Chris Dumb As A Rock

There is this comedian named Chris Rock. Perhaps you have heard of him. He is a black fellow who rants about white people and some think that is funny. I don’t think he is very funny though some of the things he says are humorous. The bottom line is that 90% of his schtick is a rant about how white people have it great and the poor black guy blah blah.

Only in America, where we have elected the first half black president, could a black comedian who makes millions of dollars cry about how bad the brothers have it. I mean, if it is that bad why doesn’t Rock part with some of his money and help a brother out?

In any event, Dumb as a Rock joined in with a bunch of America haters to ridicule the Fourth of July. There are various tweets about how America sucks and how it is a bad nation and how this and that, you know typical liberal blame America stuff. The kind of stuff you would hear Obama say when he apologizes for this nation.

Many of the tweets were about the nation celebrating independence when blacks were slaves and not independent at the time the Declaration was signed (not all blacks were slaves so some were free but the tweeters failed to make that distinction).

Rock joined the chorus with this tweet:

Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks

I am going to help Dumb as a Rock out here. White people were free before Independence Day. White people were free and some blacks were free while others were brought here by other blacks and sold as slaves.

The American Independence had nothing to do with any individual being free, it had to do with our NATION leaving British rule. Yes Chris, the country was unhappy with how King George was doing things so we told him that our country wished to sever our ties and become a separate and distinct nation with our own rule. The whole thing had absolutely nothing to do with one class of people or another being free because white people were already free.

I am sick and tired of people whining about slavery. It was a bad thing and I can’t understand why any person would own another human being but that was the custom of the time and no matter how we feel about it now there is nothing we can do to change the past. Every person who was held as a slave in this country has long ago died and every slave owner has died as well.

There are no more slaves or slave owners except, of course, the minorities owned by the Democrats. Those folks are kept on the liberal plantation and told how to live their lives. But in that case they entered slavery willingly.

This is the year 2012. We have black members of Congress, a black man on the Supreme Court and a half black guy in the White House. There are black entertainers, sports figures and businessmen and they make good money and contribute to society. There are plenty more hard working blue collar black folks who are free to live life as they wish. This is all good and it is high time we stopped with all the howling over slavery. It happened, it ended and it was a long time ago. Let’s move on or as Obama might say, move forward [comrades].

Interestingly enough, the very people who bemoan slavery and white America are the same people who are the most evil racists. Look at how people of all colors on the left treated Herman Cain. Look how they treated Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas.

Celebrate Independence that we got as a nation and celebrate the freedom that comes from those brave white guys who Rock and the other morons so easily dismiss. Or, don’t celebrate if you don’t want to. The evil white guys ensured you were free to do that as well.

I know that the things that happened when we achieved Independence gave us a recognition that we have a right to free speech. Those very white guys Rock hates so much left a gift that he uses to bash the very people who provided it. In other nations Rock would be put to death for his words. Here in America he can say them and some folks can agree with him and others can disagree. I am exercising the same right to tell you what a moron Chris Rock is.

Yes Chris, slavery was a bad thing and it was a horrible way to treat human beings. But look on the bright side Chris. You never had to go through it but because some black folks in Africa captured other black folks and sold them to America your ancestors arrived here and you were created long after slavery ended.

If they had never been brought here you might have been born in Africa.

Then maybe you could have lived in a shack next to Obama’s brother.

The conversation is here at Twitchy

[note]Here is my tweet for Rock:

Hey Chris. I don’t like what you said but will fight to my death defending your right to say it.[/note]

Hell Chris, if you don’t like it here there are plenty of places you can go to. I promise I won’t miss you.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Behar Displays Progressive Civility

Josephina Victoria Occhiuto, better known as Joy Behar, a nearly 70 year old harpy who has had several failed TV talk shows (and is engaging in a soon to be failed talk show on Al Gore’s network), is an unhappy progressive who wishes ill on those with whom she disagrees. She was interviewed by Mediaite recently and she had some very disturbing things to say.

Behar was asked what she would ask Mitt Romney (I assume the question was hypothetical should she be able to interview him on her soon to fail show) and she basically said she would ask about his flip flopping. She also indicated that she would ask if he intended to endorse the Paul Ryan budget which Behar said would be bad.

