What Are Our Leaders Smoking?

The United States is basically bankrupt. We have trillions in debt (real debt, not the phony debt they push) and we have just vowed to spend a trillion dollars we do not have. Hillary Clinton is in China begging the Chinese to buy more of our worthless bonds so we will have money to pay our bills and every time one turns around the government is coming up with some new multi million or billion dollar plan to bailout someone or fix some perceived crisis. One would think that the last thing we would do is spend our money in other countries, especially countries where the people do not like us.

The United States has pledged to spend 900 million dollars to help rebuild Gaza after it was destroyed when Israel defended itself from terrorists shooting rockets. Why are we spending more money we do not have to rebuild a place that has no desire to live in the modern world? Why are we spending money on people who hate us and who routinely demonstrate while shouting “Death to America?” Have we lost our minds?

All I want to know is what kind of drugs the people running this country are smoking.

If Gaza needs to be repaired (and the destruction might actually be a step up) then let Saudia Arabia, Iran, Syria, and all the other Jew hating countries pony up the cash for it. We should not be spending money on them for any reason whatsoever and we definitely should not be giving the money to the UN to distribute. This money will end up in the hands of Hamas and be used to buy weapons.

Even if unbiased observers watched them use the money to do really nice things it still would not be justified. The people there hate us and spending our money on them is absolutely moronic.

If our politicians are not required to take drug tests now would be a great time to start such a program. Only people stoned out of their minds could come up with such a plan.

*This plan requires Congressional approval.

Big Dog

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Out Of Touch RINO; It is Not Your Money

The problem with the Republican party is not that it has too many low brow Christians as claimed by Kathleen Parker . The problem is that the Republican party has too many people in it who are Republicans In Name Only (RINO). These are the people who are registered as Republicans and say they are conservative but then support issues that are not in any way, shape, or form, conservative. This is true especially true for elected Republicans.

The left and its propaganda wing in the media would have us believe that the last election shows that conservatism is dying but this is a mistaken belief based on a false assumption. They say conservatism is dying because McCain lost but McCain is no conservative. If the party had run a true conservative Obama would be in the Senate trying to bail out the auto makers instead of killing business in Chicago.

The problem with RINOs is that they have most of the beliefs of liberals but they are registered and elected as Republicans. Case in point is Republican Representative Joe Knollenberg of Michigan. He has this misguided belief that the money the government has actually belongs to the government. While discussing the bailout of the auto industry with Neil Cavuto this RINO said that the money belongs to Congress and they will do with it what they want.

I have stated this before but it is worth mentioning again. Government does not earn money, it does not have its “own” money and the only way it gets any money is to forcefully take it from the people who actually earn it. The money in question (in fact, all the money) belongs to the US taxpayer and not to the Congress or any other government entity. The people who earn that money expect the people they elect to be good stewards of that money and to spend it wisely and in accordance with the Constitution. Knollenberg is the type of Republican that needs to be removed from office. We need to get rid of all of them who think like liberals. We might suffer in the short term with larger Democratic majorities but in the long run it will be best for the party and the country.

Knollenberg naturally wants to help the auto industry because he is from Michigan and he is entitled to have the opinion that we need to help them. However, he needs to remember that the money he is talking about also belongs to people from the other 49 states and they have a right to say how it is spent.

I believe that the auto makers should file for bankruptcy and let the chips fall where they might. The companies have been poorly run and hijacked by union thugs. They put out inferior products that people do not want and now they want the people to foot the bill for their ineptitude.

If the federal government spends OUR money bailing out the auto industry then it will set a precedent that allows other industries that make bad decisions to run to DC with their hands out. Government does not belong in the private sector.

If the government spends our money on the people who flew corporate jets to DC to beg for cash then I will NEVER buy another product made by any of the recipients of the extortion scheme. I urge all readers to consider this as well. If they get our money then you should consider one of their competitors when it comes time to replace your vehicle. Why reward their incompetence. If they get the money then we can use the power of our purse to put them out of business.

It might seem harsh and it will suck for the employees but the time for playing games is over. Let the market handle things and if they cannot compete then they will be forced to change or they will disappear.


Line 1: Amount you earned last year ______________
Line 2: Send the amount on line 1 to the government.

Big Dog

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Clinton Campaign is Off Balance

The pundits are puzzled and the Clinton campaign is shocked that they are now the underdog in the Democratic primary race. Double digit (huge margin) losses, lagging in the delegate count and short on cash is not the way the campaign planned on spending the latter part of February but that is the situation that faces the once unstoppable Hillary Clinton. In a nutshell, Hillary believed the hype and did not plan past the Super Tuesday primaries.

