Buddy Can You Spare A Trillion?

Barack Obama went to Congress with hat in hand and asked for another trillion dollars of debt. He wants the debt ceiling raised another trillion dollars so he can borrow and spend more. This will likely be done because Congress can do nothing to stop it.

Under the deal struck last year, Obama can ask for the increase and unless Congress votes not to allow it then it will happen. Since the Democrats control the Senate they will likely not vote to stop it and if they do (it is an election year) Obama can veto them and there are not enough votes to override the veto.

Obama and his policies have given us the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression and he is on track to borrow more than all the presidents from Washington to Clinton combined!

According to the Washington Post, Obama formally notified Congress on 12 January that he will raise the debt ceiling by 1.2 trillion dollars. The Congress has 15 days to say no or it will automatically happen. The House does not return until the 17th and the Senate the 23rd. So Congress will have very few days to actually work on this. This also brings up an off topic question.

Obama’s justice Department sided with him on his recess appointments saying that Obama is unable to communicate with the Senate because it is not in session. He, according to Justice, was able to make recess appointments because he can’t communicate with the Senate because they are not there. How is it then, he is able to communicate with Congress regarding his desire to raise the debt ceiling? How can he formally notify them of his desire to raise the debt and then claim he can’t formally notify them of nominations because they are not there?

OK, back on target. I think Obama will raise the ceiling because the cowards in Congress set it up so they do not have to deal with it. They can claim they never raised the ceiling even if they make a show of trying to stop it. They gave up their power on this issue just as they have done with many other powers they have.

I think that Obama is going to have a hard time convincing people that we need to keep borrowing to get out of debt. Borrowing money to put it into the economy does not stimulate anything and makes as much sense as taking water from the deep end of a pool and putting it in the shallow end and claiming that the shallow end is getting deeper while the deep end is getting shallower.

It simply does not work.

But it is an election year and Obama needs more seed money to pay off his base.

We need a do over on government. We need to get rid of them all and start over with the fresh minds of people who have not been corrupted by their position in office.

November is our revolution.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bankrupt Cities

So, the city of Central Falls, RI, says that they cannot continue to exist because they simply cannot afford to. They need to merge with a larger city AND receive state help (cash), or they will collapse fiscally.

Oh, and the state already took over their school system and gave the city $604 million in the past 2 decades. The city says they need $2.1 million immediately from the state. Oh, and the city has a $48 million unfunded pile o cash that they owe to government employees. Oh, and another $36 million they owe in government employee health care payouts.

The city has only 19,000 subjects and owes $80 million that they don’t have. In case you’re interested, that’s over $4,000 for every man, woman, and child in the city, that they owe right now, not including ANY current obligations or to keep the city running. Quick: what’s the solution?

Of course, it’s make other taxpayers give them money. The state, the feds, other cities, whatever. Just take the money and give it to them because they want it.

The other solution, a nice, freedom-based solution, would be to let the city go bankrupt. And I don’t mean one of these halfway bankruptcies, where they continue to exist and just don’t pay back loans and that stuff. Let the city cease to exist. Other than government employees, do you think anyone would notice? I bet not.

Of course, if the city did just disband, opportunities would abound. People could start up schools without government interference (well, maybe not, because of state laws). People could create businesses to do the things the city was doing (like trash collection) at a lower rate (well, it is a union state, so they might not be allowed to). Arrests would likely go down because police would not be spending all their time trying to raise revenue for the failing city.

In the end, if a city should cease to exist, I think most non-government employees honestly would not care and would, in fact, be MUCH better off than being forced to continue to support a failed system. Sadly, in America today, a country based on government control and power, that will never happen. Instead, tax rates will be raised and other people will be forced to pay to continue the pointless city of Central Falls. Why? Because government employees will continue to use force to rationalize (and pay for) their own existence.


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Money; That’s What I Want

Movie Trailer for I Want Your Money. This contrasts Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama and different versions of America, one involving freedom and one involving being shackled to the government.

Here are other money related items for your enjoyment.

Money, That’s What I Want (Politician’s Theme Song)

Money (Wall Street Theme Song)

Money For Nothing (Welfare Theme Song with the Bill Clinton Verse ‘Chicks for free’)

Big Dog salute to DEG.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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BP In Tune With The Democrats

The common perception among those on the left is that the Republican party is the party of the rich companies and that all those companies contribute to Republicans while poor Democrats must scrape money together so they can take care of the downtrodden.

The reality is that the Democrats are the ones who reap big benefits from the rich companies. This is not to say that Republicans do not get donations from those companies but Democrats, by and large, reap benefits from the very companies they then pretend to admonish.

The Wall Street crowd is in the pockets of Democrats. Goldman Sachs donated tons of money to Obama and his Democrats and a number of former Goldman employees now roost in the Obama regime. Obama and the Democrats tout reform of Wall Street and talk about putting the screws to the financial world but the regulations will benefit the big companies, those that donate to Democrats.

BP is in the news because of the Gulf oil leak and Obama and his regime are going after them, keeping their boots on the BP throats as it were. But BP has been a big supporter of Obama and the Democrats. BP donated a lot of money to them and that company has been on board with many of the items on the Obama agenda.

While BP has resisted some government interventions, it has lobbied for tax hikes, greenhouse gas restraints, the stimulus bill, the Wall Street bailout, and subsidies for oil pipelines, solar panels, natural gas and biofuels. Washington Examiner

BP has been on board for all of this and it lobbies the government for things that will benefit the company. Since it is on board with these items it is reasonable to assume that they will benefit the company.

BP is currently the whipping boy for the Obama regime and that might help Obama with his street creds but when the time comes he will have his hand out looking for BP money. When the time comes Obama will be looking for BP support for more of his agenda.

Obama has been slow to respond to the mess in the Gulf and his base is starting to see how he lacks the experience and leadership to handle a crisis and this has frustrated him. This is why he has ratcheted up his rhetoric and is looking for some “ass to kick.”

Don’t be fooled by these people. They are in the pockets of big and powerful companies and they are beholden to those who have helped them achieve power.

They can talk about how they are looking out for the little guy but little guys do not have the money required to get an audience with Obama and his Democrats.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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What Happens When The Money Goes Away?

School systems are in for a rude awakening as stimulus funds, money they used to meet budget shortfalls, dry up. School systems that were not fiscally responsible and who relied on stimulus funds will be in bad shape once those funds are no longer available.

If those funds came with strings requiring states to keep that level of funding then the budget issue will be that much worse. Strings were attached to many items as a condition for getting stimulus money so there is no reason to believe that this is not the case.

School districts have already suffered big budget cuts since the recession began two years ago, but experts say the cash crunch will get a lot worse as states run out of stimulus dollars. My Way News

School systems are not the only ones. Any program that took the money and used it to fill a budget gap will be hit hard when the funds are gone. Sadly, this is not what stimulus money was intended for as we were told it would be used to create jobs. None of this creates jobs and might lead to job losses once the funds are gone.

The government uses money like a drug pusher uses heroin. They give it to states and then once the states are hooked they will do anything to keep that money. Then, the feds can threaten to cut off funds in order to extort states into doing what they [the feds] desire. Want a lower speed limit or lower blood alcohol level for DWI then threaten to withhold highway funds. It is a drug that keeps the states in line, following the orders from Washington.

It is time for states to go into rehab and break the addiction to federal government. It is also time we kept our money in our states and had limited taxes (preferably NOT on income) to run a limited government.

Big Dog


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