not know who he was?

She is lying because she is a lying sack of crap. She is a liberal progressive twit who believes that the end justifies the means.

Keep in mind that Gruber said that the lack of transparency allowed them to deceive the American public in order to get Obamacare passed and Pelosi proves that they are not above this approach by lying, or should I say not being transparent, about knowing him.

Then again, maybe she thought they were asking about Hans Gruber

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bad News On Hold Until After The Election

Obamacare is wonderful and it will cut your costs while allowing you to keep your plans and doctors.

That claim is the millstone hung around the necks of Democrats who rammed the albatross down our throats. They are being reminded of what they said, what they did and the actual outcome. Many of those Democrats are running away from Obama and their support of Obamacare.

The law is a bad one and it hurts people and our economy. The thing is so disliked that Obama had to grant waivers to his supporters so they would not suffer like everyone else. Obama illegally delayed portions of the law until after the November midterm elections in order to give his sock puppets a chance to win.

The premiums for next year are in and they are UP. Some states will see double digit increases which means a lot more money will come out of the pockets of those forced to buy insurance.

The premium amounts are only speculation at this time because Obama is withholding that information until after the midterm election. Those in the know claim there are rate hikes everywhere and they will be big in a number of places. Obama knows they are up and bad or he would release them NOW. If they were good (a modest increase) or better yet lower he would be screaming from the rooftops about how his grand scheme worked.

The fact that the numbers are being delayed means they are bad, really bad. They are so bad the Democrats are worried that releasing them prior to the election would sink the chances of many Democrats seeking reelection.

The self proclaimed most transparent administration in history is as clear as mud. The numbers, like all bad news, are being hidden. In this case the bad news is being hidden in order to influence the election.

Obamacare is bad. It should never have passed and it was passed ONLY by Democrats.

Do us all a favor and remove them from office.

Make them pay for making us pay…

The Washington Times

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Is Barney Frank A Racist?

I have to ask the question because he is doing the same thing that resulted in many conservatives being labeled as such. Conservatives have said that Barack Hussein Obama lied to us about Obamacare. He lied when he said it would save money, that it would result in lower premiums and that you could keep your doctor (or health plan) if you liked your doctor (or health plan).

None of these things Obama said would happen did and those who called him out on it have been labeled as racist.

Barney Frank was a big cheerleader for Obamacare and he helped shove this monstrosity down the collective throats of Americans. Now he is saying that Obama lied to the people and implied that those who supported the lies knew they were doing so. His reference was specifically to the keep your health plan claim.

“I don’t understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis. But, frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it. That wasn’t true. And you shouldn’t lie to people. And they just lied to people.” Chicks on the Right

In order for someone to lie that person has to know what he is saying is not true and there has to be an intent to deceive. Otherwise one is only guilty of being incorrect. In other words, if Obama were not lying he would be able to say that he did not know these things would turn out differently. Since Frank is telling us that THAT wasn’t true (past tense indicates it was known not to be true) and THEY (more than just Obama) just lied to people it is obvious from the context the real facts were known and were lied about.

This has been discussed in more detail in the past and it has been pointed out with more specific words that they knew it was not true while still telling the lie (kind of like a video caused Benghazi).

It is amazing to me that Frank is admitting this but since he is no longer in office he really has nothing to worry about. He can fess up and tell us the truth which is a miracle in and of itself.

Frank was a big supporter of Obamacare and he helped push it through so the only real issue I have with his epiphany is that he used the word THEY instead of WE.

You see, Frank was part of Congress and he knew the lie. He still pushed it on us so a more accurate version of what he said would be.

…And you shouldn’t lie to people. And WE just lied to people (just meaning simply and not in the immediate past).

All Democrats voted for this. Those who are still in Congress should be voted out of office this November. They forced us into something the majority did not want and they lied to us in the process.

They were not there for us so we should not be there for them.

One other thing. The idea of rationed care was part of the debate and the Democrats assured us this would not happen. They claimed we would have choices and that everything would be OK. We could all get doctors and care would not be rationed.