Hillary Clinton entered the race for the presidency over a year ago just after young upstart Barack Obama. Instantly, she was the front runner and she was believed to be the inevitable winner. Hillary had it all; name recognition, a vast wealthy donor base, early Super Delegate support, and the power of a former president in her camp. Certainly she would win the nomination early and then get prepared to take on the Republican machine.

That thinking might very well cost her the nomination because by buying into the inevitability, Clinton failed to plan past Super Tuesday. She counted on early wins to build her momentum going into the February primaries and figured on delivering a knock-out blow by capturing the nomination. Her opponent had other ideas and set up offices in early states as well as those whose primaries were after Super Tuesday. His victory in Iowa shocked the Clinton camp and with the prospect of a double digit loss in New Hampshire looming large, things did not look good. She righted the ship in NH but was unable to build on that victory as one tactical misstep after another beset he campaign.

Instead of planning ahead the Clintons stuck to the idea that they would win it all on the big day. When things started to go poorly, they decided to go on the attack. Her campaign played the gender card while her husband’s rhetoric got out of hand and led to accusations of racial overtones. This is trademark Clinton but this time they did not have the MSM in their pockets and they were stunned by the response. All was not looking well for the campaign and it became obvious that the nomination would not be decided on Super Tuesday. The problem by that time was money. While she was spending like a drunken sailer on shore leave in the early states, her opponent was seeking small donations from all over the country. Clintons big name supporters had donated the maximum amount and she did not have as strong a mechanism in place to bring in smaller donations, as did her opponent. Perhaps she was being overly cautious after the Norman Hsu incident

Clinton ended up lending her own money to the campaign, a disclosure made after the Super Tuesday primaries. If it had been made any earlier, she would have been toast. Since there was little time to campaign in states that followed and since she had failed to plan for active campaigning after the big day, she was overwhelmed by Mr. Obama who planned very early on. He has won eight states since Super Tuesday while she has looked ahead to Texas and Ohio as a firewall to prevent further losses. She is taking in more money now but it might be too little, too late.

Hillary Clinton bought into the hype that she would have a cakewalk to the nomination and now she is very close to watching the nominee from the sideline. She criticized the Bush administration for failing to have a long range plan in Iraq, and yet she demonstrated the same failure in her campaign. The question now becomes, do we want a person who spends carelessly and gets minimal results running this country? Do we want a president who fails to plan for the future? This has been a big criticism of George Bush with regard to the war so will Democrats apply that standard to Hillary and move toward Barack Obama?

I do not agree with Mr. Obama’s positions on anything and I believe his claim not to support the war is irrelevant because he was not in the Senate at the time so there is no way to tell how he would have voted (especially since the vote was viewed as needed to get weapon’s inspectors back in Iraq). And while he offers a message of hope and change his speeches are long on lilt and short on substance. He talks a good game without telling anyone what he will do or how he will do it.

Regardless, people like to listen to him and the one thing he has going is that he was forward looking enough to plan well past Super Tuesday. He never bought into the hype that Hillary was the inevitable victor and he planned to fight to the end. In the short term, that strategy has paid off and in the long run it might be the single biggest factor, should he become the nominee.

Should he become President, I don’t think he will be a good one but at least he has shown that he has better planning skills than someone who claims to have 35 years of experience.

Perhaps she should have spent more time planning for the primary and less time being fitted for the crown.

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New York Times

Big Dog

Ron Paul is Still Hanging in There

Ron Paul is still hanging around and has done better in the last few primaries than Rudy Giuliani. The Michigan primary was yesterday and it was won by Mitt Romney (no surprise and not because of Kos). Ron Paul placed ahead of Rudy and Fred Thompson, two candidates who do not get excluded from debates. It also appears that Paul has plenty of money coming in while Rudy’s folks are going without pay this month. Rudy’s plan is to wait until Florida and the others are now trying to compete in the South. Dr. Paul seems to be plodding along and about the time Super Tuesday comes he might be in the best shape.

Romney was one loss away from being out, Huckabee and Thompson need to do well in the South and McCain might not win another state. By the time they get to Florida it will be important to have plenty of money for ads because no candidate can afford to run ads in all the states on February 5th and it is physically impossible for them to be in all of them. Florida is the last big showdown before the stuff hits the fan and Paul might end up in the best position.

If Fred loses SC he is probably out or soon will be. Same with Huckabee and Romney cannot afford many more loses or he is through. Right now it seems to be a race of staying power to see which one can afford to keep going. If the ones who are left make it to Florida and have little money for the blitz, Ron Paul just might sneak in and win.

He is still a long shot and there are still folks who don’t get him but he is the one who believes in reducing spending, reducing our presence around the world and fixing our monetary system.

Ron Paul gives the impression of being the tortoise running against the hares in the Republican Party. When the race is over he might just be the one to end up across the finish line.

I just wish he did not look (and act) like a grumpy old man.

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LA Times

Big Dog