Keep in mind, Ryan and Republicans are the only people working on budgets as the Democrat controlled Senate has failed to deliver a budget for about 1100 days.

In any event, the progressive Behar got around to saying Romney was making fun of Barack Obama for wanting to hire more firemen, policemen and teachers. The remark refers to Romney asking if Obama got the message from Wisconsin that people wanted less government. That led Behar to claim the statement was idiotic.

Let’s clear a few things up. Except for federal police officers and firefighters (and teachers who teach for the federal government) all these occupations are hired at the local level. These public servants are hired at the state level or lower (county, city, etc) so the federal government is not involved in that process. The only thing that the feds have done is infuse federal taxpayer dollars into states so they could pay for the out of control benefits to these union employees and the retirees of those unions.

[note]Most firefighters in this country are volunteers[/note]

The whole issue is designed to play on emotions. States and localities do not cut essential services like police and fire first. If they cut at all they make the cuts in all kinds of other places first because these entities represent large blocks of union (read Democrat) voters. This is the main reason Democrats want to send them money.

Personally, I think if a jurisdiction can’t run its budget correctly then it needs new leadership and it needs to find ways to live within its means regardless of what has to be CUT.

Behar was not done though. She demonstrated the great civility of the left by proclaiming that she would like to see Romney’s house burn down. Then she disparaged his religion by asking who he would call, the Mormon fire patrol.

Just imagine if a conservative had asked about a Jewish politician if he was going to call the Jew fire patrol. Imagine if that same conservative had asked about a Muslim politician if he was going to call the Muslim fire patrol…

I think we all know where that would go.

Then again it is not conservatives who are playing class warfare and dividing Americans by wealth, sex and religion.

That comes from the bigots on the left.

Behar is a tired old lady who runs her mouth without the assistance of brain cells that have long since been depleted by a lack of oxygen because of where she keeps her head. She does not engage in intelligent conversation and she rarely makes sense because she defends things that are indefensible, chiefly progressivism. It is a shame because she is well educated. The shame is that she wasted the education on lunacy.

She will fail once again as a talk show host but I doubt that will keep her from running her mouth.

One thing I think she could be successful at is using her picture to cure that erection that lasts for four hours associated with some erectile dysfunction drugs.

Talking Heads, just for Joy

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Pelosi Gets Dumber Each And Every Day

Did you know that extending unemployment benefits will create jobs? Nancy Pelosi says that extending them would create 600,000 jobs!

“The unemployment insurance extension is not only good for individuals. It has a macroeconomic impact. As macroeconomic advisers have stated, it would make a difference of 600,000 jobs to our economy,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said at a briefing on Capitol Hill Real Clear Politics

How will paying people NOT to work create jobs? How will extending the time people can sit home and draw unemployment suddenly create in them a desire to get up and get a job?

How can taking taxpayer money (money we do not have) and paying it to people who are not working create more jobs? The only jobs I see possibly coming out of this are government jobs for people to handle the unemployment claims. Those jobs, if they were created, would cost more taxpayer money we do not have and would certainly NOT get anywhere close to 600,000.

No Nancy, extending unemployment will NOT create any jobs. Not one, not ten, not 600,000. If extending unemployment created that many jobs we would have no unemployment because we have extended those benefits out to more than two years. Those past extensions did NOT create jobs and any new extension will fail just as miserably.

This is typical liberal thinking (though the term thinking is a stretch) and it shows, once again, that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Live From DC, It’s Al Franken

Weird Al Franken, the “what were they thinking” Senator from Minnesota was on the floor to discuss the current debt ceiling debate and he had a few charts that were rather disturbing. He borrowed the first chart from the set Obama placed on the southern border. The chart read; Welcome Terrorists. Then he went on to explain that members of the GOP were briefed about what would happen if the debt ceiling was not raised. He showed how much money there was and where it would go and what would not be paid.

Franken listed the following as being paid (all numbers in billions); Service debt-29.0, Social Security-49.2, Medicare/Medicaid-50.0, Defense Vendors-31.7, and Unemployment 12.8.

The next chart shows what would not be paid and it includes Military pay and Veteran’s benefits for a combined 5.8 billion dollars. There are other agencies listed as well including the Department of justice at 1.4 billion dollars.