Those with Obamacare have limited choices to begin with and it looks like they will be worse off soon. Many doctors have begun to refuse Obamacare patients because the payment for services is too low. In other words, there will be too many patients and too few doctors willing to see them for Obamacare reimbursement. That means their care will be rationed.

The good news is those not on Obamacare will not have to wait as long to get appointments…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Remarkably Healthy? And They Run Health Care…

The Department of Health and Human Services (the agency that is lead on Obamacare) says that the children illegally entering our country under Obama’s manufactured crisis are remarkably healthy.

These kids are bringing in lice, scabies, chicken pox, and who knows how many other diseases and HHS says they are remarkably healthy.

As I warned, there is another dimension that threatens the US and that is drug resistant tuberculosis. The illegals are bringing TB into the country and it is spreading among the close quartered population. These people are being transported all over the country and the diseases they carry are going along for the ride.

This puts unsuspecting Americans at risk as the sick people spread across the nation and infect people everywhere they go.

Nurses are reporting TB cases even as others downplay it and say it is not as bad as the nurses claim. Given the secrecy, lies, and gag orders as well as threats of arrest for speaking out I think the nurses are a more credible source of information.

As you see the reports and the denials from the HHS keep in mind that the HHS denied there were any cases of scabies…

This is the same agency that is responsible for implementing Obamacare.

Does it make you feel safer knowing that the agency in charge of your health care is denying that there are very sick children crossing our borders?

Does it make you feel any better knowing that HHS is allowing these sick people to be filtered into our general population?

When push comes to shove the HHS is a government agency that cares not one iota about your health or the care you receive.

Unless it is for abortifacients. Then it goes balls to the walls…

Be prepared America because the epidemics are one the way.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hobby Lobby Ruling Escalates Liberal Lies

The Supreme Court ruled that private corporations who have religious objections to certain types of reproductive medications cannot be compelled to provide them. The liberal left has its collective panties in a wad over this and it has been out in full force lying about the decision.

The left claims that the ruling means women will be denied birth control. Let us look at this claim.

First of all, the Hobby Lobby ruling did not deny women access to any drug. The ruling only determined who had to pay for it. In other words, the Court did not deny women access to any medication and only stated that if they wanted those medications they had to pay for them with their own money.

Second of all, the ruling only concerned a certain class of reproductive medications. It dealt specifically with those medications that induce abortion and can terminate life.

In fact, Hobby Lobby provides 16 of the 20 reproductive drugs required under the Obamacare Law. Given that fact it is disingenuous to claim that this ruling denies birth control to women. The company involved does not deny birth control to women it only refuses to pay for drugs that induce abortions. Hobby Lobby provides the contraceptives but not the abortifacients. You see, a contraceptive, by definition, is a drug that prevents pregnancy. Once a pregnancy occurs any drug taken to end it is not a contraceptive, period.

But the left keeps harping on this subject as some kind of attack on women. Hobby Lobby pays a minimum wage that is nearly twice the federal minimum wage and offers great benefits which includes health care plans that cover 16 contraceptives ranging from condoms to hormones to implants.

It just will not cover the abortifacients. Women however, are still free to use those drugs so long as they pay for them with their own money.

And that is all the ruling says.

That, of course, is not good enough for liberals who believe that everything should be provided for everyone. With regard to reproductive medication liberals believe that anything a woman wants to use must be paid for by the employer or the government. We must, according to them, stay out of their wombs and mind our own business but at the same time they want others to pay for their medications.

My good friend Kender McGowan made a great point. Given the liberal position on providing a woman with whatever birth control she wants and also paying for that control Kender asks; if a woman decides to keep her clothes on as her form of birth control does her employer have to pay for her wardrobe?

A great point indeed.

The SCOTUS ruled correctly when it ruled that a privately owned corporation could not be forced to violate its religious beliefs. Birth control is NOT a right. Freedom of religion is.

To make matters worse the liberals are arguing that women must get birth control (something that is NOT required to live) while ignoring the lack of medical treatment and life saving medications our veterans deserve.

While liberals argue for free reproductive medications veterans are dying while waiting for care that is actually life saving.

And unlike reproductive medication, the care veterans deserve is care they actually earned.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