Franken is trying to scare people into believing that we will invite terrorists in because the military and the DOJ will not be funded. What he is actually pointing out is that Franken (and by extension, his Democrat buddies) would rather pay unemployment benefits to people who are not producing anything (regardless of why they are out of work) and not pay the active military and veterans. He would also rather pay the unemployed than pay the Department of Justice.

So tell me, under this scheme, who is actually inviting the terrorists into the country.

The idea that those who are sitting at home doing nothing would be paid while the men and women who defend this country would not makes my skin boil and the fact that Franken has prioritized it this way is enough to earn him a well deserved butt kicking. They should take him and anyone who tries to implement something like this out back of the Capitol and hang them for treason. I am sure we can make the case they are giving material aid and comfort to our enemies. Welcoming terrorists is an act of treason and if not raising the debt ceiling would invite terrorists then it is Franken and his ilk who would be sending the invitations.

I don’t even think the vendors should be on the list. They get paid when the issue is settled. If they want they can charge interest for carrying the debt load. Or perhaps it would be a good time to review our contracts and eliminate those that are not actually needed.

No matter what, the military should not go without pay. How dare this half baked moron even suggest that the unemployed should keep getting unemployment checks while our brave men and women go without.

This is a scare tactic and it shows that Democrats are either not serious about the issue, don’t understand the issue or actually hate the military.

I bet it is all three.

I wonder what would happen if all those men and women showed up with their weaponry and demanded their paychecks.

I also wonder if Franken includes members of Congress in the federal employees who do not get paid. No member of Congress should ever get paid before a member of the military.

And neither should the unemployed (and if we are lucky most of Congress will be unemployed in 2012).

But if Franken and his colleagues insist on this scheme then we can take the 15 million or so people drawing unemployment and ship them to the borders to keep the terrorists out. We can also send half a million of them to the Middle East and bring our troops home.

Al Franken is an absolute moron who couldn’t pour urine out of a boot if the directions were written on the bottom.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Yeah, Bush Was Treated With Kid Gloves…

A Democrat in Congress is claiming that Obama is being treated badly in the debt ceiling issue because he is black. Yep, a shocker that a Democrat has thrown the race card once again. Shelia Jackson Lee, a black Congresswoman, is all about stirring up the race pot by insisting that Obama is being treated differently than any other president and there is only one difference, he is black.

“I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president — only this one, only this one — has received the kind of attacks and disagreement and inability to work, only this one,” said Jackson Lee from the House floor.

“Read between the lines,” she continued. “What is different about this president that should put him in a position that he should not receive the same kind of respectful treatment of when it is necessary to raise the debt limit in order to pay our bills, something required by both statute and the 14th amendment?” The Hill

I guess this moron was in a coma during the eight years George Bush was president. Bush was maligned by everyone including Lee. Can we conclude that she treated him this way because he is white? There is more than one difference between Obama and those who came before him. Those men were trying to solve the nation’s problems while Obama is adding to them. He is inexperienced and carries an air of entitlement even though he had accomplished little prior to being immaculated.

Yes Ms. Lee, the debt ceiling has been raised scores of times in the past. This begs the question; why even have a debt ceiling in the first place? If you morons are not going to honor the limit then why even have it? It is in place to keep you people (members of Congress for the intellectually challenged race baiters) from spending us into poverty. Looks like it might be a bit too late because the ceiling has been raised and never lowered.

As an aside, the 14th Amendment states legal debt authorized by law shall not be questioned. We do not have to raise the debt limit to pay our obligations on borrowed money. It is simply not an issue here.

Yes, you can claim that people oppose the raising of the debt limit because Obama is black but before you hold firm to that claim perhaps it would be helpful if you are reintroduced to the words of then Senator Obama when Bush wanted to raise the debt ceiling:

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling and rightly stated that we are saddling future generations with debt. That is just as true today as it was when the high and mighty Obama voted against raising the limit. And it is just as true today that the fact we are discussing this issue is a sign of leadership failure.

Obama has failed to lead and this is by his own standard.

So before Ms. Lee gets her granny panties in a wad she should revisit what her messiah Obama said in 2006. Perhaps she would do well to actually have facts and ensure her brain is working before she opens her mouth.

But then again, if she did that she would not be able to throw out the race card and that is the trump card for Democrats.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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